Stealthcam problems?


New member
Nov 5, 2023
I have a couple of lower end stealth cams that have very little use ion them and are less than two years old. They both quit powering on simultaneously, which I thought was bizarre. I get online to troubleshoot them and noticed a lot of people have had similar experience. I wonder if they dont have some type of firmware installed in them to quit working at a certain date from power on? Anyways I will not be purchasing stealth cam any longer and just wondering if anyone else has had bad luck with them?
I’ve got a few of the bt16 and they are still running good. Going on close to two years
Never had an issue… can’t seem to find the other photos on my phone, I usually save them to a laptop when I upload. Got the thing for $40 on Black Friday and I’ve caught deer, elk, and one bear. Only ever put it out a few times.


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