Opening Weekend public land success


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
Well opening weekend had a little good fortune in-store for us. Saturday was spent unsuccessfully looking for a cow elk. I asked my eight year old if he wanted to keep looking for elk or go whitetail hunting and he picked whitetail. So off we went Sunday to a favorite spot of mine. We got in to the saddle in the grey light and sat down to see the sunrise and hopefully catch a glimpse of a whitetail buck. About an hour of sitting and I glassed up two whitetail bucks working towards us. I tried to get my wife on the bigger of the two but the got in a cut before we could get set up. I told her it wasn’t meant to be but we could try and work the ridge down and find them again. About that time my son starts freaking out about a coyote running towards us. I never did see it so I repositioned and when I put my Binos up in that direction there was a nice buck bedded right in the middle of my frame of view in some thick brush. Where did this guy come from? He was there the whole time 250 yards away thinking he was hidden. I quickly got the wife set up on him and she bagged her best buck! My son was ecstatic and a big help on the pack out.2CE1C137-EF88-4A1D-BA92-848C83E93D3C.jpegFBE348B1-19D5-463D-8746-034E6D75DF9D.jpeg294B8149-41C3-4978-9D0A-242CA12D4EC8.jpeg8877475C-CDED-45CD-B3DC-9613A7E6DFEF.jpeg67403A98-CC55-4AED-81E1-70FDBF375BC9.jpeg
Great buck! There aren’t many things more satisfying than a successful family adventure.
All kinds of awesome in this, but the pack out pic is epic.

Judges award a full heart & freezer as well as the hunting bug to the little dude with a full pack. Time to step up the gear for your mule!
Thanks everyone it was definitely a day to remember! My little guy is badly infected with the hunting and outdoors bug. I can’t hardly wait to see what the future holds.
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