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Message from Ryan Hatfield, Editor, Elk Hunter Magazine


New member
Dec 19, 2011
It would be very easy for me to ignore the “Elk Hunter Magazine and Extreme Elk” post and “thumb my nose” at some of the negative comments like a lot of those in the spotlight do. However, there’s two reasons I want to come on here. 1) I am a simple guy from simple roots and don’t believe I’m “above” anything. 2) I have spent years and years and a lot of effort to make my work as “above reproach” as I can. My reputation means everything to me in this industry. Whether it was as Assistant Director at Boone and Crockett, when I was Editor at Eastmans for the past 3.5 years, or even writing my own books on Idaho hunting history, I have – at every single opportunity, time and time again – always tried to send the right message, keep the content extremely ethical and thoughtful, be extremely respectful to the audience, and know that when some kid picks up something I might read, that he doesn’t go away still questioning how to be as a hunter and sportsman. I believe I have always stayed true to that and have a very large following who respect me for just that. Some people in this industry get into it for all the wrong reasons, nothing more than “look at me, look at me”. I have never sought out the spotlight. When I went to work for Eastmans, my one and ONLY goal was to try to send the best possible message and make our readers better, more thoughtful, and more respectful hunters. Am I perfect? Not by a long shot. Have I ever made mistakes? You bet. Do I always try to learn from them and make myself a better person? Yes. More than anything, I’ve always taken very seriously the responsibility and obligation of my role in this industry, and have always tried my best to lead by example. I have two small boys that will someday read what I wrote, and I keep that in mind every day.

Here’s an important thing to consider: As Editor of Elk Hunter Magazine, it is ME that is in charge of content pretty much from cover to cover, and it’s MY responsibility to decide what kind of message we send, what method we use to get there, and what topics and variables get into the magazine and what don’t. As such, if anyone deserves a questionnaire on their beliefs, I guess it’s ME! So if you want to know about me, here it is:

1) I’m a DIY hunter but don’t try to thump my chest about it. To this point in my life, I’ve never been on a guided hunt, and nearly every animal I’ve ever taken has been on public land. However:
2) I believe there is a time and place for guides and for people who want to use them and I don’t judge them for it. Some people would have no business going into the Bob Marshall on their own!
3) I am NOT a fan of governor’s tags. I personally don’t believe in them – not even ONE – for one reason. I feel that selling wildlife to the highest bidder sends a bad message (even if the short-term gain of funds is good) and that it goes against the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation – that being that wildlife should be available to ALL the people.
4) I am not against a reasonable amount of raffle tags as money generators, because at least then, Joe Lunchbox can still put in his $5 and have a chance.
5) I believe in honest, hard hunting, packing it out on your back or a horse.
6) I have no problem with ATVs if they obey the law. I hate them when the blaze trails into pristine country where they are off-limits. I love them for mountain rides on mountain roads with my kids.
7) I believe in drug testing for welfare recipients
8) I pray that Obama is defeated in the next election.
9) You will never see anything in my magazines that should EVER cause you alarm. If it’s even borderline, IT DOESN’T GET IN.
10) I am NOT a member of SFW. I AM a member of RMEF.

I feel very proud of what I’ve done and the quality of publication I’ve been able to put together with Elk Hunter Magazine. Like I’ve said before, I’m a small-town Idaho guy, have hunted DIY my entire life, and hunt with the masses to this day. As Editor of Elk Hunter Magazine, I can guarantee you that “MY” magazine will reflect that.
• You will NOT see governor’s tags in this magazine as long as I am Editor.
• You will not see Gang Hunting and posse trophy shots with 10 different hunters.
• You will not see illegal radio use.
• You will not see anything that I view as anything even CLOSE to borderline ethics.
• You WILL SEE thoughtful, respectful hunters sharing their stories, tips, tactics, and passion for hunting.
• My focus, while still trying to appeal to all facets of elk hunting and elk hunters, will mostly center around blue-collar hunting.

Here’s the deal. I’m confident enough in what’s going to be in my magazines that I’m going to let them speak to themselves. My email is [email protected]. If you’re man enough, I want anyone on the “Elk Hunter Magazine and Extreme Elk” thread – THROUGH POST 29 - who has had something negative to say, to email me your Hunttalk handle, your real name and mailing address, and any concerns. I’m going to personally buy each and every one of you a year’s subscription to Elk Hunter Magazine. If you hate it, I want you to get on here and bash the hell out of it. If you like it, I want you to get on here and say why. Let my work stand on its own. Fair enough? Again, sorry for the long-winded message, and I appreciate your time.

I hope you're all going to have a great 2012.

Ryan Hatfield
Editor, Elk Hunter Magazine
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Ryan... I HATE yer magazine and have bad stuff to say....Don't mind the compliment I gave you in post #20. That was a lie. I wasn't aware a free subscription was on the table......

I'll send you my address for the free years subscription later today ;=)

I would like to offer some advice though : When you are in a bee's nest, with a stick and the bees are stinging you, (and "BUZZ"ing around)... quit hitting the bee hive. Even if you think it's the right thing to do.... stop swinging at the hive. If the Bee's don't get you, their BUZZing will ;)

That can be taken 2 ways maybe, choose the way that is meant positive !!! :D
Oscar, I should just buy you a subscription just for all the laughs you have given me over the years. You're the man. I'd hate to have to get into a battle of wits with you :)

I appreciate the comments. I do generally have a pretty thick skin, but I guess I just want people to know exactly who I am and what I stand for.

