Sportsmen get riled about anti-access vote

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Thought you guys might be interested. This issue goes far beyond Montana, and the cuts to Conservation programs at the National Level will ripple down to your home states.


July 25, 2011

Irv Wilke, President, Billings Rod & Gun Club, Billings - 406-670-6268 / [email protected]
Tony Jones, President, Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association, Hamilton - 406-381-0587 / [email protected]
Don Clark, President, Libby Rod & Gun Club, Libby - 406-293-7659 / [email protected]
Ben Lamb, Conservation Director, Montana Wildlife Federation, Helena – 406-458-0227 x108 / [email protected]
John Borgreen, Member, Russell Country Sportsman, Great Falls – 406-453-4273 / [email protected]
Les Castren, President, Skyline Sportsman Association, Butte - 406-723-4978 / [email protected]

16 Hook And Bullet Organizations In Montana Ask Representative Rehberg To Reconsider 80% Cut to Land and Water Conservation Fund

(Helena, MT) -- Sixteen hunting and angling organizations from across Montana have sent a letter expressing their disappoint with Rep. Rehberg for his recent vote on the Appropriations Committee to cut the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) by 80% from last year.

The Appropriations Committee passed a Bill on Tuesday, July 12, that would cut the LWCF to $61 Million, all but eliminating critical access and conservation programs rural communities rely on during the hunting season. The full floor vote on the Bill is scheduled for today.

“The Appropriations Committee vote last week represents a continuation of the all-out assault on access to Montana’s public lands for hunting and fishing that Montana’s sportsmen and women successfully fended off during this previous state legislative cycle,” said Irv Wilke, President of the Billings Rod and Gun Club. “The Land and Water Conservation Fund directly supports conservation efforts in Montana that protect absolutely vital habitat for big game and our state’s blue ribbon fisheries. Cutting these funds by $240 Million is ludicrous, especially before even once considering cuts to the estimated $15 Billion in taxpayer subsidies to oil and gas companies. LWCF is not funded by one cent of taxpayer money and now it is being used as a political bargaining chip while Congress plays chicken with Montana’s recession proof outdoor industry.”

When it became law in 1965, the LWCF was intended to be funded at $900 Million per year. This funding mechanism is only a small percentage of revenue from off-shore oil and gas drilling, but has since been gutted to $301 Million in 2010.

“Our members and those of every organization who signed this letter hope to express the essential role funding for LWCF plays in creating access to public land and water which directly supports Montana’s $2 Billion dollar outdoor industry,” said Tony Jones, President of the Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association in Hamilton. “Instead of voting with Montana’s hunters and anglers, Representative Rehberg has chosen to eliminate access programs essential for hunting and angling in Montana. Conversely, Sen. Baucus and Sen. Tester just reintroduced a bill in the Senate to fully fund the LWCF to $900 Million and dedicate 1.5% of all LWCF funding to go towards increasing access to public lands.”

“On the chopping block with these unreasonable cuts is a conservation easement of 28,000 acres of Stimson Lumber Company land near Troy, Montana,” said Don Clark, President of the Libby Rod and Gun Club. “This deal would ensure that the land could not be sold for future commercial or real estate development. It protects timber jobs and permanent public access for recreation that we desperately need."

The Outdoor Industry Association reports that outdoor recreation in Montana produces in an estimated $2 Billion annually in retail sales and services across Montana accounting for 7.5% of gross state product. Furthermore, the report states that the outdoor industry supports 34,000 jobs and generates $118 Million in annual state tax revenue. “That’s money in the bank for rural communities, sporting goods stores and small businesses, and it helps provide good jobs in tough times,” said Ben Lamb, of the Montana Wildlife Federation.

"Not only does our outdoor heritage depend on funds from the LWCF, but so do portions of our state's economy," said John Borgreen, a member of the Russell Country Sportsman in Great Falls. "Nearly $2 billion is pumped into the Montana economy every year from outdoor recreational activities and services, and of that total helping to sustain 34,000 jobs in our state. I hope that Rep. Rehberg joins Senators Baucus and Tester who have recently shown leadership on this issue by re-introducing a bill fully fund the LWCF to $900 Million.”

In Montana over the past 45 years, LWCF has provided approximately $408 million to help protect clean water, wildlife habitat, and working landscapes, and provide access for hunting and fishing. Thanks to LWCF investments, Montanans can enjoy the Flathead and Gallatin National Forests, Red Rocks and Charles Russell National Wildlife Refuges, Bighorn Canyon, Meeteetse Spires, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Swan Valley, the Rocky Mountain Front, as well as close-to-home recreational opportunities across the state.

“The 16 Montana hunting and fishing organizations who signed on to this letter today hope that Rep. Rehberg will reconsider his vote and say “no” to defunding access to public land for hunting and fishing in Montana,” said Les Castren, President of the Skyline Sportsman Association in Butte.

