Tip of an iceberg showing in Michigan...bad news.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2019
This is not a rant. Not a rant. This is however my opinion and actual observations here where I currently live - this needs to be seen by others so that others can be watchful for what may very well develop where they live.

Approximately 15,000 Michigan residents rallied in the states capital today to bring attention to what the governor here has done and is doing. The Ill informed and misinformed have already begun labeling these people as "militia" and trouble makers - and though I was not there, I take issue with that labeling of those people.

Our system of government while not simple, has some clear divisions and lines. One of these hard lines is the constitutional obligation that provides for a legislature for the creation of law on the behalf of the people. In Michigan over the last 3.5 weeks, the governor has taken it upon herself to enact laws from her desk live on camera without a moment's discussion, debate or action of the legislature. The governor has promised and committed to punishing anyone found to be violating her order to stay IN your home and to leave the confines thereof only for the purpose of medicine, necessary food and medical care. All other reasons for being beyond the curtilage of the home are suspect and many are now criminal and punishable by arrest and $1000 fine. At every retail store in this state you will find an abundance of caution tape and barricades preventing you from shopping in particular areas of the store - these areas contain merchandise that the governor has decided that you no longer need - and let's be honest, the government always knows exactly what everyone needs. I went to the Walmart store near my home because I knew if I arrived right at opening time I would be able to get my hands on some badly needed cleaning supplies (I had given much of mine away to others who needed it badly - elderly neighbors). I was amazed at the items in the "banned" areas of the store and the oddity of the things that I could have purchased should I have decided to. I could not purchase a pillow, however I could've purchased an entire stereo system and tv screens for my pickup truck. I got the supplies I needed and found out about the pillow law when I watched the 70 something lady in front of me in line attempting to purchase a pillow and being told by the clerk that she was not allowed to sell it to her because it was "not for sale due to the new law". A Michigan resident can purchase booze (thank God), recreational marijuana (dont care), cigarettes and lottery tickets which are all deemed "necessities". You CANNOT however purchase paint, lumber, lawn care products, landscaping, fasteners, fencing, concrete, tile, flooring, roofing or any other hardware. You can go to a lake (by yourself) with a canoe or a kayak in your truck and paddle til your heart is content but you CANNOT take your 19ft fishing boat to that same lake and operate it for the sake of fishing (even by yourself). You may walk your dog and when doing so you AND your companion may walk your dog together - but you are not allowed to go turkey hunting, hunting is illegal.

Enough of that, you get the point if you even stuck with me this far. I would like to come right out and say that in metro Detoilet the "stay at home" order seemed more appropriate and the illness and death rate here has handsomely made the case for it like it or not (just my opinion). BUT, people who live 350 miles north of that dump where they have 1 or 3 cases in an entire county (all had traveled to Detoilet for work etc or use of the airport there - side note: DTW was one of the last airports still allowing flights from China after the travel ban due to business travel and auto manufacturing) - these people who live 350 miles away in a rural environment where the population is low and the economy is absolutely fragile cannot go to work, they cannot hunt and they cannot fish - even the ones who basically live partially off the land and stock their freezers from those lakes every year. The Coho salmon will be schooled wildly in the perfect shallows of lake Superiors South shore and all of us can sit at home and watch BS on tv...and dream about one day being an American again - a FREE American.

There are problems brewing here...a quiet majority beginning to boil underneath the calm surface. Neighbors and friends have taken to encrypted text messaging apps and begun planning stages of "what-ifs".
Personally, I appreciate my lifestyle and I like to not be a problem to anyone - I will not however walk quietly with my head down.

I have served my Nation, my State and my local community as a Marine and as a career police officer, SWAT officer and SWAT team leader - I tell you this ONLY to offer some proof to a reader here that I do know how my government actually operates - I dont hold my opinion out of ignorance but rather out of my 30 years of education from within it. Please dont take that any other way - it's for context. My point is that I am more likely to support my government than most, EVEN when I take issue with its methodology and tact...in this case though I have turned a page. I am not sounding an alarm, but rather raising a concern - I have not been this concerned for the wellbeing of my society in my 30 plus years of service to it.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Locked in 3...2...1...

