
Wyoming Mountain Lion Bowhunt: Take two


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2016
New York
As 2021 was heading to finish line I headed back to Wyoming to finish out a mountain lion hunt that started in January of 2021 with my best friend. Although we came home from that hunt without a lion it was a success in all respects.A great time, awesome hound work in some amazing places, treed cats and life long memories. Knowing that I was still had that unpunched tag in my pocket, my buddy had me back to finish what I started. A few more days hunting would hopefully would find us the right track that would lead us to a big Tom in tree with dogs below. Well we found our track and after a stellar performance by two exceptional hounds, we had a ring side seat to one of the best chases you could imagine, we finally meet Punch and POW POW at the base of big spruce with a mature tom treed way up high. Those two bitches really put on a show while running that cat. And what great cat he is. I am thankful for so many things, the hounds, for great friendships , wild places and the amazing animals that inhabit them. And for my wife who picks up the slack while I am lucky enough to travel to great places and bowhunt.
Here are few pictures






The Biologist that took the tooth sample Ect said the cat was 6 years old. Having him checked was a neat experience, really cool talking to those guys and having them a set questions.
Great people in WY all the way around. Always enjoy my time spent in state
Wow! I've yet to run hounds for cats! What an awesome experience!
Amazing cat! Grats.
The only time I'd be personally interested in shooting a cougar, a bear, a wolf, etc. is if it were menacing livestock, pets, people and children in populated areas or in self-defense. I have no interest in eating meat-eating animals. If a predator is lawfully taken for sport, I can't knock the lawful taker. I can only hope the game-law makers are allowing predator hunting through sound biological and conservation reasoning.
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The only time I'd be personally interested in shooting a cougar, a bear, a wolf, etc. is if it were menacing livestock, pets, people and children in populated areas or in self-defense. I have no interest in eating meat-eating animals. If a predator is lawfully taken for sport, I can't knock the lawful taker. I can only hope the game-law makers are allowing predator hunting through sound biological and conservation reasoning.
I came across guys hound hunting and they invited me to walk along to see the treed cat. I found nothing appealing about chasing cats up trees then shooting them. As stated and is true, if it's legal then so be it. Definitely wasn't for me.

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