A House vote on the Interior Appropriations bill, which includes funding for LWCF, is scheduled for today, July 25.
Here is the letter that was sent to Rep. Rehberg today:

July 25, 2011
The Honorable Denny Rehberg
U.S. House of Representatives
2448 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Rehberg:

As representatives of Montana’s hunting and fishing community we collectively wish to express our extreme disappointment in your support for the 2012 Interior Appropriations Bill, which takes Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) funding to its lowest level since it was created in the 1960s. The Bill’s proposed $61 Million budget is an 80% cut over last year’s already small budget, the funding levels in this bill would eliminate funding for both the Tenderfoot Creek and Stimson Forestlands Projects in Montana. Both of these projects are critical for maintaining traditional access to our hunting grounds and in ensuring that elk have room to roam in Central and Western Montana. Simply put, eliminating this funding is a major setback for Montana’s hunters and anglers.

The Tenderfoot Creek project is critical in maintaining access to elk herds that are both becoming off limits due to closed private lands surrounding them, and to help conserve critical habitat to ensure the future viability of that elk herd.

The Stimson Forestlands project in the Kootenai River Valley near Troy have been the traditional haunts of hunters and anglers since the early 20th century. The bond of shared access between the timber companies and hunters and anglers helped feed families in the winter. Loss of access to these lands by disallowing funding directly reduces the amount of land accessible to hunters. In a time of declining hunter numbers directly related to declining acres available for hunting, it makes no sense to vote against increased access for hunter opportunities. This vote will negatively impact the economic viability of rural communities that rely on hunting revenues in lean months.

The LWCF is the main federal program for conserving working lands, protecting wildlife habitats and providing Montana’s roughly 250,000 hunters and anglers’ access to high quality hunting lands and fishing waters. As you know, LWCF dollars do not come from our tax dollars. They come from a small percentage of royalties paid by oil companies for off-shore oil and gas leases, a common sense funding source for investing in sportsmen access and wildlife habitat. In fact, what this means is increased domestic production of our offshore oil and gas resources in a responsible manner helps increase hunter and angler access throughout the United States, which in turn increases revenues to small communities like Choteau, Troy, Townsend and Malta.

We are greatly concerned about your support for the drastic cuts to LWCF as proposed in the FY2012 Interior appropriations Bill, as they eliminate critical funding for both the Tenderfoot Creek and Stimson Forestlands projects. We further urge you to work proactively with House leadership through the rest of the appropriations process to defend and restore this critical program and to preserve Montana’s hunting and fishing traditions.


Lorry Thomas
President, Anaconda Sportsman Association (Anaconda, MT)

Irv Wilke
President, Billings Rod and Gun Club (Billings, MT)

Chuck Hunt
President, Flathead Wildlife Inc. (Kalispell, MT)

Vito Quatraro
President, Headwaters Sportsman Association (Bozeman, MT)

Stan Frasier
President, Helena Hunters and Anglers Association (Helena, MT)

Land Tawney
President, Hellgate Hunters and Anglers (Missoula, MT)

Herb Stoick
President, Laurel Rod and Gun Club (Laurel, MT)

Don Clark
President, Libby Rod and Gun Club (Libby, MT)

Greg Munther
President, Montana Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (Missoula, MT)

Jason Tounsley
President, Montana Bow Hunters Association (Billings, MT)

Tim Aldrich
President, Montana Wildlife Federation (Helena, MT)

Hayes Goosey
President, Park County Rod and Gun Club (Livingston, MT)

John Gibson
President, Public Land and Water Access Association (Billings, MT)

Tony Jones
President, Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association (Hamilton, MT)

George Golie
President, Russell Country Sportsman Association (Great Falls, MT)

Les Castren
President, Skyline Sportsman Association (Butte, MT)

Hopefully the cut off money will be used to pay the nations debt and not for some government program or for some entitlement program.
A glint of hope on the Montana horizon.....MT sportsmans groups are beginning to band together and possibly work more towards a common goal . Look up your local group and check into this.......
The reality of cuts like this is that they are revenue destroyers.

Access to hunting and angling spots increases revenue dollars from residents to local businesses. Access to public lands, for DIY public land hunters is a gold mine. These cuts also hurt landowners who are in line to receive conservation easements.

The money won't be used to pay down the debt, and if congress were serious about that, then maybe they could get rid of the roughly $15 billion in oil and gas subsidies. That goes a lot farther to reduce the debt than a few hundred million, which has been proven to generate revenue for small communities. Other programs on the cutting room floor include enforcement of EPA standards for clean air and water, the North American Wetland Conservation Act and a host of others that are net revenue generators.

This cut, and many more, ultimately serve to sever the sportsman from the land. Furthermore, recent polling done by the LWCF Coalition indicates that roughly 85% of Americans (on all sides of the aisle) support full funding of the LWCF.

