Look, I get it... but practically speaking, you had better have teeth marks on you if you plan on successfully defending yourself after shooting an animal under ESA protection.
Look, I get it... but practically speaking, you had better have teeth marks on you if you plan on successfully defending yourself after shooting an animal under ESA protection.

Likely east of 395 so I think they're in the delisted area. It had to have been awfully close to the line though.
Dang. Not the first time I've heard of something like this happening.

I know a guy locally that shot a wolf with his bow in self defense. He got out of his stand after hunting and was clearing a couple branches from a shooting lane when he heard something, looked and saw it was a wolf coming towards him. He scared it away and went to finish clearing the branches he was working on. Within a minute, he heard the wolf again, and this time there was 3 instead of 1. He said there was one to his left, one to his right, and one in front of him. He managed to nock his bow and shoot one of the wolves at like 10 yards. Then the other 2 ran off. DNR came and investigated it and validated his story and he didn't get in any trouble.

Similar to like @Moserkr said, hopefully they treat him right. Someone who is going to poach a wolf certainly wouldn't call law enforcement...
Man, I'd say he's lucky to get off. No warning shot... I wasn't there and I get it, but I think his case would have been much stronger with a warning shot.
I stand corrected.

"Wolves were removed from the federal Endangered Species List east of Hwys 395/78/95 in 2011. Wolves were removed from the Endangered Species list west of that line on Jan. 4, 2021 then relisted on Feb. 10, 2022. Therefore the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service retains management authority west of Hwys 395/78/95 and makes all decisions regarding harassment and take (lethal removal) in that area."

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