401k benefituary


Jul 2, 2016
Waupaca, Wi
I'm not quite sure how to spell "benefituary " Blame it on my public school education...

Anyways... I'm a single guy... no dependents and no immediate airs to my small fortune that I have built up over the years of working and working and never missing work or being out of work...

I have a house, some land and the like... more than enough to cover my burial expenses if they should come up "unexpectedly"

However... I have a401k.. not a big fat one like some of my non-land owning friends.... but it's a chunk...

So for years I had the benefituarys listed as Wisconsin public radio and Wisconsin public television equally... but after enduring the last few years of the gay agenda manipulating the news content the way they have and the slant they seem to have on all the other news... I thought it best to change my benefituarys.

So. I go on the web site for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers... click of the "contact us" button and ask... "I'm listing your organization on my 401K benefituary form.... what is your tax id# ??"

Within a few moments... a happy note comes back... "Thank you for thinking of us...I hope you soot a big whitetail this fall.... good luck in Wisconsin ! He's your number... " How cool was that ??

So, I should split the whole amount of my 401k... So, I go on the Rocky Mountain Elk foundation web site... They have a special part of their website for "Planned giving". So on the page I click the "contact us" button and I ask the same thing... "I'm listing your organization on my 401k as a benefituary... What is your tax ID# ???"

Two days go by.... Nothing from the RMEF. So I send it again... So far a day has gone by from the second request... Checked my junk mail... nothing....

Monday when I come in to the office... If I have no response from the RMEF I'm going to scribble their name off the form and change the % for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers to 100% and turn the form in...

I hope I don't do and "untimely planned giving" any time soon... but if I do... Their is enough money that they will at least put in a foot note in the monthly news letter at Backcountry Hunters and Angles... "A generous gift was received....." And... it's probably not enough for the RMEF to take note of anyways...

now I have to go look up how to spell "Benefituary"....
What a generous gift! They are a great organization and I'm sure they will do great things with your contribution. Hopefully it will be a long time before anyone gets your 401k.
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Just a thought but have you looked into other organizations? For example whitetails unlimited, ducks unlimted, delta waterfowl, pheasants forever, or wild turkey federation.
I'm surprised no has got back to you from the RMEF since Randy is or was a board member! Ever think of the WILD SHEEP FOUNDATION?
What you are doing is really great. It does not surprise me about the RMEF. They have not made me very happy on several occasions. I think that they have gotten too big to pay attention to the small guys-even ones that are willing to give.

I hear you on the left-wing public television/radio. They do not care about average, normal folks.

Have you considered maybe a veteran's charity like the one with Gary Senise (sp) that builds houses for disabled vets? Just a thought. There are some real good ones out there.
After reading this post and adding to it I checked my email. I had a legacy email from the RMEF! I wouldn't give up on them, maybe even a phone call!
Goodness... 905am this morning.... I had the secret number from the RMEF...

I'm kinda disappointed.... I spent all weekend thinking of who was going to take their place if I had got no response...

My backup to fill the other 50% was going to the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.

If you work hard... and save your money... and have no one in your immediate family that is deserving of you gifting all your hours of hard work you put in.. Then I hope you can give it away to a deserving organization.
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