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Role playing games. D and D

Have any other forum users ever played Dungeons and Dragons? Dungeons and Dragons is a table top game that relies on players creativity and spirit to foster an immersive game experience. The game allows adventurers to become power wizards, fierce warriors, or cunning rouges! One of the advantages that this game offers is little or no materials for participants to play and engage in the campaign with friends. A good set of appropriate dye is the most crucial and necessary gear.

I have personally experienced the enjoyment and thrill of becoming fully immersed in one of these adventures while sitting around a campfire after a long but rewarding day hiking and scouting on public lands with a couple of close companions. Adventure by day, danger by night. Wonderful stuff.
I have no shame in admitting that I was a D&D nerd occasionally as a kid while growing up in the 80s. Kept up with until about my sophomore year in HS. Then it faded for a decade and I didn’t get back into it until EverQuest(EQ) came into the scene in 1998 and I did play that for a couple of years.
I have no problem with being labeled as a dork because of it 😜
I think you might be surprised how many nerds there are here. old school nerds are used to being made fun of. Today, nerding is far more popular than hunting and shooting sports. Today's youth much prefers dressing up and cosplaying as their favorite characters instead of spending time outdoors.
Nerd behind closed doors! I can guarantee that hunting & shooting is more popular than nerding on this website.

We are in the midst's of an AI takeover :ROFLMAO:
There is a Star Track tabletop RPG similar to DnD full of Jedis and Spocks and all that nonsense. Im not big into Star Track, but I was invited by a couple guys in the DnD group to join their Star Track game.

Not knowing the lore of the Star Track universe, Im reading thru this Player Manual when I come across this race of totally blind humanoids. And, I read they can play as Jedis. I ask these other nerds about whats happening here, and lore guy goes into one of those long lore guy monologues - full of words and phrases one could only assume were made up out of thin air on the spot had they been uttered in any situation other than a tabletop RPG session - about how the race of bling Jedi warriors works in this setting.

So naturally, I am playing a blind guy with a lightsaber. Only, lore guy - nor the rest of them - werent prepared for slapstick, blind guy 'humor', completely egged on the further into the night the game got by me being 'the guy just there to drink beer' (there are no dragons in Star Track). I wasnt invited back after a couple sessions.

That was my last foray into Star Track RPGs. Wouldve been 23ish years ago.
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Here comes another closed thread.
Why? Are the rules lawyers going to come out of the woodwork and get heated?

Another player type:

The rules lawyer. This guy knows - or thinks he knows - the entire ruleset in every rules book. He will correct anything and everything, arguing his position until the end of time, or more likely the other party concedes, never conceding whether right or wrong.
The touching of the female body, especially the chest are is commonly a prelude to coitus.

Can you recommend a link to copper bullets? I want to participate in the recreational sport of hunting like a virulent American who also has coitus.

What is your opinion on crossbows and abortion?
Here's that link to copper bullets HUGE dicscouts on non-lead ammo! Up to 40% off this week only
Crossbows are great for skunks, feral cats and other rodents around the farm. In the case of an apocalypse the guy with the crossbow always does some cool sh*t.

Abortion talk belongs on monster muleys.
Why? Are the rules lawyers going to come out of the woodwork and get heated?

Another player type:

The rules lawyer. This guy knows - or thinks he knows - the entire ruleset in every rules book. He will correct anything and everything, arguing his position until the end of time, or more likely the other party concedes, never conceding whether right or wrong.

Sometimes I think your serious, then I get reminded.
Player types:

Lesbian elf player.
Guy just there to drink beer.

I feel like if these roles were revealed to me I would've payed waaaaay more attention to this game when I was younger. Instead I went to the beach, fished, played baseball, and shot guns...big whiff by the marketing guys there, BIG whiff!
Here's that link to copper bullets HUGE dicscouts on non-lead ammo! Up to 40% off this week only
Crossbows are great for skunks, feral cats and other rodents around the farm. In the case of an apocalypse the guy with the crossbow always does some cool sh*t.

Abortion talk belongs on monster muleys.
Many thanks hunting friend. I enjoy shooting the device that became popular during the Middle Ages as a weapon of war. I also enjoy killing vermin, as I am a fellow hunter.

Would you like to engage is a rousing discussion of how the election was stolen from Trump? I think this is a good and important topic.
Many thanks hunting friend. I enjoy shooting the device that became popular during the Middle Ages as a weapon of war. I also enjoy killing vermin, as I am a fellow hunter.

Would you like to engage is a rousing discussion of how the election was stolen from Trump? I think this is a good and important topic.
Pretty convenient that all those chemicals went missing in those train wrecks and now Canada’s on fire, isn’t it?
Many thanks hunting friend. I enjoy shooting the device that became popular during the Middle Ages as a weapon of war. I also enjoy killing vermin, as I am a fellow hunter.

Would you like to engage is a rousing discussion of how the election was stolen from Trump? I think this is a good and important topic.
Does your liberal bias really inhibit you from admitting that there maybe kinda sorta might have been at least a couple things weird about that election and the covid pandemic?
You’re normally so open minded and accepting of opposing viewpoints.
Met up with @rtraverdavis over Memorial Day weekend for a burriot (Santa Cruz for the win!) and we passed a bunch of LARPers cruising around a street market. We both agreed that 50% of the internal monologue was "NERD!!!" and the other half was "good for you LARPer nerd, you found your people - good for you."
I saw multiple LARPer groups running around Missoula about two weeks ago and now kind of regret not following them to whatever LARP party was going down.