My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
What day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief. Your noble son is mad …
My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
What day is day, night night, and time is time,
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time;
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief. Your noble son is mad …
You must still have your high school English book you'd have better luck posting the translation on the opposite page.
Another portion of Her Majesties edict .........you are not allowed to shelter on your own property if they deem it your "vacation home" and not primary residence.
My grandparents and uncles being Michiganders I have spent a lot of time in the mitten and this is what has always stricken me since I became a bill paying adult. Michigan has seemed to have been affected from the mid 70s onward by 2 types of liberal infections. 1) Detoilet (nice, simple analogy) and it's inhabitants. I watched what was a beautiful, thriving city in my youth descend to the point of circling the bowl. A shadow of what it had been with only those who have no other choice still living there. In my opinion, from my observations, this was largely an effect/symptom of number 2) The extortion of the US economy and longtime problems in the auto industry predicated by the efforts of the UAW. I am old enough to remember the strikes of the 70s which in large part opened the flood gates to foreign cars and the decline of huge swaths of our manufacturing industries in the Midwest. My father was a SKILLED auto body man in a Chrysler dealer for 45 years and I watched as, through this extortion, unskilled assembly line workers incomes soared past that of craftsmen. This period did a couple of things to Detroit. Drastically reduced the influx of $$$$$ for and through the auto industry and led to those auto workers with the new found income leaving the city for the suburbs en mass. Those folks, and those who sympathize with their union position, have consistently voted for more and more liberal politicians who in reality don't represent their values except "supporting organized labor". Hopefully it is not too late for this beautiful state to put some logic back in Lansing.

Incredible that she thinks weed is necessary but gardening supplies and seeds are not.......... :(
You must still have your high school English book you'd have better luck posting the translation on the opposite page.

It means Polonius is rolling over in his grave. Honestly I didnt read though the OP post, for two reasons. First is was the topic, I am just sick of the political rants and secondly was the length. I might have taken a poke at it if it was more concise, alas instead I thought to offer some advise and levity.
It means Polonius is rolling over in his grave. Honestly I didnt read though the OP post, for two reasons. First is was the topic, I am just sick of the political rants and secondly was the length. I might have taken a poke at it if it was more concise, alas instead I thought to offer some advise and levity.
Making room for Ophelia no doubt.
It means Polonius is rolling over in his grave. Honestly I didnt read though the OP post, for two reasons. First is was the topic, I am just sick of the political rants and secondly was the length. I might have taken a poke at it if it was more concise, alas instead I thought to offer some advise and levity.
I'm sorry, but I wholly disagree with your assessment of "off topic" and please dont feel that this response is disrespectful or arrogant - allow me to finish: this post was written by me to showcase the unlawful seizure of both HUNTING and FISHING rights in Michigan contrary to Michigan law and is an act of fraud committed against the hunters and anglers of the state who gave their hard earned monies for those licenses to be utilized during seasons already set, agreed upon and published. This appears to be within keeping of the standards that you attached to the other post you made after you had admittedly not read my original post. In that list you attached was a piece about tolerance and that we dont all see through the same lens and that we should not expect everyone to see everything as we do and that poor reaction was not necessary when we dont agree with one a other. I find it hard to believe that ANYONE would want to censor the reporting to the hunting public a blatant violation of the rights of hunters in another location. I find this news relevant to all outdoorsman...a distant early warning if you will. No harm Intended here at all, and certainly not a senseless rant. I apologize for any misunderstanding that I have caused or took part in, but I will not change my position - I am a legal, licensed fisherman and hunter and I am being denied my rights under a fraudulent "color of law" argument. Being a police officer my entire adult life you'd think I might know just a thing or two about that color of law, I've seen it once or twice.
I'm sorry, but I wholly disagree with your assessment of "off topic" and please dont feel that this response is disrespectful or arrogant - allow me to finish: this post was written by me to showcase the unlawful seizure of both HUNTING and FISHING rights in Michigan contrary to Michigan law and is an act of fraud committed against the hunters and anglers of the state who gave their hard earned monies for those licenses to be utilized during seasons already set, agreed upon and published. This appears to be within keeping of the standards that you attached to the other post you made after you had admittedly not read my original post. In that list you attached was a piece about tolerance and that we dont all see through the same lens and that we should not expect everyone to see everything as we do and that poor reaction was not necessary when we dont agree with one a other. I find it hard to believe that ANYONE would want to censor the reporting to the hunting public a blatant violation of the rights of hunters in another location. I find this news relevant to all outdoorsman...a distant early warning if you will. No harm Intended here at all, and certainly not a senseless rant. I apologize for any misunderstanding that I have caused or took part in, but I will not change my position - I am a legal, licensed fisherman and hunter and I am being denied my rights under a fraudulent "color of law" argument. Being a police officer my entire adult life you'd think I might know just a thing or two about that color of law, I've seen it once or twice.

Okay file suit then. Enjoy your litigation.
Does Michigan have a constitutional right to hunt and fish? I thought recent legislation failed?
No, but a person who owns a hunting license or fishing license has the absolute right to hunt or fish. Let me spin this another way...I tell you that you can play baseball in the park all summer, but by April 1st, you have to pay your baseball fee though the park wont open til May. When May comes, the boss of the parks decides he doesn't like you playing baseball anymore, bans you from the park and keeps the money you paid for your baseball fee. Sounds reasonable...oh and I left out the part where the park boss was doing this to fall into favor with the park overlord In Hope's to be his running mate in November.
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