Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Trapping Talk


Active member
Jun 20, 2020
Traverse City, MI
Very informative pod cast. I like what Randy said "if you don't tell your story someone else will and you won't like the story they tell". This is exactly why MI lost its dove hunting season. The anti hunters put out false information and both non hunters and even some hunters believed the false narrative. I also agree with Richard's comment on tribe separation with people. Most people are to immature to listen to a different view point with an open mind. Just look at all the name calling on a platform like Facebook when someone doesn't agree. I wish people could disagree and have open dialogue rather then resort to name call and attacking. Randy if your going to blackmail the poor guy at least give him a chance to pay for the incriminating evidence before you give it to his wife.
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Really great podcast. Just finished listening. He is quite a funny character.
I’m in that category of ‘never trapped but have always been fascinated by it’. Love it when @Big Fin does trapping content
I finally got a chance to give it a listen. I thought this podcast was terrific. As someone who grew up in a trapping family I appreciated this podcast greatly. Trapping needs all the positive exposure it can get.

It is so true what Randy said about how much trapping gives you skills that really give you a leg up on being a better hunter and outdoorsman, especially in the sign reading and, landscape evaluation departments. A lot of the best hunters I have known are trappers.

It was fun to hear about the good old days of mink trapping in Louisiana. I believe having many more gators, many more river otters, along with some other disease related factor that is being studied now has driven the mink population, at least in the north part of the state, to almost non existent. There are still many in some places in the southern end. My grandpa and uncles made a good winter income for the first part of my life trapping mink, raccoons, and some otter.
Very informative pod cast. I like what Randy said "if you don't tell your story someone else will and you won't like the story they tell". This is exactly why MI lost its dove hunting season. The anti hunters put out false information and both non hunters and even some hunters believed the false narrative. I also agree with Richard's comment on tribe separation with people. Most people are to immature to listen to a different view point with an open mind. Just look at all the name calling on a platform like Facebook when someone doesn't agree. I wish people could disagree and have open dialogue rather then resort to name call and attacking. Randy if your going to blackmail the poor guy at least give him a chance to pay for the incriminating evidence before you give it to his wife.
That's confirmation bias. Many these days, on both sides, simply don't want to listen to opinions (which is fine) or worse, facts (not fine) which don't agree with their strongly held convictions. It's the basis of cancel culture. This is a new thing. The basis of liberal debate and education was to consider all points of view and then make decisions.
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