Whistle Blown on Tennessee CWD


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2014
The consequences of releasing inaccurate data, according to the lawsuit, was overinflated reporting of the prevalence of the disease in multiple Tennessee counties. Instead of 16 counties with confirmed CWD cases reported by the state, Kelly claims there have only ever been two: Hardeman and Fayette counties.

Wow. Tip of the iceberg is my guess- good for him.
The standard is IHC tests to confirm ELISA results. It appears that potentially, 1 state entity stopped following protocol, and that's proof of a "tip of the iceberg" to a greater conspiracy? I wouldn't be in such a rush to put your tinfoil hat on. Sometimes people just screw up.

I've already confirmed with my state game and fish agency and they have IHC tests to back up every positive they've recorded. Is that proof that your proverbial iceberg doesn't exist?
and that's proof of a "tip of the iceberg" to a greater conspiracy?

Their (alleged) reaction seems odd for such a small slip-up that could be so easily and legitimately explained away though, doesn’t it?

I guess we shall see.
Their (alleged) reaction seems odd for such a small slip-up that could be so easily and legitimately explained away though, doesn’t it?

I guess we shall see.
That, I would agree to. However, having dealt directly with the CWD conspiracy theorists, this story (even if there isn't a shred of truth to it) will do significant damage to the efforts of many state game agencies and those engaged in combating CWD. No one knows that more than the Game and Fish agencies dealing with the social challenges CWD has presented.

"A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes"
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Their (alleged) reaction seems odd for such a small slip-up that could be so easily and legitimately explained away though, doesn’t it?

I guess we shall see.
Quote from the "whistleblower" - "the fight against CWD depends upon accurately reporting where the disease is and is not, and I hope that by owning our mistakes and correcting the TWRA’s protocol the TWRA can be a leader in this fight."

Here the article gives Mr. Kelly’s motive:

The day Kelly sent the memo, TWRA officers arrived at his home to hand deliver a letter placing him on leave. The wildlife law enforcement officers confiscated his cell phone, keys and laptops.

Kelly was then ordered to TWRA headquarters, where he was “questioned by law enforcement officers for hours” — among them a TWRA law enforcement officer married to Kelly’s immediate supervisor…

Mr. Kelly’s opportunity to stick it to TWRA is veiled in CWD, but the claim of malicious employer actions is obvious here. As a union member also employed by the public sector, I say godspeed, Mr. Kelly, good on you for reporting this behavior unbecoming of LEOs.
The data don’t lie, in much the same way that guns don’t kill people. Not following commonly accepted testing protocols is a people problem, not a data problem.
Agreed but the interpretation of data is where things can go off the rails. Que MT FWP elk hunter survey satisfaction results. It only takes a little slip for confidence to be lost or in the case of Cwd, game agencies running with data and implementing policy based on that data that’s unsettled at best. Next thing you know here come the conspiracy whack jobs
I know the issue has become incredibly dogmatic, but I’m not sure that it’s fair to call people who are questioning departments handling of CWD “whack jobs.”

Are there some? Sure, as with anything- but I think some of the scrutiny is well-earned in my opinion.
I agree. Thanks for pointing that out. To be clear, conspiracy is the key word. If you think there is some kind of agency/conspiracy related to Cwd. You are a whack job.

The actual point of my post is the exactly what you said, skepticism of cwd science has been promulgated by the game agencies jumping to conclusions.
I know the issue has become incredibly dogmatic, but I’m not sure that it’s fair to call people who are questioning departments handling of CWD “whack jobs.”

Are there some? Sure, as with anything- but I think some of the scrutiny is well-earned in my opinion.
When it comes to CWD, there are far more "whack jobs" than you might think. Ask me how I know.

To be clear, conspiracy is the key word. If you think there is some kind of agency/conspiracy related to Cwd. You are a whack job.
Perfectly said
Which conclusions are you speaking of?
1) Reduce mature buck numbers = slower spread/lower prevalence. 2) Reduce deer densities = slower spread/lower prevalence In my opinion the jury is still out on these concepts on wild herds and it’s evolving science at this point. Disagree?

Edit: let me add one final thing, in the long term Cwd will have a greater negative effect on mule deer than the management initiatives implemented. Consider me a skeptic at this point
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1) Reduce mature buck numbers = slower spread/lower prevalence. 2) Reduce deer densities = slower spread/lower prevalence In my opinion the jury is still out on these concepts on wild herds and it’s evolving science at this point. Disagree?
Respectfully, I think it’s a mischaracterization to say they “jumped to conclusions” on those. Basic epidemiological principles still suggest those strategies are likely viable though the timing is probably critical. I do agree that we have limited data on the effects of those management strategies on wild populations specific to CWD, primarily because the public will not tolerate gathering said data. IMO, it’s not evolving science when no one is allowed to test it. For all intents and purposes, it’s dead.

There’s a difference between fully implementing a strategy and truly assessing the results, vs half-assing it and giving up early due to public outcry, then having folks saying “see?!?!? It didn’t work!!!” At this point we’ll never know…it’s far too late for either of those strategies now and the public won’t tolerate them anyway.

The only example we have of total commitment to depopulation worked in New York, still the only place it was really fully and rigorously implemented. 20 years without another positive case in the area. Truly remarkable. That’s a shame, since it’s coming from the neighboring states now who followed the ubiquitous “test and monitor” strategy. All for naught in the end I guess.

I completely agree that mule deer are screwed no matter what anyone does at this point. Just look at Saskatchewan. I noticed no one commented on the recent article someone posted. It was sobering, but I’m not surprised everyone ignored it. No one wants to acknowledge bad news I guess.

I also completely agree that not following the gold standard testing protocols and covering it up is unacceptable and detrimental to all agencies where credibility is concerned.
When it comes to CWD, there are far more "whack jobs" than you might think. Ask me how I know.

Perfectly said
Saying "wack jobs" is a immature ways of discrediting someone's opinion that you do not agree with. We need to look at both sides and realize we ourselves can and have been wrong before. And then be willing to look at information from those that we disagree with with a open mind. We as people are all bias, it doesn't matter if someone has a degree in any given subject or not. I have family with high level degrees who have such bias that the facts just do not matter to them. When someone has a vested interest in something it's nearly impossible for them to change their mind.
Saying "wack jobs" is an immature ways of discrediting someone's opinion that you do not agree with. We need to look at both sides and realize we ourselves can and have been wrong before. And then be willing to look at information from those that we disagree with with an open mind. We as people are all bias, it doesn't matter if someone has a degree in any given subject or not. I have family with high level degrees who have such bias that the facts just do not matter to them. When someone has a vested interest in something it's nearly impossible for them to change their mind.
But if there is a solution out of this CWD mess, I would bet money that people with those “high level degrees” will be the ones that find it.

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