What good movies you seen lately?

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
So last night I watched Spiderman II and Dodgeball.

I dont really watch many movies and almost NEVER go to movies, so what ones should I look for next time I head to the video store?

I thought Spidy 2 was pretty good and Dodgeball had me ROTFALMFAO! That character that Stiller played was awesome, however, the car wash seen was amongst my favorite.......

I watched Fellowship of the Ring a few nights ago (for the 4th time) and loved it as much as ever. Man, that is probably my favorite movie trilogy of all time. I've read all the books 3 times though too, first time about 18 years ago.

It is a beautiful day in Montana today, I'm going outside!
National Treasure was pretty good.

Troy was pretty awesome; sorta like Braveheart but not as good IMO.

If you like suspense thrillers, Taking Lives is good. Depending on how young the kids are you may want to wait until their in bed as there's a real steamy scene with Angelina Jolie!!! hump

For funny I lik Old School! Frank the Tank!
Last night I saw Christmas with the Kranks...the new Tim Allen movie, it was pretty good. In my opinion I wouldn't go see it in the theater but definately rent it then buy it. I also saw The Grudge awhile ago. It was pretty good but the ending kinda sucked.
Quick Draw
The last one I saw was "Shall We Dance?" with Jennifer Lopez, Richard Gere and Susan Surandon. I thought it was a really good movie and my boyfriend kind of liked it too.The new Blue Colar Comedy Tour is extremely funny, at least the two scenes I saw were!!! That is about all I have seen lately!!

I went to go see "Polar Express" recently. Thing is, I went to see it in IMAX. Apparently I am one of those few people for whom IMAX is a very bad thing. I had to keep my eyes closed through 3/4 of the movie to keep from ralphing all over the place (didn't want to ruin it for the kids).

The first little chunk of the movie was excellent though. :rolleyes:
OH man, that sucks Mo! I should take the girls to go see that, is it cool for a 5 year old and 3 year old?

Old Schooll is an instant classic! Loved it, couldn't stop laughing! Reminded me way too much of college!

Dodgeball had several previews, of which I cant remember right now, but some looked absolutely hilarious.

I'm sure "Meet the Fokkers" will be awesome too.

No more "Lord of the Rings" fans?
Return of the King was the best!!

I also like the Incredibles. We only get out to the theater about once or twice a year with the little shaver in tow..........
I am on old Rings junkie. Read the books the first time in 1968 and have the leather bound. First time I have seen great books turned into great movies. Wife thinks it's just a bunch of dwarves but I find a lot of WWII comparisons on good and evil and humanity in general. Wife rented Stepford whatever and I watched about 20 minutes then went in the garage to respool my reels.
Horn, my kids are 8 and 10 and they loved it. I even thought the special effects were awesome at first, I just get bad vertigo. They have the film in non-IMAX theaters as well anyway, but the IMAX is cool.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy was spectacular. My birthday is Xmas Eve, and for the last three years we went to see those films to celebrate. I never read the books, but was very impressed with the movies. This year my selection of movies is looking a little bleak in comparison.
My GF and I took her son who is 7 to see Polar Express a few weeks ago and I much more enjoyd it than the Kranks.

Cant wait to go see National Treasure.

Taking lives just went to the top of my list.

Rented Elf this weekend and thought it was very good, watched it twice with my daughter LOL. Also rented my all time favorite Christmas movie. I couldnt beleive the video store in lil podunk WYO had it. Emmitt Otter's Jug Band Christmas. I watched that movie time and time again when I was little and after probably 20 years I still could remember the words to the songs. It just went to the top of the DVD's to buy list.

I am also a huge Rings trilogy fan. Since Star Wars is no longer a trilogy, The Rings is deffinatly my favorite. I save them for when I am home sick or just plain wanting to be fat and lazy and will watch all three all day long.
I am waiting for the extended version of ROTK, 50 xtra minutes will be cool.

I also read THe Hobbit about 1970 which led me to read the LOTR . I have read it about 40 times now.

Bourne Sumprecy......okay
Spidey 2......okay
Bubba Ho Tep.....rules
Bad(der) Santa.....rules
Bubba ho Tep????

My Bday is 21st Mo.

Yeah, they could barely have made those movies better....except for one thing, they really pissed me off leaving the Tom Bombadil section out of the Fellowship! Man, that would have been good to see, he was one intriguing mofo!

I am going to put Return of the King on right now. Watched Two Towers last night till 1:30.
Bubba Ho Tep is about a soul sucking mummy stealing souls from a nursing home. The heroes are a guy who thinks he is Elvis and a black guy (Ossie Davis)who thinks he is JF Kennedy. :D

MY bday is the 23rd :(
Big Lord of the Rings fan here. In fact I'm headed out today to pick up the latest extended version.

Under Classic's, has anyone seen Support Your Local Sheriff? It stars James Garner and was made years ago. I watched it again just the other night. It still makes me laugh.
I think I'll continue my usual holiday tradition by watching that most quintessential of Christmas movies: Die Hard. :D

As for LOTR, well, I'll just say that I'm a fan. ;)
It would'nt be Christmas without watching "A CHRISTMAS STORY" about Ralphy, who only wants a Red Ryder BB gun! You'll shoot your Eye out!!!!
Oh "A CHRISTMAS STORY", that is the best! I need to rent that one this year. I haven't seen it in forever.

I saw "Walking Tall" recently. Now while I think "The Rock" is simply beautiful and I could watch him open a carton of milk for hours, that movie was formulaic crap. None of the plot points even began to make sense. I could see it appealing to the 100% testosterone crowd though.
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