Walleye in New Mexico


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2014
Can be good late April thru early June when I can catch them in relatively shallow water on crankbaits. This year has started out a bit slow but the quality has been better than average.

May 3, only 2 walleye and a bass but caught my personal best; 27" and 5-3/4 lbs.


Walleye cheeks from this fish.


Getting better, May 13, 4 walleye and SM bass, biggest was 24", 4.2 lbs.


Grilled filet for the wife.


Heating up now, May 18, 8 walleye (threw back 3) and 2 SM bass. Another nice 24" fish at 4.5 lbs. Caught this one in same spot as the 27".


Should stay good for another few weeks if they don't do a big water release. The dang wind has also been a PIA!
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New Mexico is probably not high on many anglers list of walleye destinations! Awesome job, awesome eats! Am I correct in thinking walleyes are considered invasive in New Mexico?
New Mexico is probably not high on many anglers list of walleye destinations! Awesome job, awesome eats! Am I correct in thinking walleyes are considered invasive in New Mexico?

They are not native, and were intentionally introduced in several of the reservoirs and are doing well. "Invasive" is in the eye of the beholder I guess, but since they aren't displacing any "native" fish in original habitat I wouldn't give them that label. Just delicious.
Great pics! Had me with the grill filet basket! Favorite fresh water eats: walleye.
Favorite fresh water fighters: smallies.
Fighters have a few close seconds though if I get into a frenzy of smallies, it's on!

Very nice! Thanks for sharing. NM... Whodathunk!?!
Favorite fresh water eats: walleye.
Favorite fresh water fighters: smallies.

Can't argue with that!

Used to catch a few smallmouth over 3 pounds in this lake, but they've been scarce lately.