Yeti GOBOX Collection


Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well folks, I got home around noon, driving 900 miles the last few days to wrap up 110 days on the road this year. While I am on the road, Mrs. Fin moderates most of this forum. She flags threads and posts for me to review when I get home. I've spent most of the last five hours reviewing the posts and threads she has flagged for me to look at.

I'm at wits end with some here. I've hoped that issuing stern warnings might change some behavior. Obviously, that hasn't worked with some.

Some seem to have no concern or care as to how they behave on this forum. Some admit to being here just to "stir the chit." Some have a strange sense of humor that is not found humorous by others, often including me. Some cannot have a debate without the name calling, hanging tags/labels. Some can' resist the chance to derail most any thread they engage in, usually within the first five posts. Some just cannot resist the temptation to keep old spats going by posting stupid comments when their favorite target makes a post. Some communicate in a way that would result in a tooth inventory if they spoke in that manner while face-to-face.

Not sure what the hell to do. I've got enough on my hands that I really don't need the babysitting that comes with a small handful here. Whatever I decide to do, as pissed as I am right now, probably best I let Mrs. Fin continue with the moderating today.
I get a kick out of stirring up the liberals on here.Generally,I make a post then ignore it.I know what they think of my point of view and I'm POSITIVE they know what I think of them.In the end I'm here to talk hunting with hunters.Most of the people I HIGHLY disagree with make me curious if they are actual hunters or some PETA transplants.They won't ever bother me or wreck my mood.Like I said,stirring them up has become a hobby.I won't change their wrong way of thinking,but I try to put them on the right path,lmao.It's only going to get worse now that hunting seasons are winding down.I hope Santa brings my a new tinfoil hat as I've more then worn out the one I have now,lol
But, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.Your my hunting/fishing brothers and we can agree to disagree

Perfect example.

Mixedbag, your password doesn't work anymore. I do give you credit for admitting that this is your greatest pleasure of the forum. Others like to do the same, but deny it.
Continually posting stuff with no connection to public land hunting, often in an effort to drag the discussion into the ditch, however thinly disguised, has no use here either. Mark, I suggest you post something pertinent to the purpose of this forum.

Let’s Play a Game……

For all of us, the issue Public Lands policy elicits an emotional response.

It does for me.

I strongly disagree with the role back of National Monuments and I strongly disagree with Zinke.

To keep myself grounded I ask myself the question constantly of where am I coming from? Why do I feel this way, what motivates me? Is something in myself biasing me to twist reality to fit my view?

I decided to create a litmus test for myself. It is a fantasy, an alternate reality….

It is as follows:

At the close of the George Bush Presidency, the President creates one of the largest National Monuments in the country. The monument is called Bears Ears and it is located in Southern Utah.

In the next election, a new President takes office, his name is Barack Obama. President Obama hires an ex Senator by the name of Clinton to be his Secretary of the Interior. During the first year of the administration, Clinton reviews all the National Monuments in the country. She gives the President her recommendation to reduce four National Monuments, including Bears Ears.

President Obama is elated and signs an executive order to role back Bears Ears by 85%. President Obama flies to Utah to celebrate the role back of this National Monument. He along with Clinton and Senator Hatch, have a big celebration for this.

Now here is the litmus test.

Do you support President Obama’s decision to role back Bears Ears National Monument?
Do you support the actions of President Obama’s Secretary of the Interior Clinton?

Here are my answers. NO and NO! HECK no and I will fight Obama and Clinton every step of the way.

For members of this Forum, what are your answers?

How strongly do you really feel about your views? Does your view transcend your political disposition, and label of conservative or liberal?

For the Zinke and DJT water carriers, show your commitment by signing on to support of President Obama and Secretary Clinton's "decision" on Bears Ears

Is that the sound of crickets I hear.........



Ye Shall Be Free To Roam…..
If you haven't already, why not have an extra administrator or two to help. It'll give you and Mrs Fin a break. Someone to just monitor and flag like she's been doing.

Even Moses had to give up some of the responsibility to others when the camp became too large with so many problems. You can't do it all and continue to enjoy this.
If you haven't already, why not have an extra administrator or two to help. It'll give you and Mrs Fin a break. Someone to just monitor and flag like she's been doing.

Even Moses had to give up some of the responsibility to others when the camp became too large with so many problems. You can't do it all and continue to enjoy this.

When we had administrators, users would complain the admin favored this person or that person. If someone is going to be accused of favoring one side or the other, I would prefer it would be me that is accused of such. Additionally, moderating is a thankless job and I just don't want to impose the hassle on others.

