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Colorado gun ban

Right. I'll add The Four Boxes Diner (Mark Smith), Armed Scholar (Anthony Miranda) and Tom Grieve. They are all attorneys with a focus on 2A/gun rights. 👍
WGL, FBD and Tom Grieve are very good. I find Armed Scholar painfully slow, excessively redundant and not nearly up to the standards of the other three.
I hate LI requirements because they will then be manipulated to make impossible to get just like they try to do with VISA limits. But they probably aren't viewed as prevent of ownership so likely pass muster if even a single SCOTUS member retires.
I would argue that the issue comes down to Money and being forced to pay a 3rd party to exercise a constitutional right.

If the Feds offered it at low cost guaranteed acceptance then maybe it may fly. But since when is Mutual of Omaha deciding my right to bear arms?
I would argue that the issue comes down to Money and being forced to pay a 3rd party to exercise a constitutional right.

If the Feds offered it at low cost guaranteed acceptance then maybe it may fly. But since when is Mutual of Omaha deciding my right to bear arms?
That is obviously one side of the argument. It will depend on the mood of the court as to which way it goes, but things like taxes and insurance will likely peel off Roberts, and maybe Kavanaugh.
@VikingsGuy Its hard to talk about mental health when the left appoints a man pretending to be a woman as the head of Health and Human Services for all of America, promoting him to be a 4 star Admiral... The left has glorified mental disorders and the discussion of it is buried by the media. Responsible gun owners on the other hand are vilified and banned from expressing opinions on mental health - ie social media censorship and mainstream media propaganda. The mental health crisis will continue to be gaslighted with gun owners as the pariah.

As far as "glorifying" military type training and gear by civilians, thats not a problem. Our country was absolutely founded on the principle of the average citizen being able to defend the itself from any threat foreign or domestic. How mainstream media manipulates people into thinking its a problem, is the problem. Now let's couple that with how they glorify mental health issues and give 24/7 coverage to gun violence crimes that only fit their narrative - it only amplifies the issues.

Point being is the uniparty government is working hand in hand with media, medical, and education institutions to brainwash and control the masses. After the covid experiment it really sunk in to what level that actually works. I wish that was a tinfoil hat conspiracy but thank god the majority of the population has started to see the truth. Now its just getting people to speak and up and not be giant p*****s about standing for what is right.

Last being firearm insurance. Obamacare really f'd the system by legalizing the ability to fine and tax people for not paying for other peoples insurance. Does that monstrosity of a mistake of law transfer to a constitutional right to bear arms? You could argue that it does not. But for healthcare it was kept alive under the guise of "right to life". Scary proposition, and would price all but the wealthy out of firearm ownership.
Would depend on specific final language, but at first blush it likely would.
I have USCCA so hopefully that will cover it. If not then Colorado will be off my list which sucks but if checked for license by a CO and they asked for insurance, not good if a person didn't have any.

Colorado is working on a great way to cut non-resident tourism dollars.
@VikingsGuy Its hard to talk about mental health when the left appoints a man pretending to be a woman as the head of Health and Human Services for all of America, promoting him to be a 4 star Admiral... The left has glorified mental disorders and the discussion of it is buried by the media. Responsible gun owners on the other hand are vilified and banned from expressing opinions on mental health - ie social media censorship and mainstream media propaganda. The mental health crisis will continue to be gaslighted with gun owners as the pariah.
The consistent lack of support for mental health programs by prominent 2A politicians has long pre-dated the trans-fascination of the moment. This is a very weak excuse in response to my point.

As for the "gamification of war" all the little mini-Rambos running around do nothing to keep the nation safe. My silver star owning uncle used to mock them mercilessly and said he would rather have a hard working kid who kept his head down and minded his own business over any show boat wannabe once bullets were flying - peacocks don't win wars.
As far as "glorifying" military type training and gear by civilians, thats not a problem. Our country was absolutely founded on the principle of the average citizen being able to defend the itself from any threat foreign or domestic. How mainstream media manipulates people into thinking its a problem, is the problem. Now let's couple that with how they glorify mental health issues and give 24/7 coverage to gun violence crimes that only fit their narrative - it only amplifies the issues.
I'm no tactical Chad by any means, most of those guys come off as dorks to me. but I do remember the pro gun protest in Virginia recently. All those scary black guns and tactical gear. Not a single shot fired or anyone harmed that I remember (maybe there was, if so please correct me I sometimes don't remember). Was a perfect example of a peaceful protest and not what all the media would have everyone believe what it would be.
I'm no tactical Chad by any means, most of those guys come off as dorks to me. but I do remember the pro gun protest in Virginia recently. All those scary black guns and tactical gear. Not a single shot fired or anyone harmed that I remember (maybe there was, if so please correct me I sometimes don't remember). Was a perfect example of a peaceful protest and not what all the media would have everyone believe what it would be.
Reminds me of the over the top gay pride parades in the 80s/90s - did not support the narrative of “we are just like you”
@VikingsGuy For mental health are you referring to the suicide rate by gun? Because that mental health issue I understand and would agree with you on, yet see no solution to it that still upholds the constitution. The current mental health crisis only amplifies the ongoing suicide one by magnitudes of 10. Being suicidal also seems to correlate to mass shootings - life ceases to have meaning to both situations.

Your uncle joined the military to protect our way of life and uphold the constitution. Granted he was from a different era, but those rights extend to tactical peacock chads too. Our power comes in numbers as the American citizens, We the People, are the largest standing army on earth. In war, numbers do matter, so yes peacocks can help win wars. At least our enemies will be aiming at the brotard's in their Hawaiian shirts while the rest of us go unnoticed.

@Nick87 The peaceful, extremely well armed Virginia protest, was the utmost example of the strength of the American People. That was a warning to the establishment cabal and the message was heard. It scared the hell out of DC and I think the retribution for that day was seen through their actions on Jan 6. Unfortunately the message heard was not a lesson learned.

@VikingsGuy You will have to fill me in too on the pride stuff, as well as other events before my time. Im almost 40, so as much as I follow history, I only know so much through my time on earth. I have a feeling you are a bit older than me.
It’s not complicated, blue tribe state keeping the narrative on the page and out front as instructed.
And why wouldn’t they? It is a winning hand in the suburbs. How about the Red folks coming up with alternatives short of carrying AKs to Walmart?
And why wouldn’t they? It is a winning hand in the suburbs. How about the Red folks coming up with alternatives short of carrying AKs to Walmart?
C'mon VGuy, you said red folks and alternative in the same sentence. Plenty of 'enforce existing law'
I agree, but then show me all the mental health support bills and poverty prevention bills offered by 2A supporting legislators. Over time, general society will do something to address gun violence. It will not just sit on its hands and lament moral decay. So if you are pro 2A you need to start thinking about being pro mental health programs and pro poverty fixes.

Free secondary education in trades & STEM along with the classic education you get w/an associate's degree & a national health service will do more to limit gun violence than any gun control bill.

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