DaveN GoFundMe Account

Again, somewhat at a loss for words at this point. The support and generosity has been almost overwhelming. Filled my wife in on the latest updates and we both had very wide and dusty eyes. Thank you isn't anywhere NEAR enough of a response. Wish I could shake ALL of your hands. We can never repay your kindness. Our home is always open to any and all of you! Thank you.
Did what I can afford at the moment. Prolly more at end of month if this is still needed.
No need to worry about us but thank you. We are doing ok at this time and should be able to get along well for a while. The people here have been very helpful and generous. We are trying to get insurance and Medicare figured out for next year so we don't have any issues. I was told my pension income would qualify us for a little assistance with food but when I looked at the qualifications we had too much in our bank account! Go figure. Not a bad thing I suppose. Couple more things to look into when I have a chance. Have to get things settled so I can get away for a few hours next weekend for deer hunting!

I always griped about people abusing the system and having better toys than I did when I actually had a job! My turn to try my luck with it but I don't know what will happen when I try to be honest. Hope to sell my truck to have one less asset and guess I'll have to start stashing cash for things to keep the account low enough. Who knows? It's all new to us.

Thanks again to everyone. We'll be fine for now and if you have the desire to help please find someone less fortunate in your area that could use some help for the upcoming holidays.
No need to worry about us but thank you. We are doing ok at this time and should be able to get along well for a while. The people here have been very helpful and generous. We are trying to get insurance and Medicare figured out for next year so we don't have any issues. I was told my pension income would qualify us for a little assistance with food but when I looked at the qualifications we had too much in our bank account! Go figure. Not a bad thing I suppose. Couple more things to look into when I have a chance. Have to get things settled so I can get away for a few hours next weekend for deer hunting!

I always griped about people abusing the system and having better toys than I did when I actually had a job! My turn to try my luck with it but I don't know what will happen when I try to be honest. Hope to sell my truck to have one less asset and guess I'll have to start stashing cash for things to keep the account low enough. Who knows? It's all new to us.

Thanks again to everyone. We'll be fine for now and if you have the desire to help please find someone less fortunate in your area that could use some help for the upcoming holidays.
We got some amazing people in here. I posted a link for the fundraisher when my niece was involved in a DUI accident that also killed her mom and raised they raised a considerable sum and got a ton of help enough to take care of the funeral and all their other needs. I seen a lot of people in this forum step up to the plate when needed for complete strangers they never met.
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