Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

MT 2023 elk hunt.

Next time have a plan B and a plan C, different area or different drainages. Ensure everyone is in good shape and is up to the challenges of elk hunting. Hunting partners need to communicate, cooperate and agree when out in the field on the intended plan of action and be committed to carry it out. Practice, planning, preparation, patience and perseverance will get you an elk. Sound like your partner was not that motivated or not in shape to hunt.....leave him home next time or as camp cook. Next time you find elk note the terrain, elevation, time of day etc...this will give you at least somewhere to start the next day if you don't have anything else going for you. Go higher, go lower, go early, stay late and don't be afraid of the dark and go where the elk are!! (It's like fishing in a lake, you have to go where the fish are to catch them)!! It sounds to me that with the number of vehicles in the parking lot any elk within two/three miles would have moved with everyone hiking through the terrain. That was the time to go to plan B. Sorry to hear of your unproductive hunt! Elk hunting is a whole lot different than deer hunting. Read up on elk hunting strategy and tactics, once you have a tag in hand spent time on goggle maps or google earth study plan A, B and C. Now days almost anywhere you go will be other hunters, the more remote you go the more the chances of less hunters. For all hunters in your party, they have to have dedication, commitment, be in very good physical shape, have the proper optics, equipment, be familiar with elk habits etc... Elk hunting is not for everybody. Only hunt with the people you know are prepared for the adventure. Successful elk hunt is an experience non-other. Next time be a little more knowledgeable and prepared with the right hunting partners. Good

The next day I actually went out on my own. Told my partner he was welcome to join me. Partner came along we came to one glassing location I was all set up and noticed a wall tent with horses. Started to laugh. Plan B was still hunt some timber. This time we located what we think was a bull and then came up on two cows in the timber. Felt pretty good about locating elk, and got my partner more excited. The following day my partner tried the Midwest wait in the woods for elk to come by, no elk. I decided to go higher and was above 8k found a spike, a cow, and what appeared to be another spike. I was told by a couple of more experienced elk hunters spikes don’t mount cows, but for the life of me I could not find a brow tine. Last day we got fogged in and had to head out. Should mention the one other guy in the group saw 1 bill had scope turned up when the bull was 60yrds away and then saw another 9 bulls high tail it over the mountain with another 10-15 cows. We found elk the first time in our unit. Overall we were happy with the hunt. Learned more about the unit, and am already planning for next year.

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