NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Proud Dad...


New member
Nov 21, 2001

The weekend started off very well, Alexis was excited about her hunt as was I. We got up at 3:30am Saturday morning, drove for 2 hours, stopped at the Bean Pot and ate eggs and biscuts&gravy. As we are driving into the area we saw a few deer crossing the road. We get to the place we are going to hunt and UNLOAD EVERYTHING that she thought we needed :D We hike into the spot and set up the blind and get everything inside and wait for daylight. was 25 degrees that morning :eek: a little cool for a 6 year old.

Daylight comes and we hear a couple of shots. Alexis asks," why aren't we seeing any deer?" I told her to wait a while and we would see something. Well 2 1/2 hours passed and she said she was bored and was ready to go. I asked her if she was sure and she said yes. So we packed up and headed to the truck. As we were leaving the area I asked her again if she was sure she wanted to go home and once again she said yes. So we headed home.

The whole state was open for juveniles this weekend, so just maybe she would still have a chance to kill her 1st deer.

So this evening Alexis comes and gets me and told me that there was a buck down at the persimmon trees! I asked her if she wanted to shoot it and she said yes. We get set up and she took aim and fired. It fell where it stood and she was yelling at her mom to come and look. She watched him for 10 minutes or so before she made the 60 yard shot. I am very proud of her!!!

We went down to where the buck lay and made some pictures then loaded him up and brought him to the house. Her mom :rolleyes: told her to go wash her hands and Alexis said, "I can't yet mommy, we have to take the insides out." :D :D

Awesome! I can't seem to get my 7 year old girl interested in going out. What caliber rifle was the little one shooting?

Oh, and did you guys get decked out in camo for the camera, or is that what you all run around the house in? :)
Hahahaha...I don't like getting blood on my jeans so I changed :D and Alexis wanted to pose :D

The rifle is .308
Awesome! Thanks for the story and pics.. sure is nice to see them young'ns gettin-er done!
Great pics Flip!

Wow, a six year old and a .308, impressive stuff there hump
My 8 and 11 year olds would do it in a heartbeat but I think my 6 year old
would have spent too long picking out her "post-shot" outfit to actually even been able to pull it off |oo

Congrats again to you and the kidlet!
Flipper, congratulations on your daughter's deer and on her attitude.. I like a lady that doesn't mind getting her hands dirty... Ha!Ha!.. that's neat..

Thanks guys!!!

We are still on cloud nine!

She tells everyone she see's!

She also told me that she was a better shot than me...she shot and it fell right in its tracks...last year the last 2 I shot ran. :eek:
Way to go Alexis!!! That is a fine deer. Bigger than any I shot this year. She's a lucky girl to have a dad that is willing to spend the time with her!
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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