Still Kicking!

98 by noon, in Pie Town.

Grader here now after a breakdown on way. Glad I wasn't replacing a drum on that trailer today. The guys looked the part.
Drivers GF did not. A sweetheart from Australia...where did Luke find her?....LOL
Another load of rock and progress.

Clouds built by 5pm and some virga. 5% humidity, and still trying.
Had a dozen antelope come to the water 1st thing this morning. Passing elk on the way in.

Cooled off to 87 and time for a walk with Rio.
98 by noon, in Pie Town.

Grader here now after a breakdown on way. Glad I wasn't replacing a drum on that trailer today. The guys looked the part.
Drivers GF did not. A sweetheart from Australia...where did Luke find her?....LOL
Another load of rock and progress.

Clouds built by 5pm and some virga. 5% humidity, and still trying.
Had a dozen antelope come to the water 1st thing this morning. Passing elk on the way in.

Cooled off to 87 and time for a walk with Rio.
That's the life Hank. mtmuley
80 @ 0900...a cooker.
Buttoned up early, headed to town when the clouds built up.
An hour later there were heavy downdrafts as I closed the gate.
Thunder up in those clouds as I ate lunch.
Temps dropped to 74 and the rain tried again...and for a minute I smelled the smell. Rain came off the roof and I opened the door.

An hour later it was 85 again and I buttoned up again.
The heat builds and it builds the clouds over these high mesas, wringing whatever is in the clouds, to try.
Heavy downdrafts cool the land.
The rain tries again.

Earliest monsoon type rain in June I have seen.
Another full thunderhead just blocked the sun. More thunder.
74 in the house and Rio back hiding from the sound.
Life is good in Pie Town.
A few days of cool, no rain here.
Lightning fire started just south of me. Very smokey now.
Heading to mid 80's & 90's again til the weekend.

Road half rocked.
Eaten alive by pinion gnats talking to driver last night.

A handful of apples growing. Need wraps next year.
Grass still growing despite the heat we have had early.
Pinions loaded with young cones.
Wildflowers starting up.

Come on monsoons!
Holy moly it's hot. 95
Gotta stick another ac in a window tomorrow morning.

Heavy smoke @ sunrise.
Apache gunship flew over and we saluted...morning pee in the yard. I could see a helmet in the window. Guy was low.
Young elk ran for the trees.

Bug juice on Rio & I today.
I could barely sleep between itches last night. Rio's ears are his soft spot.
I sprayed my whole head today.

Way hot for June...clouds trying again.
97 yesterday. Very smokey.
Fire is creeping thru the Apache, slowly.
Went to the store & picked up my rebuilt weedeater.

Rain drops this
Scattered showers today. Yeah!

Have to go get bloodwork done and order corral panels.
Socorro,in summer. Bummer.

AC working in house and in Tacoma. Good use of the hot days, driving. Solo.
Rio is happy inside in the cool. Going to try new kibble.
I can hit Sophia's Kitchen for breakie and the Pie-O-Neer for lunch.
Same drill Monday for Dr. video chat.
Wed. a trip to Show Low to pick up new miter saw & base.

PSA is now .03......................... gone. WOW!
All markers in bounds.

Showers off & on all day. 75.
News says above average rainfall through June.
I hope.

Ordered corral panels and loaded up on doggie treats and salmon kibble.
Hit the Pie shop and scored. Strawberry/rhubarb and blackberry,lavender, goat cheese slices.
Rio asleep next to me. Both stuffed.
B.L.A.T. sandwiches....avo...a whole one in 2 sammies.