Caribou Gear Tarp

New Year....LOL


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Well that didn't last long. The full positive vibe.
I decided to make a dash to the store New Years day before the storms hit and while my road was frozen.
I forgot my list. But the store was empty pretty much.
Got the truck loaded as a stiff wind and rain came down. I barely made it back to the house. The thaw mud.
Got all the firewood I could get into the house and a wheelbarrow full tarped outside the door.
Rio & I were nice and warm as long as I fed the stove. Went to bed with it 80 in the living room.
I have forced air I use as backup and keep it from freezing inside if I'm gone. It started making funny noises yesterday starting up.
It stopped working this morning...1978 mobilehome,LOL.
OK, the forecast is for the 1st foot deep snow predicted in years here. Starting today. Clearing for my trip for bonescan Wed.
OK, get all the wood you can find and get it cut , stacked & or inside the house. With a full WB outside the door.
Ice under all the 1 inch of snow made that fun. Get all the tools picked up, put away. Checked the propane , 30%.
Well I won't be burning any soon. They can only come to fill it if the road stays frozen now. LOL

I have burnt all the wood I had cut and stacked and did not get any due to the cancer crap. Now I can get some work done and its slip and slide around. Was going to take down a dead pinion.
Just started coming down ,heavy. LOL
Oh well. It's 76 and Rio is sleeping away by the fire.
I can get the stuff I missed at the store Wed. when I drive to Socorro.
Then next Monday I meet with the Oncologist .

So far so good! LOL
Go ahead. Throw a wrench into the good vibes. We got this.
Well, Happy New Year, Hank! Hopefully the furnace is an easy fix.
You bet!
There's a plumbing/heating supply place in Alb. I can check out when I go to the Doc's. I have Husky part waiting for me too.
Glad I'm not trying to get to town on a buckboard...LOL
When it rains it pours. Hope you get that furnace going. I can’t imagine constantly fighting that thaw.
We take all the rain and snow we can get around here. Glad I'm not driving to work each day.


Looks like we have to suffer tonight with some tenderloins and portabellas. Blueberry pie.

The electric oil heater is working in the back now. Grandpa's 1948 fan blowing the heat around.

I'll send you a pic of the lucky bullet.
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Stuffed, both of us. I hope I can stay awake another
Rio wanted more tenderloin and I had to splain how THAT works. He just barked louder at me.
He went out and checked on his bones , then came back in to bark at me.

What do you call a sunset with blowing snow? Blinding. Trippy icicles.
@hank4elk strike me as the kind of guy that rolls with the punches.
Living as you do comes with trials and tribulations, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Keep hammerin '.
Hammering Hank, framer. Why I needed the heat pad on the shoulder after chipping ice.
I don't think I could swing a 32 I prefer a fiberglass 28 now.
Rolling with the punches got me a long ways.
Lotta scars to prove it. LOL
I was actually in gymnastics in HS along with football. Held the CA state record in rope climb for many years. Quit that after a bad high bar landing. Coach grabbed me to play roving LB. We won the 5A CA state championship. I was in 10th grade and the smallest guy on the team @ 6'2" & 185.

2 yrs later I was in a bow turret.
My grandad loved saying "if you chopped your own wood it warmed you twice" more like 3 or 4 times from my count definitely a workout. I ever draw that unit 15 deer tag I'll bring you a rick of hickory or oak.View attachment 258954
Searching for a place to get some pecan around TrC. I miss the hardwoods.
Every oak I have planted here has gotten mowed by elk or rats. Battling to get a few apples going.
I sat out the game in a hospital bed. Got jumped by a gang walking home from practice.
Team members found the clowns and one by one payed them back.

I actually tackled both Jimmie Blair and James McAllister ,once. LOL They went on to the pros.
Putting on my boots Wed. when the nurse at the hospital called to say the machine broke and they need to reschedule...LOL
I went to Socorro anyway to get the lab work done. As I pulled in to the lab my doctors office called. We have an opening for you Fri. @ 10am...

So I am getting ready to go get a bonescan this morning. So the Doc has that info when I go Monday.
The lab work came back and my numbers have not looked that good since I was 40.
I can pick up the chain saw part I ordered.

The furnace parts are in the cart ready to order. The propane needs filling first. LOL
Been cutting wood here when ground is frozen.
Snow, ice and sun & mud lately. I gave up on keeping Rio's feet clean as mine are just as muddy. Lots of throw rugs,

But where I came from got 8 inches of rain yesterday and I bet my old cabin has 30 feet of snow on it.

I'll take 2 steps forward and one step back. It is still a step forward.
Bring it!
Great attitude, Hank. You’re an inspiration. All that would have had me in a tailspin and depressed. Reading these the line came to “If I wasn’t laughing, I’d be crying.”
If I draw 36 or oryx, I’ll bring you some black locust. In other words, you’d better keep that furnace working. 🙂