now that the big game seasons are over



who's going varmit hunting and where?
i'm going friday after and during b*** fishing.Wife wants a coon for the wall.

Moosie and I are going to Texas next month for an exotics hunt. Before then, I hope to get out one more time for quail (season ends early January) and to pop some sage rats and jackrabbits, and maybe a 'yote or two.
I was thinking about going to texas with a buddy of mine, but the funds are not there(trying to save up some for a lion hunt with bbcat this next few months).
maybe next year. sounds like a blast.I'm heading to the lake to go fishing in the am. hopefully I can pop that bobcat ive been seeing the last few times. I hope the geese are back. they were here last month then vanished.with the weather we have gotten the last few day's i'm praying they are back.

good luck in texas, let us know how ya do.

Well now that deer season is almost over here,still have a pistol season in the middle of January..BRRRRRRRR
My brother in law and I have been working on the fox population at night.
We use an electronic caller, which is legal here now,put on our mine spot lights ,arm ourselves with 3-1/2 inch 12 gauge shotguns with #4 or #5 shot and sit around in the dark listening to a squeeling rabbit tape or something equally obnoxious to ones ears.
We have taken 5 so far and we have snow on now so that should work in our favor.
It is a hell of a lot of fun


I miss hunting in a state where i can hunt all the seasons and hunt longer than a week without having to get drawn.
Didnt see the bobcat this trip out.i'm going to be hunting and fishing from next friday thru newyears day. hopefully i can get that cat.

I'll be trying to help the deer winter by tryin to cull the populaton of yotes around here. Cougar is open til March 15th but since hounds have been outlawed here its a little toughrer to find them. Some guys have been lucky enuf to call them in so I will keep trying.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
when i lived back in sela washington. we used to bait them in the wenas valley, usually a dead cow or parts of.calls work good over there to, but I suggest you buy a tape to hear what they sound like first. but dont blow as loud or as often as a tape.

Just my opinion

Hi DelW! Just thought I would stop in and visit for a spell! You guys that are interested in calling a lion, I have just the thing. A buddy of mine sells a computer chip call that is actuall animal sounds recorded in a soundproof room. The call is expensive about 1500 bucks, but I mean to tell you it IS AUTHENTIC SOUNDING!! He has a female lion in heat, and it is supposed to work real good. I have been dieing to try it just to see if a big tom would make tracks somewhere close and then we could run it with the dogs. Lions dont come in real good to rabbit calls, or goat cries. Sometimes it works, but usually the coyotes come first, and if you are like me you blast the coyotes!!!!!! Then if there was a lion coming, it AINT NO MORE!!!!hehehe Cats come in alot slower than the dog family. If a guy can wait long enuff and ya know there is a big tom in the near vicinity you have a chance, otherwise your just calling coyotes!!! I am sure you guys know all this but viewers dont always know this fact about lions! Another thing is you cant be selective enuff calling them in. What if its a female with a bunch of little kittens somewhere???? Chances of calling a male are about one in six, so if ya have to kill six lions to get the first tom, you have killed approxamately 5 females times 1.5 kittens, thats seven lions you have killed before you kill the first tom! Unless youre rela lucky!!! Something to think about. I have seen orphaned kittens and it aint pretty!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
bcat: your right on the calls they dont like the typical coyote calls. the only calls i have called a lion in on was squeller call(hand call) and the woodpecker call(that one is a tape).most of the lions i have seen are when i'm fishing, or running in front of us on the road.Ive had people tell me that a baby taped while screaming its head off works real well.I havent had the time to do this yet. but i have a young kid and she screams alot so there are possibilities

Just bought a Johnny Stewart caller and negotiating for a remote control for it. Can't wait to get out and give it a try. Right after the first of the year, my varmint hunting buddy and I will seriously harass the coyote population in Central Oregon. Hope also to get a couple of bobcats and maybe an unlucky crow or 2.
Once the weather clears and the snow is on the ground, February should be a good month to start thinning out the sage rats and then the rock chucks will be available. Man, I LOVE this time of year!
Shoot straight- Sheister
Sheister-Good to have ya over here on this forum!!! Delw good luck on the calling this winter. Hope ya call a big un in! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Hey all,some may know me as chris at Hunt Chat, just thought I would stop in and check on the action and meet some new folks!
In Oklahoma coyotes can be hunted year round and let me tell ya I hunt them year round.haha We still have till the end of DEC. to bow hunt deer and I have taken my share allready now so I'm after the coyotes once again, we are under a winter snow warning for the next few day were told it will be the worse since 1987, I was here at that time and if it's worse or the same then you can bet it's not going to be fun, but the coyotes will be easy to call for the next few days and I plan on doing some calling no doubt, I wish all good hunting!

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