Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Scarey night


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2012
Newhartford Iowa
Woke up around 2 this morning to a noise and the dogs barking. I get out of bed and look out the window and see foot prints in the fresh snow going around to the front of my house. There's a blizzard going on so I figure maybe somebody is stuck in the snow or needs help. So I put my coat and shoes on, grab a flashlight and go outside to check it out.

I go out the side door we normally use where the yard light is and walk around to the front of the house where it's dark. I can see a truck sitting running on the road to the north of my house about a block away. When I shine my light that way the truck takes off. Next I'm sure this isn't somebody that needs help so in the house I go to grab my pistol. Back outside I investigate the tracks that went down my driveway to the garage for 2 screwdrivers ,then to a bedroom window ,and then back to the road.

I believe the dogs barking scared them off. The cops were called and they showed up to investigate. They took the screwdrivers for evidence and tried to follow tire tracks. Do to the blizzard the tire tracks faded off into the snow. Pretty uneasy feeling knowing somebody was breaking in while we were sleeping inside.
Man that is scary! We live out in the sticks -- I'm always worried somebody with bad intentions could take advantage. It's wildly cold here and we have staff, cars getting stuck, etc so we want people to be able to get into the warmth if they need to. That is wild that they'd do that during a blizzard.
Gotta love dogs. When my wife and I were first married we lived in a pretty crappy neighborhood. One summer night we had the window open when all of a sudden, our GSP went into full on attack mode and smashed into the window screen. It was an old fashion metal screen, so he didn't go through. Whoever was peeking in got lucky that night.
Always wondered if it was going to happen here out in the middle of the corn fields. Only lock the doors when we leave. I think everyone around us knows that I have guns. The school kids growing up with our girls did NOT want to come here!
Had a guy jimmy our garage door open this September while nobody was home. Best the police could tell my dog met him in our dining room where the blood began he went for the closest door our backyard door. The dog followed him out there was more blood and signs of a struggle on the back porch and finally a streak of blood across the privacy fence as he hoped it. He visited a hospital and the cops figured out from there. No better security system than a well trained dog. Definitely scary stuff especially when you are home.
Scary for sure!

We're all supposed to be safe at home in bed, but it's not always the case. Random foot prints around the house and garage are always eerie, even if they just want to steel your sh*t, you never know.

Small towns come with their problems too, most times its the handful of village idiots everyone knows, but it can be outsiders too. With booze and drugs, you never know what can happen.
Had a guy jimmy our garage door open this September while nobody was home. Best the police could tell my dog met him in our dining room where the blood began he went for the closest door our backyard door. The dog followed him out there was more blood and signs of a struggle on the back porch and finally a streak of blood across the privacy fence as he hoped it. He visited a hospital and the cops figured out from there. No better security system than a well trained dog. Definitely scary stuff especially when you are home.
Give that dog a belly rub for me. I love it.
In retrospect, would you have done something different if you would have known what the situation really was? 20/20 hindsight?

This leads me to....when we hear something go bump in the night, are we really handling the situation properly? Or do most people just listen for the second bump and fall asleep?

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