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Pray for me.

Vaseline around the bases now to keep the brown from leeching out. Dry out of direct intense sun to keep facial bones from separating. You may have to change the water and do a second simmer if it had a good bit if tissue still on there. Be careful not to dump out any fallen out teeth when you do that, I recently made that mistake. A Dremmel tool with a brush is a great way to remove any stubborn spots at the back of the skull. I break out the ear bones as well. The rest of it should come off with a strong hosing after a couple simmers, then onto the peroxide.
How long do you simmer? I’ve read anywhere from 1 1/2 to 4 hours. I’m at 1 1/2 now.
I don’t think there is a set time, just whenever it comes off. I scrape meat and ligaments and cartilages off as it becomes loose. Find a stick or something you can put in the brain stem and stir up the brain. Add a little dish soap to your water.
How long do you simmer? I’ve read anywhere from 1 1/2 to 4 hours. I’m at 1 1/2 now.
If the water looks like a disgusting hearty chicken noodle soup, stop, change the water and start round 2. It really depends on the condition of the skull, how much tissue was on it, and how dried out that tissue was. Could be anywhere in the timeframe you mentioned. When its all come off the bone or it is so loose it can be sprayed off, its done. Too long or especially too high of heat can separate the facial bones.
After the initial simmer, I give it a good hot bath in a degreaser (you can use Dawn). Once you pull it and while it's still hot, use compressed air (preferred) and/or a pressure washer to get all the grease out of the bone. I also bust out the ear canal since it usually holds a good bit of meat/grease and it looks better without it.
First round of scraping done. Wasn’t to bad. I know I married the right one. She said it kinda of smells like a pot roast. If we had some potato’s and carrots we could have a stew lol. As I was scraping out eye balls and brains. Back in the pot for a hour then pressure wash. Thanks guys.
First round of scraping done. Wasn’t to bad. I know I married the right one. She said it kinda of smells like a pot roast. If we had some potato’s and carrots we could have a stew lol. As I was scraping out eye balls and brains. Back in the pot for a hour then pressure wash. Thanks guys.
I would be realll careful with a pressure washer. Ive never had to use more than a hose with a jet nozzle. Those nasal bones are very fragile, and look cool if you dont mess them up.
After you have done the cleaning process mix up some volume 40 with a scoop of basic white and use a paint brush to apply (these are hair care products)
Do not get it on the antlers or it will turn them white and be sure to wear latex gloves or it will burn and bleach your skin. Set out in the sun to dry and the next day wash it off with cold water. Let it dry again and get some satin clear coat and spray paint the skull.
I used satin clearcoat on my Javelina and
After a few years it turned dark brown, almost
black...never again, my next 3 pigs are
plain white and look great, 💥
I give mine a scoop of oxi clean and some dawn. Remove everything you can get those eyeballs out next time save yourself some work. Simmer until nose cartilage starts splitting pull, give it a good power washing and pop ear buds out with screwdriver. Be easy with the washer it will destroy them esp around the nose bones. I bust all the nose cartilage out to remove the sinus cavity easier. That is almost always were you get the stink later if it's dirty. Get it super clean and cover it with volume 40 paste let sit over night, clean check to see if it needs a second coating. I'm no pro so take it for what it's worth. Lol
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