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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2024
When I hunted Utah, Shovelers tasted terrible as they feasted on brine shrimp.

Up in interior Alaska, they feed right next to the teal and as just as excellent eating as teal.
Especially grilled over alder coals instead of mountain house.

These photos were from yesterday's Montana refuge hike. The pair was about 100 yards away.
Shovelers shoveling:

They are beautiful in full plumage, but they usually plume out late so it's fairly uncommon to see them during duck season. Along with their highly variable eating qualities, and the goofy looking bill they just aren't high on my list. But I'll shoot them if circumstances align.

They get a lot of disrespect from waterfowl hunters, but drakes in full plumage are really beautiful birds.

They are, even the hens are cool looking- like a blue wing on ‘roids.

I have always enjoyed the way a flock of shovelers comes in to decoys, it’s like they read the script better than any other duck when they commit.
They are beautiful in full plumage, but they usually plume out late so it's fairly uncommon to see them during duck season. Along with their highly variable eating qualities, and the goofy looking bill they just aren't high on my list. But I'll shoot them if circumstances align.

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Someone said this duck could be entered into Spoon & Crockett. 😁