How old is too old to hunt?

My buddy Garry was leaving on the 10th of November elk hunting in Oregon. He had just gotten back a couple weeks before from a Wyoming antelope hunt. Unfortunately he passed on the 9th from acute leukemia. He would have been 87 a couple days before Xmas. Here's his bull from last year.View attachment 305750

I was visiting with a friend from the gym, this morning. We lost a gym friend last year. He was a vigorous 82 year old man, he was killed in a car accident. We agreed that he lived his life well, vital until the last day of his life.

Your friend certainly lived his life well, right up to the finish line. RIP Garry
It's one thing to speculate on how someone else should handle their lives, it's totally another be facing your own age out point. Have 50 hunting seasons in the rear view. Started at the age of 12, & sat out 5 years with a young family that couldn't afford me the time or resources to be away from them. I have lost two hunting buddies to cancer in the last 10 years, another that choose to quit when faced with his out age out point.

Took Dad on his last elk hunt at age of 84. I set up a plan where he could navigate easier terrian. He had deteriorated so much over the previous year that I ended up bringing him home after the first day, realizing taking him was a mistake. Didn't realize at the time that his lungs couldn't support the thinner oxegen at the higher altitudes. It made it tough for him to walk very far at all.

Just got back from my middle daughter's first big game hunt: later rifle cow elk in AZ. The weather was cold (8 degrees), and had trouble keeping my feet warm, even with the warmest boots I own. I grew up in Montana & know what sub-zero temps are all about. Had frost bitten feet before, & even though we were not in that ballpark. Came to the realization that even with 400 gr of insulation, & a pair of warmest socks/liners that Kenetrek have, I don't want to do that again. Should have taken the insulated packs for that trip. It was good to be there with her & support this new hobby a couple of years past her 4oth birthday.

Outdoors has been the central theme of my life to date. I can't imagine giving it up. Even taking a header, header catching the toe of my boot on a protruding rock, & nearly faceplanting on this last trip. Was able to catch myself, & not hit any rocks on the way down.

The point being there will come a time when I will be unable to do less & less. My plan is to cycle back as needed to protect myself & not put my family in a tough spot should something happen to me. In the meantime I'll keep on doing the outdoors things as long as the good Lord provides...
Sitting around the house I feel every one of my 61 years. When I'm in the woods all that goes away.

I've told my family time and again that I want to die in the woods. Momma makes me keep the inReach track going so they know where to find my "frail and worthless trunk".

I've known a couple old packers who sat under a tree and expired. Gotta respect that. I think coming out wrapped in a manty and balanced over a Decker is an honorable end. I'd be embarrassed if they choppered me out.
This thread has made me feel a lot better about myself. I often wonder how many days in the field I still have. I'm in good shape, don't smoke, eat right, but you never know. I'll be turning 60 next year and reading about these guys still out there way into old age is reassuring.

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