Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Possible Change to Montana Unlimited Sheep

Agree you shouldn't be able to hunt AND gain a point.

Montana allows you to gain points while you're on your 7 year wait after harvesting a ram because you're eligible to draw a ewe bighorn license, which uses the same points. So let's close that loophole while we're at it.

The 48 hour closure should probably be shortened to 24 hours given the current communication technologies.

Definitely against only being able to hunt it every other year.
I walked away from a small but legal ram when the quota was filled in my unit this year. I guess my personal ethics are a bit different from the "call all my buddies so we can kill every ram in the drainage" folks. The unlimiteds sure seems to bring out the worst in some people, i.e. greed (see the recent trend of shooting sub-legal rams [303 and 502] and taking 800 yard shots as well [502]).
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This is the first I've heard of this (obviously aware of going over the quota and how that works, but hadn't heard of the "strategy," "coordination," and "gaming").


What podcasts is he referring to? I'm really curious on the backstory here.
I don't think it's unfair to require even a 12 hour check-in rule. Make people carry an inReach, it's 2023, not 2003. We complain about how tech is ruining hunting, let's make it work for the resource.

Further, I fail to see how the loophole he is discussing above is legal? My understanding of MT game law is it's illegal to use any sort of electronic communication device (texting, inReaching, radio, etc.) for hunting game. So if they are waiting nearly 48 hours to report and during that time sending messages to their buddies (which is what I'm interpreting his description to be happening) to come kill them that is a clear game violation? Perhaps cohort is someone that is immediately hunting with them. If that's the case just change the regulation to state that if you know quota has been reached, even if not published yet by FWP, then it's illegal for you to harvest a ram.
and taking 800 yard shots as well [502]).
Not to get off track, but how the heck do you guys come up with such specific information on kills in the UL?

But yeah, I’m always a little bummed when numbers continue to tick up during the closure-pending period. Had no idea that dirtbags were out there gaming their check-in period to order to extend the closure and get their buddies into one.
This won’t accomplish what he wants for the point issue as long as a guy can opt out for points you can still draw that tag and keep points just not accrue any new ones on that year
Not to get off track, but how the heck do you guys come up with such specific information on kills in the UL?

But yeah, I’m always a little bummed when numbers continue to tick up during the closure-pending period. Had no idea that dirtbags were out there gaming their check-in period to order to extend the closure and get their buddies into one.
One of the excuses given for the ram that was confiscated in 502 for being sub legal was because it was difficult to judge when he shot...from 800 yards.
Further, I fail to see how the loophole he is discussing above is legal? My understanding of MT game law is it's illegal to use any sort of electronic communication device (texting, inReaching, radio, etc.) for hunting game. So if they are waiting nearly 48 hours to report and during that time sending messages to their buddies (which is what I'm interpreting his description to be happening) to come kill them that is a clear game violation?
Yea, that was my thought as well. He clearly suggests that technology is what enables this "loophole."
Yawn... what a lame excuse. A true conservationist gives and helps regardless of a tag.
Unfortunately this is not an excuse, this is reality. The chance of drawing a tag keeps people invested in the species, leading to more funding for conservation.
Unfortunately this is not an excuse, this is reality. The chance of drawing a tag keeps people invested in the species, leading to more funding for conservation.
And I'm pretty sure even if every state went to OIL for all big three (most do by the way) the funds will still exist since there is such an unlikely event that a person draws them all
Someone correct me if I am misunderstanding something, but It seems strange that one of the issues is being able to hunt and gain a point to a “marquise” draw area. Is that not literally the foundation of every special permit area for deer and elk in the state? I can apply for a general tag every year while accumulating points for a special permit and I can actually plan to draw a special permit. With sheep, even residents can realistically expect to never draw certain big horn special permit tags.

I have long been of the opinion that MT should ditch this dual point system for pref and bonus points in deer and elk. If you want to apply for a special permit then apply with bonus points and draw or don’t. If you want to apply for a general tag, do it with bonus points and either draw or don’t.

I dunno, this sheep change wouldn’t affect me that much and I have a feeling that statistically this wouldn’t change much either. Do enough people hunt unlimited units that this change would actually change draw odds for the LE units?

I do agree that the check in requirements are severely outdated. With the way technology works today someone could shoot a sheep, report within minutes and the fwp could have that info very shortly thereafter. No reason for the season to be open for the additional lengths of time specified above.
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If I were king of Montana for a day:

Carpet bomb all domestic sheep and put bighorns in the Crazies, Big Snowies, and everywhere else they could possibly exist.

Moose, sheep, and goat are once in a lifetime. No exceptions.

If the quota in the unlimited districts is met the season closes at sunset. You need to check the quota every night.

Start deporting people from Montana.

October 1-20 mule deer season, no rut hunting.

Some of these are more realistic than others…

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