Caribou Gear

Spring Bear Knee Replacement Motivation


Well-known member
May 16, 2020
Hey All, I’ve been out of it recently. I ended up having to have my left knee replaced… If you’re on here a lot you might be thinking WTF. This was my 4th knee surgery in 3 years. These weren’t the first and won’t be the last being that I’m 46. I’ve somehow managed to hunt every season and get at least one deer each year, blessed. Stupid Washington has cancelled Spring Bear again… I have never spring bear hunted, but it has been a goal that has motivated me through all these surgeries. My brother, my briend, and I are going to give it a shot.

We are going to hunt SW Montana near Anaconda and Deerlodge, and have a few areas in mind. So, why am I boring you? I’ve watched a lot of videos, and read a lot of articles and posts. What are your tips and tricks? The main goal is going to be to camp out and have fun.

Thanks for all your support and motivation directly and indirectly. CDED0371-A03A-4DB3-AE04-C975D9C289DD.jpeg
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Glad to hear you're still getting after it! Too many people make excuses or give up after a knee replacement. Maybe I'll see you on the mountain!
Spring bear aint hard, wear those socks and i bet you kill one! Hoping for your speedy recovery and some longevity on that knee.
Glad to hear you're still getting after it! Too many people make excuses or give up after a knee replacement. Maybe I'll see you on the mountain!

Screw that, whoever spoke of couch adventures? So there I was, the screen had to be over 60 inches, and my hands were wet with sweat as I clenched the controller.
Cranking away here. I especially love the staples in the X-ray. They’re gone now, but I think the X-ray is pretty bcol. I am up to about 3 miles walking each day, and my dogs are in heaven. Pedaling for about 40 minutes, and pt twice a day. Next week is the big 6 week meeting. Wish me luck.

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I think I’m meeting by bros on Cinco De Mayo for bruin chasing in the Pintlers. Thoughts? Too early?
I’ve hit a goal! I am flying the nest of physical therapy! It’s been 3 years of ups and downs. I know it isn’t over, and I may need to go back. However, I‘ve befriended my PT and we’re even mountain biking today.

I started climbing the infamous Perry Street Stairs of Spokane last week. I can take the long way home from work each day past them, and I am. I stop, grind until I nearly fall down them, and it feels great. I need to start tracking the elevation gain and lost. I’m working all the directions when climbing and doing my PT exercises between each lap.

Next goal, climb Mount Haggin with my brother @Hamm59701 , sister, and Mom, with my Dad’s ashes over the 4th of July, and spread him at the peak. I wonder if my Mom will be the oldest person to climb it… Probably not, but she’s a 78 year old badass. I’m more concerned about my knee than her.
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How'd the bear hunt go?

I've had 7 knee surgeries, including total's on both. So, I'm no stranger to rehab either...

I do have about 20 years on you though.