Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Tule Elk poacher fined $23k in 2020

Should have been 230k! A guy here in Kentucky got a similar fine a few years ago. Paid it in cash. I hate poachers and wildlife violators. Pisses me off. To some, money means nothing.
Should be 230k and lost hunting license for 10 years, so poachers will think about it more before they commit crimes again!
Should be 230k and lost hunting license for 10 years, so poachers will think about it more before they commit crimes again!
I doubt Ricky Osborn has $250 let alone $23K. He already has convictions banning him from weapons possession. No license, wrong bullets, trespassing on private property, wasting the carcass. The guy is obviously trailer park trash. I'm guessing the idiot left a trail of breadcrumbs on Facebook. These stupid turds usually do all the legwork solving their own poaching crimes for law enforcement. A big fine looks good on paper but I suspect it will have no effect on this deadbeat subhuman or others like him. A couple years jail time would have more impact.
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Regardless of wording, I like that we can all agree that poachers are not cool.
Every now and then I meet someone in the field that does not have much respect for the animals and the laws that help balance conservation.
The more I hunt, the more I care about the very animals I harvest, and when I find someone that just does not have that appreciation.... I feel like they dont have the right to hunt them.

Most hunters I meet are the best quality of human I know, but this guy.... this poacher, .... he sucks, and the fact that it generates frustrations on this forum, regardless how we express it... the fact that we are all pissed off tells me you all are my kind of people.

Happy new years!
There’s likely lots of good people on here who live in trailers and/or trailer parks. You might want to consider your choice of slanders before you post.
I also lived in a trailer park a couple times in my life. Usually stay in one six weeks every year. But I think we all know the trash I was referring to. Not necessarily exclusive to trailer parks for sure. Just a worthless bum. Pointless to throw big fines at loser turnips with no blood in their bank accounts. Put them in jail.
Pointless to throw big fines at loser turnips with no blood in their bank accounts. Put them in jail.
Most fines are handslaps regardless of the amount of coin in ones piggy... I’d rather them lose all hunting related opportunity for life, have anything that can be even remotely tied to the crime confiscated (trucks, guns, hell even a pair of skid-marked skivvies) and the bastards do the rest in countless hours of community service (say picking up balloons👀) where their buddies can drive by on their way to the bar and ridicule them!
Problem is that governor hair gel is releasing everyone from jail because of covid here in commifornia, so no real deterrent to crime
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