They're playing games with our future. They're not serious about cutting the budget or they'd sit down and negotiate like grown ups rather than the 14 year olds they play in the capitol.
Sorry guys. It's been one of those months. Feels like I'm back at the leg! Time for a gin and tonic.
Ben, "sorry guys.......", isn't necessary. The stuff you work on never goes away. Legislative sessions wake people up a little, then they go back to sleep while the #%holes continue to chip away, largely unnoticed, at what we sportsman live for. Keep up the good work. Life in the trenches has its own rewards:) - isn't for sissies;).....
For the most part, I think the sportsmen and women of MT have woken up. 16 organizations signed that letter inside of 36 hours. That's a pretty quick turnaround. Those same 16 grassroots groups, by the way, were the leaders at the legislature.

I'm awfully proud of the work they did, and I'm even more proud that they let me associate with them. :)
White House statement on conservation cuts

The Administration strongly opposes a number of provisions in this bill, including ideological and
political provisions that are beyond the scope of funding legislation. If the President is presented
with a bill that undermines ongoing conservation, public health, and environmental protection
efforts through funding limits or restrictions, his senior advisors would recommend he veto the bill.
The problem is nobody wants anything cut. The politicians from both parties will take that as support to just kick the can down the road. That is the problem. You can't raise enough revenue to solve this problem and the rhetoric won't change that. The federal government spends too much money and they spend it foolishly. The federal government can't be all things to all people. I personally wouldn't rely on the current administration to do anything that I want.
........and the White House also claims that the bum that sits behind the desk in the Oval Office also believes in the Second Amendment and the rights of Americans to own guns! If Obama and his administration make a statement that doesn't cater to the far left, then in all probability the statement is a LIE!!!!!!!!!
Emails sent to my reps.

Sorry for continuing the change in topic, but it always amazes me how so many think that Obama has taken away some of our second amendment rights. Not a big Obama fan but during his presidency there has been a few advancements in second amendment rights and I cant think of one thing he has done to take away second amendment rights.

For example---
He signed a bill that allows people to bring concealed and loaded guns into national parks. The gun bill passed 279 to 147 in the House with the help of 105 Democratic votes.

A spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), one of the Democratic backers of the bill, said Reid viewed the bill as defending the Second Amendment.

"We have a Democratic president, a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, and we're passing more gun legislation than when there was a Republican in the White House," said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.),

Although it has nothing to do with him, but did happen during his presidency---
McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. ___, 130 S.Ct. 3020 (2010), was a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that determined whether the Second Amendment applies to the individual states. The Court held that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" protected by the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and applies to the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

On June 28, 2010, the Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit's decision in McDonald v. Chicago and remanded it back to Seventh Circuit to resolve conflicts between certain Chicago gun restrictions and the Second Amendment. The Court of Appeals had upheld a Chicago ordinance banning the possession of handguns as well as other gun regulations affecting rifles and shotguns

Maybe I missed something, but what attacks on our 2nd amendment rights has Obama initiated?
The only attacks on sportsmen I have seen lately have been coming from the other side of the isle, but I'll admit I am a little jaded by the insanity that was the 62nd Montana Legislature.
Emails sent to my reps.

Sorry for continuing the change in topic, but it always amazes me how so many think that Obama has taken away some of our second amendment rights. Not a big Obama fan but during his presidency there has been a few advancements in second amendment rights and I cant think of one thing he has done to take away second amendment rights.

For example---
He signed a bill that allows people to bring concealed and loaded guns into national parks. The gun bill passed 279 to 147 in the House with the help of 105 Democratic votes.

A spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), one of the Democratic backers of the bill, said Reid viewed the bill as defending the Second Amendment.

"We have a Democratic president, a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate, and we're passing more gun legislation than when there was a Republican in the White House," said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.),

Although it has nothing to do with him, but did happen during his presidency---
McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. ___, 130 S.Ct. 3020 (2010), was a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that determined whether the Second Amendment applies to the individual states. The Court held that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" protected by the Second Amendment is incorporated by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and applies to the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

On June 28, 2010, the Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit's decision in McDonald v. Chicago and remanded it back to Seventh Circuit to resolve conflicts between certain Chicago gun restrictions and the Second Amendment. The Court of Appeals had upheld a Chicago ordinance banning the possession of handguns as well as other gun regulations affecting rifles and shotguns

Maybe I missed something, but what attacks on our 2nd amendment rights has Obama initiated?
The only attacks on sportsmen I have seen lately have been coming from the other side of the isle, but I'll admit I am a little jaded by the insanity that was the 62nd Montana Legislature.

Fast and Furious? Dont tell us he didnt know about that. Rabid, anti-gun, activist supreme court justices, Eric Holder's nomination, he's not stupid he know what he can blatantly pass and what he can't, he's an idealogue, he'll continue to chip away at it all he can, he slanderd the supreme court for there decisions on the Chicago and DC cases, we were literally 1 vote away from losing our 2nd amendment rights thats no lie nor conspiracy theory, despite what one fuggin turd will probably say.
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