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2015 Fitness Goals or Resolutions?


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Anyone with any big fitness goals or resolutions for 2015?

I still haven't settled on a goal race yet and haven't really set any other goals yet either.

For sure I want to continue my streak of running at least 100 miles each month that I've had going since March of 2012. Thinking about setting my overall mileage goal to 2,015 miles in 2015, but not sure on that. I ran 2,016 miles in 2013 and ended 2014 with 1,851 but that had 4 weeks completely off from running due to a broken collarbone and my big mountain goat and elk hunt in Wyoming this year.

Really want to run a 50K trail race, but haven't settled on exactly which one I want to run.

Of course want to stay fit for hunting and would like to get back under 200 pounds but I'm only over by 4 pounds right now so that shouldn't be too difficult.

Another tentative goal is to run a 1/2 marathon with an average pace under 7:30 per mile.

Anyone else?
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Mine are to get healed up from my injuries so i can get my butt running and back in the gym to be back in shape for hunting season.
I've still got a lot of leftovers from this 43lb double batch of lasagna. Let's talk next week. :)

My goal is to get back into goat hunting shape like I did this year for my friends hunt and be prepared to hike in a long ways for archery elk.
Well if I survive ragnar at the beginning of February I might break down and go see why my knee hurts lol but that is iffy. They heal themselves right? Pikes Peak marathon...that will be a tough one but maybe just maybe
Going to shoot for a 3:40 marathon, 1:45 halfmarathons, a 30K not sure on time yet, and probably a obstacle course race like the tough mudder. Hoping to stay healthy and focused throughout all the miles.
First ... lose 25#
Second ... 3000+ miles on my road bike (can't run any more due to bad knees ... used to ride 4500+ yearly)
Third ... walk/hike 3x week w/pack
Fourth ... lower my cholesterol #'s

All to improve general fitness/health and prepare for 2015 elk hunt.
Well do to the fact that I am getting a little older 62, I have learned not to do anything Stupid to hurt myself.
I plan on just sticking with a mix of my Elliptical,Treadmill, and Total Gym 3 times a week, and riding my bike too, when the weather allows.

Now that I am a few years north of fifty, I have a changed perspective on fitness. I remember Randy saying on one of his shows that elk hunting is a young man's game. Both of my boys, just out of their college years, live in Bozeman. I made two MT trips last year to hunt with them and they were a good gauge for me since they are both very fit. At one point hiking in the mountains I remembered Randy's comment and my only thought was "What do I have to to to keep this up another fifteen years?"

I did pretty well hiking every day over the two weeks we hunted. Coming from sea level my wind was challenged, but my legs were good.

Where I live in NH there is a small mountain ten minutes from my house. The trail is three miles round trip and about 800' of elevation. I hit that about three times a week year round and hike with my dogs. There is another mountain, Mt Monadnock, nearby that is 9mi round trip and over 2000' of elevation. I do that several times per month. Last year I began hiking the 48 4000-footers in the White Mountain Nat'l Forest. Compared to MT that doesn't sound like much, but most of the hikes are 8-12mi round trip and 2500-4000' of elevation gain. They actually compare very well to a typical day of hiking in elk country. So the plan is to increase the hiking even more this year and add 20lbs of weight to my day pack. Simple and satisfying on a daily level.

So, that over 50 fitness perspective? For me it's about my core and my legs. My wife and I have been doing Yoga 3-4 times per week. Other days I have a set of core specific exercises that I do. It's really tough and really terrific. I feel like an awkward bull most of the time, but it's getting better and I can feel the difference. Stronger, more energy and better balance.

You know, life if pretty good. Happy New Year to all you Hunt Talkers!
Now that I am a few years north of fifty, I have a changed perspective on fitness. I remember Randy saying on one of his shows that elk hunting is a young man's game.

So, that over 50 fitness perspective? For me it's about my core and my legs. My wife and I have been doing Yoga 3-4 times per week. Other days I have a set of core specific exercises that I do. It's really tough and really terrific. I feel like an awkward bull most of the time, but it's getting better and I can feel the difference. Stronger, more energy and better balance.
You know, life if pretty good. Happy New Year to all you Hunt Talkers!

I agree with you, i too am a few years north of fifty, i believe Randy said the above statement when he was 48 (?) so we are doing well as old fart flat landers!
The only issues i have is joint pain and lack of flexibility, so you yoga idea might help me out achieving a little more flexibility.
I said a few weeks ago after i shot my Elk i won't go back to Montana to hunt again, too expensive for me and i will be getting older, but in truth i am already thinking about coming back in 2016, just don't tell my wife!


No real goals like events or races to prepare for. That said, I may do a sprint triathlon with neighbor in June. I was pretty happy with my programming for this year, but will work on getting more regular. I'd go through stretches where I was very consistent in getting the work in, but since hunting season have fallen off the wagon so to speak. Where I was normally 4-5 times a week, I've been a 1-3 timer the past few months.

My biggest goal for this year is to just get outside more. I want to focus more on putting the work to good use doing outdoor fun stuff with the boys this year.
No goals. But I have some penciled in targets.

For 2014, I ended up somewhere around 2000 miles running. (I had run over 2K per year since 2009). One PR, and only because I had never run 50 mile race.

2015, my plans are fluid. Thinking about a 50K end of March. But I won't sign up until right before the race. (Trail conditions need to be decent. 12"+ of snow on the trail isn't a running race).

If I run 50K, I will likely run local half in May. If I don't run 50K, I'll run the full marathon in May.

And I would like another shot at 50M. There is one in July that I am thinking of.

I am looking to cash in on 12 NR PP's in CO (Archery), so I need to be recovered before I tackle that hunt.
I really need to lose about 60 pounds. I did OK on both my mountain hunts this year, but I'm attributing that to youth. I know I need to lose the weight and keep it off (which is the hardest part) if I want to continue this kind of hunting later into life.

I'd be happy to have the first 30 off by my spring bear hunt, with the other 30 off by October.
I would like to get to around 200-210 from the 230ish range that I am at now. I would really love to get to my college weight of 180 but I don't know. I need to start on the treadmill and start eating healthy again. The last year has been a killer. I was down to 213, pretty much through diet control, this time last year but I swelled up when my wife had the baby. I would like to strengthen my back and legs for my Wyoming elk hunt. With shed hunting season coming up, I don't think the mileage will be a problem, just finding the time to do it. I think I just need to MAKE time!
Just going to keep working away at trying to keep my weight down and my cardio fitness okay. After tearing my achilles tendon in August of 2013, 2014 has been a struggle to even get back into non couch potato shape.

Hoping drop another 20-25 lbs over the year and get back on the weight lifting a couple times of a week but nothing heavy duty.

Turn the big 50 in this coming April and it sure seems to get tougher.

My fitness goals for 2015 are two fold. One is to maintain my current diet, eat healthy and the amount is key. Second is to lose 20 lbs while getting my cardio up a lot. I plan to spend a lot of time in the mountains this spring/summer.

If you can just DVR that one or two tv shows a night and work out during that time then you are making the time you need. No need to use tv as an excuse. I personally can't wake up and lift weights, it's never worked for me. I can do cardio tho then after work do weights. Just remember to start off easy and don't ever over do it.
I am going on a fly in caribou hunt in Alaska this August. My fitness goals are to drop 20-30 pounds before the hunt to be in optimal shape. Planning on doing this by portion control and exercise every day. Started insanity and am already starting to feel better. Tough workout though

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