I am coming to the conclusion that the best response is probably to do what I do on my YouTube channel; get rid of the problem posters. As tough as that decisions might be here on Hunt Talk, I am left with no option after looking at the ridiculous posts/threads marked for my review.
I agree with genesis.
You've got a lot of users who have been around long enough to understand what you would determine to be acceptable verse unacceptable behavior.

You've got enough to worry about being on the road for so long, the last thing you need to is to come home to more stress.
FYI your wife has done a fantastic job while you're gone, but you could very well get a few other hired guns to help out.

I'm a mod on another hunting site and the owner has a very busy schedule like you. (The shed hanger ;) )
He's got a few of us to keep chatter going, keep it professional, and put the trolls back under their bridge.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I agree with genesis.
You've got a lot of users who have been around long enough to understand what you would determine to be acceptable verse unacceptable behavior.

You've got enough to worry about being on the road for so long, the last thing you need to is to come home to more stress.
FYI your wife has done a fantastic job while you're gone, but you could very well get a few other hired guns to help out.

I'm a mod on another hunting site and the owner has a very busy schedule like you. (The shed hanger ;) )
He's got a few of us to keep chatter going, keep it professional, and put the trolls back under their bridge.

Let me know if you have any questions.
No reason that Hunttalk can't self police. mtmuley
No reason that Hunttalk can't self police. mtmuley

I think 99% of the time that's absolutely correct.
Even more because it's Hunt Talk and everyone is very friendly, professional, helpful, etc.
However that 1% still needs to be dealt with when it does come up. Spammers, trolls, or just downright toxic people.
Perfect example would be last year around this time when some idiot sent a picture of his hoohaa and Mrs. Fin was the unlucky person who had to open that message.

Again I agree that HT could very well self police most of the time, but I still think there needs to be someone in the background cleaning up that 1%.
Big Fin is gone X amount of days for work and get's Y amount of days at home. His days at home shouldn't be stress filled or left with him being angry.
They should be filled with DQ and time with his wife.

It was just a recommendation.
Christmas is coming and I want to stay off the naughty list. I guess a cheer of “lock them out” isn’t necessarily helpful.

Ok, as an east coast guy I really appreciate this forum. It’s obvious you do it for the love of the outdoors and the access to public land which allows it. I hope you don’t allow a few bad apples ruin it for all. Because of travel logistics I may never be the ultimate OYA hunter in the western theater. That said, your site gives something for everyone from conservation to draw tag strategies. Please keep it up, we appreciate it.
I suggest you just post all of the accounts of the people and delete their accounts so we all know who they are. :) I can think of a few that really need to go and would be fun to see if they are actually on your naughty list as well. There is no reason to keep them around no matter how long they have been members.
I come here because I enjoy hunting...namely hunting public land..and I like reading about others experiences and sharing mine. Occasionally asking for help from members who are far more experienced than me with western hunting is great too. I tend to avoid politically slanted threads, in the cause here the public land issue threads, not because I don't have a voice, but because I choose not get involved in what inevitably becomes an internet keyboard-warrior match. Thanks for trying to keep it civil Randy.
Randy there is no easy answer BUT may I suggest those offenders get 1 warning and the next time give them the boot. If they refuse to follow the rules after 1 warning then a 2nd warning would be a waste of time. If they have had a warning already then give them a lump of coal for their Christmas stocking and a boot in the butt sending them into cyber space.

Good luck
When we had administrators, users would complain the admin favored this person or that person. If someone is going to be accused of favoring one side or the other, I would prefer it would be me that is accused of such. Additionally, moderating is a thankless job and I just don't want to impose the hassle on others.

Leave the extra admins anonymous. We would be none the wiser. Example, we didn't know Mrs Fin was working hard behind the scenes. My hats off to her! We all have signed up for this, she probably didn't sign up for it. Great job Mrs Fin! (My attempt to stay on her good side!:eek:)
I prefer a dictator. If you are just a sheet stirrer and add absolutely nothing, bye. No ceremony, just gone.

Exactly. And who better to figure that out than members? Maybe we need an anonymous executor. mtmuley
My 2 cents -- either Big Fin (and Mrs. Fin) boot the offenders every so often, or we just all accept there will be some smallish percentage of unwanted B.S. posts/comments. Adding extra sub-moderators with their own standards/views just muddies the waters -- too many cooks in the kitchen.
I prefer a dictator. If you are just a sheet stirrer and add absolutely nothing, bye. No ceremony, just gone.

I agree with you on this. I say one warning shot then if you can't act like an adult and show some respect toward another person then you sealed your own fate. As nasty as it's been in here lately I can only imagine what the off season will be like. I refuse to post in a thread usually when it's going side ways.
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