What is it and how do i get rid of it?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2020
Live in north central WY, this stuff has invaded our dirt, also known as dead lawn. Last fall we pulled it all but it's back. It spreads and pretty sure mowing it down will spread it more.

How do I kill it? If needed I don't mind killing what little grass we have. Also it doesn't seem to go where the grass is

Any help?
Looks like Russian Thistle to me....tumble weeds.
They have come up anywhere the ground has been moved around me. Roads, woodlot, around where I built.
I pull it when the ground is damp. I never use weedkillers anymore. I might have to fuel the weedeater this year.
I believe it is kochia.

"Kochia — Northern Arizona Invasive Plants" https://nazinvasiveplants.org/kochia

Control strategies: Seeds germinate profusely very early in spring at temperatures above 40 degrees. When seedlings germinate, infestations appear as a gray-green, fuzzy mat. Seedlings compete with each other for water, sun, and nutrients, and many die off naturally. The best time to hand pull them is when they have thinned out and are a few inches tall. It is also an option in large infestations to mow them before they flower or go to seed; the mowing must be repeated until the plants are dormant and no longer producing seeds. Pulling mature plants is difficult, as they are deeply rooted. Try to remove all the Kochia before they get large. Using a shovel will disturb the soil, encouraging the growth of other invasives. Be sure to step down any loose soil. Plant desirable species to outcompete invasives. Monitor previous infestations often for new growth.
That is tumbleweed (Russian Thistle). It is a plague once you get it! Hate the stuff.
We finished our house build last year,as-well-as our three neighbors. We all built on 8 acres in our little valley. We are inundated with this crap. One tumbleweed will drop 200K-250K seeds as it rolls acroos the landscape, seeding any open or disturbed soil. You will fight to control it by pulling it as the seeds germinate and sprout at different intervals.
Glyphosate will kill it, but it will kill your grass.
I went to a local farm store and talked to a rancher. He recommended a product called "Weedmaster". It is a mix of 2-4-D and Discamba and will not kill your grass.
The four of us had over a mile of roads put in also, so that demon weed is everywhere.
I used a 25 gallon sprayer on my UTV and sprayed it all... my septic field, my yard, the neighbor's yard and the roads. By the next afternoon the tops were curled and laying down. Day four and it is losing color and the younger plants are yellowing. It is dying a slow, painful death like it deserves! 😁
The 2-4-D/Discamba combo kills most broadleaf plants but won't harm grasses if applied correctly.
Apply late morning to mid afternoon with no rain forecasted for at least 12 hours. Do not mow for at least three days, and do not apply within three days if mowing as the plants have to be going through the process of photosynthesis to absorb the herbicide and transfer it to the root system.
Also, evening application is less effective. You want that herbicide to prcess into the plant as soon and as efficiently as possible for best results.
That being said, if you have no grass to protect any Glyphosate (Gly-star, Roundup, etc) will kill it quickly.
Better hurry as you don't want it to seed or you will have forty billion more seeds in your soil for next spring! Kill it before it develops the seeds.
You will probably need another application in the spring and then touch up here and there throughout next summer.
Do not buy your herbicides from a box store as they are diluted and EXPENSIVE for what you get. Go to your CO-OP or farmvsupply store. Tell them what you are doing and they will sellvyou the concentrate.
Glyphosate products are usually 6oz per gallon of water. 2-4-D is 1oz or 2.5 oz per gal of water, depending on brand. The Weed master suggested 1oz per gal... but I gave it 1.5 for a little extra "love". 🥴😁
Oh hi Bob! Just saw it was you who posted this. 😁 Shipton's Big R in Sheridan can hook you up.
Thanks to above I took a plant to county weed control. It's Russian thistle. They sent me to MTR and I will be getting a gallon of glystar later this week.

Thanks everyone. Never would have k ow to look up county weed control without this thread
You don't have to apply the chemicals with a sprayer. You could use a towel, or a big car wash/wax mitt worn over rubber gloves and then wipe down the plants you want gone. It's a lot more selective - and a lot more work. But sometimes, it's worth it.
I have a few large areas to cover, so going with the sprayer
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You don't have to apply the chemicals with a sprayer. You could use a towel, or a big car wash/wax mitt worn over rubber gloves and then wipe down the plants you want gone. It's a lot more selective - and a lot more work. But sometimes, it's worth it.
As much as we have it would have gone through three life cycles before I got it all wiped! We literally have tens of thousands of plants over this 32 acres.
A bit surprised someone from Wyoming is just now encountering tumbleweeds, I thought everyone out west had. It's all over NM that's for sure, usually have some blow into my backyard once or twice a year. You can make a good duck blind out of it 😀, only thing useful about it.
A bit surprised someone from Wyoming is just now encountering tumbleweeds, I thought everyone out west had. It's all over NM that's for sure, usually have some blow into my backyard once or twice a year. You can make a good duck blind out of it 😀, only thing useful about it.
Lucky for me they only get about a foot or 2 in diameter here. Nothing like the house eaters that grow there jralb
Russian thistle looks like a plant they sell around here called Russian sage. Russian sage leafs look similar but they have small purple flowers. Planted some around my house years ago. Small.plants and in 3 years the stuff spread everywhere. Went to the farm supply and got Toral Brush killer....that did it. I will never plant that stuff again. Why would they sell that stuff? I could just imagine it get put out where the crap would thrive and just take over everything. I am no botanist so maybe I am way off base.
Thanks to above I took a plant to county weed control. It's Russian thistle. They sent me to MTR and I will be getting a gallon of glystar later this week.

Thanks everyone. Never would have k ow to look up county weed control without this thread
County Weed and Pest can be a great source of info and help with invasive weeds.
Thanks to above I took a plant to county weed control. It's Russian thistle. They sent me to MTR and I will be getting a gallon of glystar later this week.

Thanks everyone. Never would have k ow to look up county weed control without this thread
I’m sure out there they aren’t resistant but Glyphosate won’t even ding it here. Hardly anything will after it’s 6” tall or so. May get it slowed down from getting bigger but won’t kill it.

1 tip for using chems is be sure to use at or slightly above the recommended rate. Don’t skimp. Watch close for any escapes because if you just ding them and they go to seed they will be resistant next time.

If you aren’t afraid to ding any flowers I’d nuke it with 2-4-D if you are going the chemical route.

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