NV FCFS Ram tag party 2022 - Get your invite or a NEW TRUCK!


Mar 20, 2015
TL; DR - jerk gets new truck using NV FCFS to convert resident ram tags to NR status and selling knowledge of the FCFS tag drop timing.

Be a part of the inaugural NV FCFS Ram Tag PARTY in 2022!!!

I need a new truck! The FCFS process allows me to to convert resident ram tags to NR tags and sell the knowledge of when the tag will drop on FCFS to non-residents.

Exact Date of the hunt and the tag party is TBD. But at least ONE ram tag is almost assured for one NR hunter invited in to this special group.

I have a group of NV Residents (friends/family) each with 10-25 Nelson ram points. We will place mid-tier Ram tags in positions 2-5 on our resident applications and draw these tags. We are very likely to get at least a couple of these tags for 2022 – probably about three tags total. At a time 0-14 days prior to the season opening (at an exact time/day coordinated with YOU), we will return these tags to NDOW at a cost of only $120/tag to us. We get our points back and a point for current year! With under 14 days before opener, these tags completely bypass the "eligible alternate" call list and go straight to FCFS.

At that exact time, each of the NRs “in the know”, will be on their PCs logged on to FCFS religiously for the next 24 hour when that Ram tag will pop up.

Contact me to discuss further if you are a NR wanting a special invitation. Of course, there will be a cover charge for this party - price TBD. That is how I get my new truck!

Remember, NDOW/Kalkomey hopes to go away from the 35 second refresh cycle in 2022 and towards "real time refresh". So, you will want to be on a very high speed internet connection. Preferably on a high speed trunk line at a commercial building.

Am I serious about doing this? If I don't do it - who will? Does anyone else reading this plan need a new truck?

NV wildlife commission – you can fix this by enforcing the 10% NR cap on FCFS tags. But please don't - have you seen how worn out my current truck is?

NDOW - you created this game and now you are shocked at the level of game play? You auction these tags for $200K and don't understand it's big business? Are you prepared to play in 2022? Or do you think it looks honorable to sit back and say "we just didn't foresee that people would open up multiple browsers to get tags - our minds don't think that way" (quote from Jan, '22 commission meeeting). You are using my licensing dollars to convert resident ram tags to NR tags -in violation of 90/10. Why shouldn't I also be able to do this to get my new truck?

Can't afford Ram Tag party cover charge? Don't worry - the Bull Elk Tag party will also exist and the bull cover charge will be priced more like Ely/Elko than the strip. The bull tag party is for my son's new Honda Civic.

Do not be misled by Kalkomey's allegation of $0 for "NDOW's cost to build" FCFS? $173,053 dollars in sales and Kalkomey likely gets paid by a % of that number - not a direct software coding bill to NDOW. Plenty of guys at Kalkomey getting new trucks off converting these tags to non-residents also. Don't hate me - I'm one of the last guys to start making money on Ram tags.

What happens if you turn it in and I don't have a fast enough trigger on the reissued tag and miss it? Do I get a do over? Is there a certain number of chances I get? Do you have enough tags that I could get one for my son too?

It does sound like there is a potential for abuse but also seems hard to think that many of the people who have been applying for 15+ years are going to not just go hunt that tag when they draw it unless for some special circumstances they aren't able to.
If tags are that easy to draw, just draw the tag and quit complaining about nonresidents.

Oregon has a 3% NR cap on pronghorn tags. You live in Oregon - just across the NV border from amazing pronghorn hunting where the NV NR cap is over 3x higher (10%). And you can get FCFS pronghorn tags with no NR cap at all.

I wouldn't want NV to fix this process if I was you either. Not being critical - I honestly would take full advantage of this if I lived in Oregon.

I hope Oregon will offer me a resident agnostic FCFS process for sheep and pronghorn. I'm not holding my breath.
Isn’t it called fcfs for a reason? And if a resident had the tag and then decided to turn in a tag that should be considered a oil tag that’s on them and if a resident or nr gets it so be it.
You are 100% correct - but no other state behaves this way and is so generous to a NR. And yes, 100% the fault of bad representation at NDOW and the commission. They should not allow residents to return tags so easily. Because it is allowing our NR cap to be drastically exceeded. Nevada broke it - and Nevada needs to fix it.
You are 100% correct - but no other state behaves this way and is so generous to a NR. And yes, 100% the fault of bad representation at NDOW and the commission. They should not allow residents to return tags so easily. Because it is allowing our NR cap to be drastically exceeded. Nevada broke it - and Nevada needs to fix it.
They should allow people to return tags. Sheep hunting is a special opportunity. If someone isn’t able/willing to hunt the tag, it should go to someone else.

I can see your perspective about R/NR but they should definitely be able to return the tag. Things happen, circumstances change.
What happens if you turn it in and I don't have a fast enough trigger on the reissued tag and miss it? Do I get a do over? Is there a certain number of chances I get? Do you have enough tags that I could get one for my son too?

It does sound like there is a potential for abuse but also seems hard to think that many of the people who have been applying for 15+ years are going to not just go hunt that tag when they draw it unless for some special circumstances they aren't able to.
Excellent questions. You are only purchasing the knowledge that a ram tag was just returned, not a guarantee that you and your army/bot will be successful sniping it. That part is up to you. So, you will need to price this knowledge accordingly.

Most of my network is waiting for premium Nelson ram units (263, 253, 268), so we will put those tags in position 1-2. Positions 3-5 on our apps will be the low-mid tier tags that I will be selling the "return knowledge" about. Look carefully at the resident draw odds and you will see that my 10-25 point group will not have to be very large to pull off a few tags. At 20+ points, several of us are ~50% draw odds on about 10-12 units. We draw that tag and use it to pull this trick. Then, do it again every year until we draw our premium choice.
They should allow people to return tags. Sheep hunting is a special opportunity. If someone isn’t able/willing to hunt the tag, it should go to someone else.

I can see your perspective about R/NR but they should definitely be able to return the tag. Things happen, circumstances change.
100% agree. But it should cost me more than $120 to return it or I'm going to use this trick to fund my new truck! At a minimum, don't give me a point for current year! And don't let me wait until 14 days prior so that I can force this tag directly to FCFS and bypass the anemic "eligible alternate" list.

You will not find a return policy anywhere in the west that even approaches Nevada.
Yes! ETH only, not BTC.

But do we have to call it a "scam" - with implications of illegality? How about "trick"?

This is just good old group app point riding with a twist of FCFS. The agencies make these games and then get so offended when hunters understand the system better than they do.

The NV wildlife commission meets this week on 3/23/22. Are you sure you don't want to email them at [email protected] to tell them that a jerk on HT is going to get a new truck if they don't enforce NR cap at FCFS?
Yes! ETH only, not BTC.

But do we have to call it a "scam" - with implications of illegality? How about "trick"?

This is just good old group app point riding with a twist of FCFS. The agencies make these games and then get so offended when hunters understand the system better than they do.

The NV wildlife commission meets this week on 3/23/22. Are you sure you don't want to email them at [email protected] to tell them that a jerk on HT is going to get a new truck if they don't enforce NR cap at FCFS?
I plan on emailing them to expressive my approval of the FCFS! Thanks for the reminder.
I just emailed them to let them know how much I like the FCFS process. I encourage everyone else to do the same!

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