More wolves=more deer!!

Paul C..did I miss something.....The latest issue of Bugle said that the Wyoming Wolf managment plan was rejected.....has there been another submitted in the last week or so?
DS, I believe that the plan mentioned in the Bugle was rejected in Sept., and the state subsequently released a new plan in Nov. The public comment period on the second plan just ended on Dec. 12.

Buzz or someone else may have better info.


Have you met Joe Balyeat? He is a good man, and concerned sportsman. After reading all of your garbage and propaganda, I can honestly say that you are a misguided looney tune. We have wolves expanding all over the place, and if we don't get a handle on them soon, there will be no more hunting. That was the plan in the first place. Why don't you go to Yellowstone yourself and count elk calves. Don't take Joe or anyone else word on this, see for yourself. But I doubt that you could count elk calves with your head stuck so far up your ass!

Hell, we're all old enough to know that when some power and control is given to the feds they hold on to it as hard as they can. So, forget about the delisting, it is not going to happen.
DUHH, hello, they aren't going to keep increasing at the same high rate forever.
the population will reach a certain point and then level off, unfortunatly that level will be to high to sustain sport hunting and wolves.
Would you rather have wolves or hunting??
mike, I know they aren't going to increase at the same rate forever, but that's what Balyeat makes it sound like. Does he think we're stupid enough to believe it? And why does he perpetuate the lynx lie? Does he think we're not aware of what really happened?

And how's the hunting in Alaska? Did the wolves wipe out everything yet?

Paul, Maybe Joe's a great guy, but he sure writes a biased, misleading article!

Aren't the park biologists counting elk calves? Does anyone know how many elk showed up in Jackson this year? Was there a huge decrease? And BTW, I'm an expert elk calf counter. Ya just count the legs and divide by four.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-17-2002 19:04: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>

As someone who promotes removal of the dams, you should be careful who's ideas you dismiss as that of a wacko! The chances of that happening are much less than total removel of all wolves including those in Yellowstone, so how credable does that make your ramblings? As for the lynx issue, you were not there, so you really do not know what happened. Are you so naive to think that funny business does not happen in the world of science?

Joe's artickle if you read it, stated that he is not in favor of total removel of the wolves, just an urgancy for management. You are the one that is distorting his words.

Paul, Try reading Joe's "artickle" a couple more times real slow! You think he's not biased!!?

Please quote me where I said I want any dams removed. You must not be able to read! I don't think you understand the dam breaching process!

And while you're at it please quote where I distorted his words.

"As for the lynx issue, you were not there, so you really do not know what happened. Are you so naive to think that funny business does not happen in the world of science?"

Haven't you read the results of the multiple investigations? I'm pretty sure they were posted here in SI last summer.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-18-2002 18:11: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Ten bears, you think you'd ever even see a wolf, much less actually shoot one? This coming from the guy who cant seem to fill an elk or deer tag. Hmmm?

All I have to say is good luck! ;)
BUZZ, I filled my deer tag, thanks anyways I bagged a nice set of rattling horns (4X4 white tail) for the kids. I never saw a "legal" elk, in shooting range this season(I don't hunt with one of those canyon killing cannons). I found another huge black bear the day beforew season closed, but couldn't get a shot. I may shoot my first spring bear over bait next year, if he's still in the same area, and comes to bait during the day light.

ITHACA, I buy a cougar tag every year (sportsman package), and I see cougars on occassion. I even treed one younger cat by myself, without dogs. I have called cats to me with game and predator calls, but never shot one. I'm not overly concerned with how many deer and elk the cougars and wolves are eating, but maybe I should kill me a cougar before the wolves eat all of them. You know get mem mine before their all gone.

:rolleyes: :D :D

Sorry, "dam breaching". Still is not going to happen.

So the lynx investigators could not find Monica's dress too prove the weasels were liars, maybe next time.

Wolves will be a heck of a lot easier to kill than cats. Here's a tip how to go about it. Go to Jellystone and lure a wolf in the back seat of your car with a sandwich. Drive him outside the park and POW. Of course after a while they will get educated to taking rides with strangers!

Paul, Dam breaching is happening on other rivers. Dam breaching makes much more economic sense than anything else. You probably don't know any of the facts. We've discussed the dam topic here many times.

Exactly why do you think the dams shouldn't be breached?

MD4M, "Paul,Good post .LOL" Your standards are real low. :D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-21-2002 20:27: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Balyeat talked about the possibliblity of dam breaching as being a positive option with Milltown. You're right IT, he's a wacko.
I have more deer on my place this year and we have wolves in the neighorhood. I was thinking that IT was right, more wolves mean more deer, but then my neighbor says he has wolves too but no deer this year. They must have moved to my place. So actually the more wolves=more deer didn't really hold water after all. Maybe another gov't study is in order to get to the bottom of this. Another way to get more govt money sent from those RICH easterns out us westerners....0;

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