Fresh Tracks - Sizzle Reel

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, it's been a long time in the making, but things are starring to come together fast. We have edited out some of the episodes for the new show and each episode gets better and better.

I kind of feel like we started all over again. Learning so much as we go. Like building a house without blueprints.

Here is a link to the sizzle reel for the new show, Fresh Tracks with Randy Newberg. It starts airing in Q3 of this year. We will be posting more about it, airtimes, etc.

So, what is in this new format and style?. It tells the entire story of the season. Every hunt is just part of the bigger story of that season. Nothing is left out. If it happens, you get to see it, good or bad, kill or no kill, lots of animals or few at all. Fresh Tracks is my name and my idea; an idea three years on the making.

What is the same in the new show? Still the self-guided public/accessible land gig we brought with On Your Own Adventures. Still the same kind of western hunts you have grown accustomed to seeing. If you see it on our show, you can do it.

The season starts with a NV archery mule deer hunt where I have some major health issues that mess up the hunt. It happens to all of us, sooner or later. TV guys are no different, so why should we not show it when health issues compromise our hunts?

A glory moose hunt in Alaska where we have to go earlier than I would like, missing the rut, dealing with boat motor issues, then having a camera crap out on us. Anyone ever have their once in a lifetime hunt all planned out and things not go as planned? Never seems to happen on TV, until now.

We then go to Wyoming for antelope, only to have it interrupted by a blood clot in my heart (doctors call it a heart attack, but I am in denial). Then, like a lot of guys in their hunting season, just when you think it is all coming to an end, some good luck lands on your lap and you run into animals you don't deserve. We flat out got lucky and shot two whopper bucks under serious mobility restrictions

Funny how TV guys never "luck out;" they always knew that was going to happen and the big one that landed in their lap is always skill. Well, I must be different, because this was flat out good luck. Hard work, but plenty of good luck.

Then off to NM where our guest hunter takes a great bull on the last day of season. His first elk and a good one. No one worked harder than he did. I was way more excited to see him take a bull than for me to take a bull. Now, we are rolling.

From NM, we went to Montana where my son and I got to hunt elk together again for the first time in five years, due to his college days being out of state. We shoot two great bulls, ten minutes and 100 yards apart, from a massive herd of about 400 elk. Donkey Kong!

Then it is off to Colorado, riding high on the good luck of our past three hunts. It is super warm. Hunting at 11,000' on an OTC tag. Usually I am covered up with elk, but not this trip. I have a deer tag and on the last evening, I shoot a buck out of a large group of rutting deer with four different bucks moving and chasing. I am sure it is the one with tall back ends I have been chasing all day. Bang-flop! Walk up to admire him. Nope. Embarrassed as hell to find out somehow I shot that really tall forkie, who when his head was down in the sage, looked in the late light to be the big boy. Good thing the light was getting darker or you would have seen my face beet red with embarrassment. Hopefully I am not the only guy to have ever shot the wrong buck when they started chasing and moving in their rutting frenzy.

I always wanted to hunt muleys in an extreme back country area of my home state of MT. Just never found the time. So this year, I made the time. Saw some smaller bucks, but was not there to shoot one of those. Day three brought a big one I was looking for, but he was too far away to get to him by dark. The next two days we fought 60+mph winds trying to find him, but it was nearly impossible to climb those steep rock faces in that wind. Came home empty, rather than shoot one of the smaller bucks. Not sure how that never happens on TV, other than with us. Bad hunters on our show.

Then, rifle elk in Arizona with a great guy, MNHunter, who was on his first elk hunt. Opening morning he shoots a great 320 bull. I pass a busted bull, given we already have enough to haul out of the canyon. Later, you see how filming really messes with hunting, as the camera is on a different bull than the really nice one I am about to shoot. In our chaos, the bulls escape. We chase them out of the canyon to a group of old timers waiting up above. They mow down two of the three. Sweating profusely from the scramble to catch the bulls leaving this big canyon, I congratulate these boys on their success of shooting their first bulls. Evidently I am the only TV guy with that kind of luck.

Then we luck out and get to film a fair-chase free-range bison hunt in MT. I drew one of the ten late season either-sex tags. I shoot a very nice bull and we tell an amazing story of bison. Tatonka!

And the final chapter of the season is yet to be told, as that will unfold when we head to Alaska for black bear the last week of May. Whatever happens in the finale, it is a great season and a story worth telling. Surely not the standard hunting show that seems to be in huge supply these days.

The season gets told in chronological order. If it happened, you get to see it. I suspect most of the screwed up things, the mistakes, the bad luck, and the occasional blind luck are things that happen to most hunters, just seldom happens to TV guys from what I see on the tube. Stuff that might be a candidate for tossing in the trash gets made into an episode, trying to reflect how hunting happens for the viewers, not how it necessarily gets portrayed on TV shows.

We shot the entire season from scratch. No plan to follow, not knowing how it would come together, and trying to tell a story the audience can relate to. We are currently doing the edits. I like it a lot, but given this has been a three year brain drain, I am probably biased.

Now that we have a year under our belts, I am super excited for the upcoming season that will be Season Two. We know what works and what doesn't. We know the kind of hunts that tell a good story and which are logistically compromised by filming issues. We have some amazing tags that will make for super hunts. Like when we started OYOA, I expect Fresh Tracks to get better every year, as we learn more of what works and get better at telling our story.

Thanks again for all your support. I hope you enjoy this new story; a season-long story, of self-guided public land hunting. Hopefully when you see the season-long story, you will share my passion for telling a different type of hunting story.

Is it a risk to take a popular brand and change it? Yup, but it was a huge risk to start this self-guided public land show when we came out with OYOA.

I am not in this to do the same old thing that make many shows look the same. I am in this to tell a story about hunting and hunters, sometimes with a kill, sometimes without. If we cannot tell a story about something more than inches and scores, then it is time for me to find something else to do with my time.

For those who have been asking, we are working hard to get the new YouTube page put up that will have old episodes of On Your Own Adventures, some new stuff, some cool information clips, and as time allows, hopefully a few web-only episodes, some of which were filmed over the last few years and just never made it to TV. We will provide a link to that YouTube page when it is built out, hopefully in the next month.
SCORE! Loved the new into. It really turned out great. Looking forward to the new Youtube page as well.
this is very exciting Fin and I am stoked on the sizzle reel you put up. Looking forward to the premier of the show as well as the youtube channel!
I can't wait you portray hunting the way it is and that's what has been missing for so long. Keep up the great work and providing the everyday guy how it really is.

An honest portrayal of how it usually goes down.


Nice job Randy, not following the tv hunting crowd should definitely work out in your favor.

Good luck.

I'm sure you don't need it though, you make your own.
Wow. A TV show that is actually connected to reality, and reflects how I hunt (at least the part about the screw-ups). I have enjoyed watching OYOA immensely, and can't wait to see Fresh Tracks. I'm off to watch the sizzle reel.
It looks like you just raised the bar for the rest of the outdoor shows Randy. This show pretty much sums up what I appreciate in a hunting show while showing the viewers what real hunters and hunting is all about.

Well done!
Excellent! Looks like a great show.

I downloaded the file, which lets me watch the whole thing without pauses for buffering.
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