I'll buy you a beer or nine next time I pass through Boise.
Dang, I was brought up if you didnt have anything nice to say be quiet. I would have chimed in but I was not as informed about SFW as I know am AND...AND I really like ElkNut. He is a class act and I could not in any way bash anything he is a part of. You should be lucky to have him as part of your staff. That alone would make me want to get that magazine. I really do appreciate everyone comments about SFW and bringing them to light. I was approached by them a while back to become a member and if I had the funds I might have. Glad I didnt. Good Luck with the magazine as I do wish it all the best. Stay true to what you posted and you should do well.

Now, if you want to hand out magazine subscriptions to increase your readership, I will send ya my address but I just cant bash crap just to bash when I dont have all the facts and when someone I greatly respect is involved.
Ryan - Thanks for posting what you have. That takes courage, something often lacking in print and TV media. But, no need to defend yourself here. Most of us know who you are, and how committed you have been to the cause of hunters and conservation. Your track record speaks for itself.

Unfortunately, the timing of the AZ bill could not have been worse, and you had nothing to do with it. You were caught in a difficult spot. It is admirable that you would spend as much time as you have, explaining your position on this, and other, websites. I would ask all of us to move on and focus our energy on the more important tasks of hunting opportunity, public access, etc. This little hiccup is nothing more than a pimple on the butt of progress and should not distract us from what we are all working toward.

You and Corey have both been good about complementing the other magazine, besides your own. Both of you are welcome to continue promoting your magazines on this website. Such magazines are good for elk, elk hunters, and elk hunting.

We need more elk hunters, not less. Two good magazines run by good guys such as you and Corey will help with that.
Big Fin,
Thank you. Well spoken. You're welcome in my camp anytime. Congrats on the wolf, by the way. That's AWESOME.
Knowing I don't drink beer was a good call offering to buy me a beer.... CHEAPSKATE ;)

I haven't been on Huntalk in Months and in the last 3-4 days made over 20 posts. Yer bringing back the "old timers".

Carry on the fight Soldier .....
Chris Denham supports SFW.
Chris Denham is an acting editor of Elk Hunter Magazine.

I may have read the other thread wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is what most people's problem is, not what you think about drug testing welfare recipients, or whether or not you support Obama.

My reading comprehension may be off though.
Don't know Chris Denham or have any opinions about him but I would certainly like to see him post his reasoning for taking the stance he has.

That may clear some possible misconceptions up.

BUT, I think having a couple great, new elk hunting magazines is a good thing and I look forward to checking both of them out.

Quality hunting publications are few and far between so hopefully both of these fit the bill.
I think we need to make a new forum for these guys to post all their info relating to elk magazines

I'm glad you're on here trying to explain your side of the issue. It would be easy to not state your name and ignore this forum completely.

I'll check out your magazine sometime when I see it in a store. If you keep it full of articles by guys who know how to hunt elk, I'll probably get a subscription. If every article starts out with "I couldn't believe it when I opened the envelope with my LE tag in it..." I probably won't.

Good luck with it all.

Very well written and thought out post. Thank you for the offer of your magazine subscription. It sounds like you take your responsibility as a voice for the outdoorsmen very seriously. I genuinely hope you maintain your views on hunting and the outdoors as stated in your post. Good luck to you in your chosen profession.

With that being said, I'm going to decline your offer at this time. I have no interest in receiving a magazine where Chris Denham has been given a platform to speak- considering his views on the AZ tag grab.

Thank you,

Kenny Williams
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Hey Ryan if Moosie won't drink a beer with you when you roll through town I will. It'd be fun to meet ya and share a few stories! Always like to talk huntin' over a few brews!!
I enjoyed your work at Eastman's. You seem like a real DIY guy, like 99.9% of the guys on this site. Looking forward to checking out the magazine. I do however, have a severe disdain for SFW.
Oh my god there a short version of this? I'm to lazy to read Wha.....
I guess that would include me. #24 I replied to your PM, I like the looks of your post above and I will be sending you an email as soon as I'm done typing this. If I do end up deciding I like the magazine and what it represents I have no problems posting on here that I was wrong. I've done it before and it didn't hurt much. If it takes a slant towards the SFW way I'll post that as well.
I don't know Ryan, but I do know Tony Bynum very well. Tony is the photo editor for Elk Hunter, and he's been a hugely generous donor to MWF (SFW has claimed that they're in MT to take us out) and many other great groups in MT and nationally. EH Magazine is also a sponsor for our newsletter. Not trying to convince anyone to change their position, but the reality is folks have different opinions, and within this one magazine, we can see them running spectrum.

Tony has been a leader on the Rocky Mtn Front campaign, he worked his tail off with us at the legislature, and he's been a great asset in the hunting industry.

I'm looking forward to reading the mag.
Ryan, I enjoyed your books and look forward to seeing the magazine. We are all entitled to our opinions but I will wait to see the product before I decide if I like it or not.
I've spent time with Ryan and have met his family. I consider him a friend and would share a campfire with him any time. He is a stand-up guy with traditional hunting ethics and morals that seem to lack in this modern media-driven age.......I have no doubt his message above will be fulfilled. Not like I need another hunting magazine, but I'm sure it will be a quality product with the correct message. JMO.

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