Only one entry.. recent means not somthing that has been posted all over the internet.. we are looking for new pics..
We're gonig to do this Agian soon too. We might have a Monthy photo contest and start our own section. It is bennifical in several ways.

1. Pictures are nice to look at.
2. Seeing what people have taken picturtes of keeps our minds on what we'd like to take some pictures of.
3. Seeing what a "GOOD" picture is might teach everyone how to take a Better picture.

Nice pictures in there BTW, Very nice, I'm still waiting for MtMillers Entry ? HE must be out taking pictures not to have posted one.... Slacker ;)
Good one lick-bag. ;) Actually, I just got back from scouting and thought I would download some pics. Not sure how they turned out and I don't have photo-shop, but there might be one in the bunch that is OK. I am sure it will be no winner, but I will toss it in. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has brought to the table.
BTW, I get my caps the old fashioned way, I order them. It has been a week, where is my cap. :D
Hey Del,

I wanted to post a picture for the contest, but it is "portrait" and not "landscape". I thought there used to be a way to flip during the upload? When I flip it myself and upload it posts "stretched". For now I will just post a landscape pic for the contest, but would rather post the other one if possible.

Thanks man.
Miller you should have a rotate option in your gallery

give me a link to the pic and I will check it out
FYI, In the Ne xt contest We're goingto Resize all the Pictures so they all are the same size and Put them in a Seperate Gallery so we know everybody can see them. We will Re~lable the Title like I did with ALL of these Entry's so if you want it called something lable it and We'll use it (Next time), this time I jsut called them Something.

For the First contest there were alot of good pictures !! THANX guys/gals !!!!!
I know this is the place for questions....but how 'bout a 'bout seperating the critter pics and the scenery pics......two seperate contests ?? There's so many good ones of both, it's hard to pic, let alone decide on which style to post.....just a thought ?!? :eek:
Yep, I'm with Rut man, lets have a critter contest, a scenery contest and a harvest contest. Its dang hard to pick between a good critter pic and a good scenery pic!


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