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Corner Crossing accoring to the Tea Party

And the article speaks highly of Rep. Kerry White. The leader of Citizens for Balanced Use (abuse), a group whose lobbyist has testified on the wrong side of every hunting bill in the legislature this year, and proved it again yesterday.

Rep. Kerry White, the guy promoting communist ideas; who would take away our property rights and give them to the County Commissioners (oh, his brother is a Gallatin County Commissioner). Yeah, he is a real champ of private property rights - NOT!

If you want to see what the fringe Republican/Tea Bag Party is trying to do for your property rights, chew on this one. HB 246, sponsored by Rep. White.

You cannot sell/donate any of your property rights, if you do so in the form of selling or donating a conservation easement, unless the county commission approves your donation or sale.

Yeah, that's right. Your property rights get handed over to the county commission and they decide whether or not you can exercise those rights in the manner you choose. Rather, you get to do it in the manner they choose.

You don't get the cash from selling your development rights, your access rights, your grazing rights, or whatever, if you do it in the form of a conservation easement, unless you can grease some skids on a county commission. Or, if you decide to donate those rights, you don't get the tax benefits from doing so, unless you have pals on the county commission who will let you exercise those rights.

I have done dozens of conservation easements in my CPA practice. Most have been donated. Most have transferred development rights, reducing rural subdivisions and lowering the costs on counties for roads, fire protection, police, etc. Most were entered into by very conservative ranch folks. Most resulted in signficant estate tax savings to the family, rather than cash in their pocket. Most allowed the family to continue ranching, rather than sell the ranch to pay the estate tax bill.

And this guy calls himself a conservative. That is communism, if ever I have seen it. He was the sponsor of the bill. Rep. Kerry White (R) - HB 246.

Go read it yourself. Here is the link

If you read that bill and listen to his testimony I suspect you will think Karl Marx and his diciples are alive and well in America. Fortunately, the bill was tabled and Rep. White was sent packing to study the Communist Manifesto, but not before commenting "We will be back."

This is the guy the Montana Tea Baggers and the fringe operators of the Republican Party have to parade around as their property rights advocate. If you are property rights advocate, you need to be asking what the Republicans are thinking when they put him out there as their property rights guy.

Now they are saying the resident purveyor of communist property law proposals is the guy to trust on corner crossing. As Grandma would say, "Give a fool enough rope and he will find a way to hang himself."
This is why in the last election I didn't put a check next to a single R in MT. They lost my vote by their own doing.
Thanks for the info Randy. Even with all I know our tea baggers in Helena, this sends a chill up my spine.

People had better get involved in our political system or bow down to those that will.
I forgot about Kerry White's bill. He also had one that would designate bison as livestock. His columns in the Chronicle used to be beyond inane (remember the time he argued cows on public land were good for elk? Not because they improved vegetative vigor or anything like that, but because wolves would prefer the cows to elk.) Even so I found him to be well spoken in person and that means he will be around a while unless people write some letters to the paper to let the world know. I just burned my monthly one on another wildlife subject...
Who's going to be the first one to get citied so we can see this thing in court? Are we going to support that individual with our wallets?

I think those are the questions. Money talks, bullshit DANCES!
Who's going to be the first one to get citied so we can see this thing in court? Are we going to support that individual with our wallets?

I think those are the questions. Money talks, bullshit DANCES!

I mentioned this before. I know a guy 2 years ago who was picked up by FWP in Park county for trespassing. He had corner hopped to a state section and killed a cow elk. The rancher called it in. When all was said and done the County Attorney threw it out and said he will not prosecute corner hopping in Park County.

It makes me think that most are going to throw this out but there might be a few that have a relationship with the landowner that would press it. Not sure. The only thing that is sure is that nobody feels real confident on the ill legality of it .
I mentioned this before. I know a guy 2 years ago who was picked up by FWP in Park county for trespassing. He had corner hopped to a state section and killed a cow elk. The rancher called it in. When all was said and done the County Attorney threw it out and said he will not prosecute corner hopping in Park County.

It makes me think that most are going to throw this out but there might be a few that have a relationship with the landowner that would press it. Not sure. The only thing that is sure is that nobody feels real confident on the ill legality of it .

I have to admit I'm a little worried about the consequences if the court case would be decided the wrong way.
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