A timely lament . . .

You know I said nothing of the sort. Part of civil discourse is arguing in good faith.
"Obviously, the rules for kids are slightly different, but not that much". So how much? Please define the parameters. We are likely on the same page.

Kids seeing a Playboy/Playgirl(does either still exist?) at 12 likely minimal. Things that used to be XXX probably not OK, especially for 4th grade.
I think the trans/gender conversation has gotten squirrely for sure, but going to all unisex bathroom stalls like many other countries have had for years and I would prefer (I don't need to see the ankles of the guy next to me expelling yesterday's chili) is hardly reason to lose family. And for kids sports, we way over think those and frankly most kids should just be in co-ed rec league and not 5am school day hockey practice. If it becomes a real problem we can solve it with height and weight categories like we have in football and wrestling for kids for decades. At the elite levels testosterone level rules probably fix it. Again, sad to lose a sister over.
No, we can solve it by having boys play against boys and girls play against girls.
This whole gender issue was settled long ago, by that little guy in Kindergarten Cop.
When they came back out with new production I wanted one. The main thing that held me back is I can't hit a barn door if I was leaning on it.
Oh, man yes you can. Practice, start with .38. I like my Sigs and Berettas but revolvers are so fun. The trick is getting a good DA trigger pull, which the new Colts have. New Smiths, don't know. Our old Smiths. 19 (that one was tuned) 29, 686 smooth as butter, New Kimbers K6s Target good too.

Talking about revolvers way more fun than talking about weird sex.
I passed up one at $2850 and kicking myself.
I stand to inherit a 70's era nickel plated python, 6" barrel, in excellent condition. Will probably be another 20 years but thats ok, I can wait. My favorite revolver to shoot.

@Redmt I passed up an anaconda at the pawn shop in MT for $800 because the cylinder spun all wonky. That was years ago but bet it could have been fixed.
1. 3 little words: "I respectfully disagree."
2. When the power of the middle reclaims our 2 party system from the tyranny of either extreme, we will again feel our greatness. Our Machiavellis were elected by voters who can replace them with bipartisans.
The word "maybe" works too....use it often when someone is trying to get me off my settled perch. It throws people off, they don't know what to say in response....there's no argument to "maybe". See that - used ellipsis and clever words, too.
Did she change with them in the locker room?
That was the only option in many small schools, because there are only two locker rooms, visitors get the girls, so she simply didn't get to change. Gotta love them good old days when everything was so much better...

Do you have the same stance about gay/lesbians in the locker room? Statistically someone on your football team enjoyed watching you shower. Are gay people banned from sports too?

I get the point you're concerned about, every parent is worried about that. But there's a million other things I'm also worried about, and many, if not most, occur at much higher frequency. I'd yet to hear about any issues with trans kids in our valley, but every 5 years we find out some coach/teacher/religious figure has been raping girls (or boys). That's an actual threat, but I'm not going to prevent my kids from playing sports because of that very real threat.
Do you have the same stance about gay/lesbians in the locker room? Statistically someone on your football team enjoyed watching you shower. Are gay people banned from sports too?
C'mon dude...Yah that's my stance no gay kids in sports, kick em out of school while we're at it even 🙄. I don't even know if some or most of the kids who are gay or lesbian even know in middle/high school yet. I don't have any daughters so I sympathize with those who do. But I'm not letting my sons go into and change in any girls locker room for several obvious reasons. There's a whole thread about cc cc in school right now and as Randy pointed out its a serious distraction from learning and I totally get that. The girl at my nieces school who identifies as a horse who has to pee outside is also distraction. A distraction that is beyond unnecessary and I do really sympathize with those kids as obviously something is very wrong at home. But I think at that point maybe it would be time for some medical treatment until they get that under control and can function in school normally. Comparing your mom being on the boys basketball team in what I presume was a small rural school in the 70's? Would be like saying there's a connection to my uncles keeping an 870 in there locker in the 70's in the same type of school to hunt the train tracks on the way home can somehow be connected to school shootings of today imo.
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The word "maybe" works too....use it often when someone is trying to get me off my settled perch. It throws people off, they don't know what to say in response....there's no argument to "maybe". See that - used ellipsis and clever words, too.
but you skipped the spaces . . . ;)
C'mon dude...Yah that's my stance no gay kids in sports, kick em out of school while we're at it even 🙄. I don't even know if some or most of the kids who are gay or lesbian even know in middle/high school yet. I don't have any daughters so I sympathize with those who do. But I'm not letting my sons go into and change in any girls locker room for several obvious reasons. There's a whole thread about cc cc in school right now and as Randy pointed out its a serious distraction from learning and I totally get that. The girl at my nieces school who identifies as a horse who has to pee outside is also distraction. A distraction that is beyond unnecessary and I do really sympathize with those kids as obviously something is very wrong at home. But I think at that point maybe it would be time for some medical treatment until they get that under control and can function in school normally. Comparing your mom being on the boys basketball team in what a presume was a small rural school in the 70's? Would be like saying there's a connection to my uncles keeping an 870 in there locker in the 70's in the same type of school to hunt the train tracks on the way home can somehow be connected to school shootings of today imo.
It's only a distraction because parents make it into one. It's not an actual issue for students. It's certainly not a bigger issue than has always existed with fringe students.

Are you $*)Q!#@$ kidding me? It's not even remotely the same as your uncle analogy. We systematically singled woman out for less opportunity, just like many have suggested for trans students, then we astatized, ridiculed, and belittled the few that fought for a sliver of equality. As the father of a daughter, thankfully society came around a realized woman shouldn't be restricted to just home ec. I'm not trans, nor do I know anyone who is, but I believe it is a valid thing, and that we shouldn't infringe upon their life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness, because they're $*)Q!#@$ Americans too. And if that means locker rooms need to be revised, then so be it. It ain't rock science.
It's only a distraction because parents make it into one. It's not an actual issue for students. It's certainly not a bigger issue than has always existed with fringe students.

Are you $*)Q!#@$ kidding me? It's not even remotely the same as your uncle analogy. We systematically singled woman out for less opportunity, just like many have suggested for trans students, then we astatized, ridiculed, and belittled the few that fought for a sliver of equality. As the father of a daughter, thankfully society came around a realized woman shouldn't be restricted to just home ec. I'm not trans, nor do I know anyone who is, but I believe it is a valid thing, and that we shouldn't infringe upon their life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness, because they're $*)Q!#@$ Americans too. And if that means locker rooms need to be revised, then so be it. It ain't rock science.

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