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HB149...60/40 take 2


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
The bill died on 3rd reading today on the Senate a landslide against.

For all those NR's that took the time to comment against this pile of chit bill...congrats and thank you for preserving the North American Model and keeping hunting within reach of the average sportsmen/women.

There are also 2 sporting groups that made a huge difference, Wyoming Backcountry Hunters and Anglers as well as Wyoming SFW, who both opposed this bill in public testimony. Also a lot of behind the scenes efforts as well.

This bill was too close for comfort guys, I promise to be more diligent and work on this stuff other than just at session time from this point forward.

Safe for now, but I'm sure it will not be the last attempt at tag grabs from WYOGA.
This is GREAT news!! I've got some emails to send thanking people.

Is there anyplace to go to see which senators were against it?
Finally a shred of good news on the legislative front. Thanks for the work on this Buzz.
Nice work. Thanks to those who put in the on-the-ground effort to defeat this bill.
Great news, thank you's sent to those I wrote about it. And thank you to everyone that shared your thoughts on it and worked on this!

You are so forthright with your views. Appreciate you work. Would not want to be on the wrong side of your argument.

I reread my post. It was meant as a good thing. I did not want it to be misconstrued, I appreciate strong opinions; especially, when they are right!
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I certainly hope I don't end up saying "I told you so" when increased nonres fees are on the agenda next year and nonres DIY/OYO hunters get hammered by upcoming whacko legislation! I must be the only one that thinks this is a sad day for DIY/OYO nonres hunters! Be prepared guys for a battle in the coming years! Buzz, you deserve ALL the credit...way to go! You are my hero!
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Thanks for staying on top of this Buzz and providing the contact info. This would have set a horrible precedent for selling tags to the highest bidder. A reasonable price increase in the future is one thing but forced into an 88% increase to go special by a special interest group (WYOGA) is too much. Especially when WGFD is solvent.
I think all of you that are thanking Buzz are a little in the dark? Are you aware that this year Buzz fully suported the 90/10 bill that would have stripped sheep, moose, mtn goat, and bison tags away from all nonres? If you don't believe me take a look at his numerous posts on the Monstermuley website. I wonder which side of the fence Buzz will support in the coming years?
I think all of you that are thanking Buzz are a little in the dark? Are you aware that this year Buzz fully suported the 90/10 bill that would have stripped sheep, moose, mtn goat, and bison tags away from all nonres? If you don't believe me take a look at his numerous posts on the Monstermuley website. I wonder which side of the fence Buzz will support in the coming years?

Not being a resident of WY, I would have fully understood and supported the decision to do so. 10% is an accepted standard and I would have no problems with WY doing that, when they have residents of the state waiting many years to draw a tag.

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