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WDFW Commission - General Updates


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2015
We have so many threads that discuss things said or done by the WDFW Commission that I thought it would be best to just start one thread for all updates.

This is a link to the last day of the most recent 3-day meeting.

In this meeting the Commission voted to deny a petition (by Wildlife for All) to modify the lethal removal options around wolves (good move). WDFW staff basically point out that every point made in the petition was simply not true. It worked. One typically anti-_____ commissioner, Baker, admitted coming into the presentation with one view but flip-flopped on the issue and voted against the WFA petition. The only ones that stuck with their anti team, in spite of all the good evidence presented by actual WDFW scientists, was Roland, Smith, and Ragen.

They also took general testimony and it's skews pro-hunting (great comment @ 1:14:30).

They also had a WDFW presentation on Science. Pretty good stuff. Basically the staff telling the commissioners, we ain't dumb, we never were dumb, and you should try listening to us.
The commission seemed pretty receptive. Ms. Baker said she thinks they made a big mistake in the way they canceled spring bear. She also hopes that they can have a future meeting without it being brought up. I would encourage us hunters to make sure that never happens.
In this meeting the Commission voted to deny a petition (by Wildlife for All) to modify the lethal removal options around wolves (good move). WDFW staff basically point out that every point made in the petition was simply not true. It worked. One typically anti-_____ commissioner, Baker, admitted coming into the presentation with one view but flip-flopped on the issue and voted against the WFA petition. The only ones that stuck with their anti team, in spite of all the good evidence presented by actual WDFW scientists, was Roland, Smith, and Ragen.
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Update on the wolf petition that the Commission denied:
...And he grants it...

Not a huge surprise. I don't put much value in the order. Any new rules will take months to rewrite, and the old rules didn't result in many wolves being removed. Inslee is not running again and we should start changing our focus on the new potential governors. Ferguson and Reichert are the front runners and regardless of party, people should be sending message that the commission needs to return to its stated focus. Now is the time to set the tone.
Not a huge surprise. I don't put much value in the order. Any new rules will take months to rewrite, and the old rules didn't result in many wolves being removed. Inslee is not running again and we should start changing our focus on the new potential governors. Ferguson and Reichert are the front runners and regardless of party, people should be sending message that the commission needs to return to its stated focus. Now is the time to set the tone.
Completely disagree with this. This will be used, in court, in the future to promote and support the mutualistic agenda. I put a lot of value in it being used to undermine good science and sound management.
Meh. Time will tell. All he did was tell them to rewrite the rules. This is not a legal judgement. That doesn't mean it won't be used in the future for some mutualist agenda, only that it isn't that definitive. I will wait to see what WDFW comes up with. And like I said, if they drag their feet a little, it won't get done before the next person steps in. Inslee just did to appease those environmental groups that complained. They clearly have momentum and are feeling empowered.

I am not even sure the order is legal. The process was followed and the Commission denied the request. We have the same problem with this issue where there is no one to file a suit that Inslee overstepped his authority.
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