Finally a Six Point....Barely

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
I finally killed a six point bull... WooHooo!

Next year it will be a 300 bull or nothing... looking forward to it already! (I need to archery season, I'll kill any bull next year, but not with the rifle! )
There are lots and lots folks that would love to kill that bull, any time... Ejoy

Great job on a really nice bull. Doing that as a public land DIY hunt is a real trophy.

That is a fine looking bull, something to be proud of. When you said "barely" I was expecting one of those 5X5s with an extra 1" point somewhere.
So…we drive in the dark up a road I’ve never been up…take a right at a junction..for no other reason that “It Goes Uphill”… and well, we can see there is some decent country along the road and we pass a gate here and there…but dang..the road is still going up…and there is something about “going up” that just keeps me going, it pulls at me…especially when there is snow on the ground and it gets deeper as I go up!!

Finally…the road comes to a fork and each is gated. Cant drive anymore. Time to get out and go for a stroll and see what is up. I couldn’t believe it. Each road is UNTRACKED with day old snow. NO ONE had walked these roads on opening day?? I go right, dad goes left. 40 yards after the gate a set of bull tracks appear…he walked to that point, then turned up the hill and went over the ridge and crossed the other road…barely avoiding the motorized section of road we parked at!

A little further and I can see where he tangled with another bull in the road. Sweet. We’ve got good sign and untracked snow…

OK..skip ahead a couple hours. Glass, glass, glass…. Hey, whats that. 6 cows come bursting out of the timber about ½ mile away…then…6 more…then 3 more…then a rag bull, then a couple more cows……….then….oh yeah..he’s a 6 point. Cool. Supposed to meet dad back at the truck in 15 minutes….DANG!

I go back and tell dad they are waiting for us about 20 minutes down the road…off we go. Well, of course they were gone when we got back, but I had more than a sneaking suspicion of where they went. “Dad…you keep going down this road and it’ll circle below where they were. I’m going to head around the top of that mountain and either get a shot, or try and push them back through the saddle just above you”.

Off I go. Well…when I got to the top of the mountain (I decided to go straight over the top instead of around it) I spotted a cow about 100 yards below me reaching as high as she could to pull that brownish/black stringy moss/lichen out of the trees. I knew he was near…but where? A few more cows emerge. Everyone is eating this lichen. Then, they feed downhill out of sight, deeper into the north facing slopes!

I sneak down further with them and can see legs in the trees…a butt here, ear there… it was great, watched them feed and bed for about 10-15 minutes. Then they fed down further..out of sight. Off I go again. When I caught up, same story…there’s the cows, where’s the bull?? Oops, whats that movement off to the right? Hey…that’s antler…there he is… Boom…Boom…Boom…. Dead bull.

Then of course…the real work started. Holy cow…or bull I guess. 3 Trips, 2 at about 100 pounds, 1 at about 65 pounds and a big sigh of relief!!
Caribou Gear

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