Nebraska “slam” attempt


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2019
I’ve never done a live hunt, mostly because I ramble incoherently, have horrible grammar/spelling, and I’m basically the Bill Dance blooper reel of hunting. While discussing my luck drawing a bull elk tag on the same year I had enough points to draw a muzzleloader antelope tag (elk are bonus antelope are PP) it dawned on a buddy and I that I have a chance at a Nebraska slam, albeit made up just by us. It’ll be elk, antelope, mule deer, and white tail. The hardest part at having a chance is drawing the elk tag. The 2nd hurdle is killing an archery antelope on a year that you drew an elk tag and didn’t have enough PP to draw a rifle or MZ antelope tag. So I’ve cleared the 2 biggest hurdles.

So the plan so far is chase elk with my bow starting September 1st. Archery for deer opens the same day. If I don’t get a bull killed by September 21st I can use a rifle until October 31st. MZ antelope season runs from Sept 17th until October 2nd. So I may end up doing some combo hunts in the area if I still have both tags to fill in that timeframe. My mother in law also has a bull elk tag for the same unit so I’ll be up there guiding her on the rifle opener and/or trying to still fill my bull tag. I’ve got plenty of WT to chase around home with my bow so I should be able to get that done. If I haven’t bagged a MD by the end of October I’ll probably buy a rifle tag for a western unit to get that done.

Maybe I’ll draw the 1 sheep tag in Nebraska too………………

I’m pumped. My wife who loves hunting is a little less so. I basically marked the calendar from Sept 1-Dec31 and erased everything she had on there. If I drag it out until the end of the year I’m a dead man.

I’d say my chances of pulling it off would be 70% if I was a better hunter. For me it’s probably a shot in the dark. It’ll most likely be the only opportunity I’ll ever have to do it since bull elk tags are currently once in a lifetime if you kill one and I have to sit out 5 years if I don’t. DDBD5F14-7769-44C8-B919-3DBDAC0E667F.gif
That's awesome. I was a 20 yards from a mule deer shy of doing that last year, although my Nebraska elk last year was just a small cow (calf). Congrats on the bull tag! Drawing that tag may be the hardest part of the whole feat! Maybe next year will be my year for the bull tag here at home and I'll have enough to draw either a muzzy or rifle antelope.


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That's awesome. I was a 20 yards from a mule deer shy of doing that last year, although my Nebraska elk last year was just a small cow (calf). Congrats on the bull tag! Drawing that tag may be the hardest part of the whole feat! Maybe next year will be my year for the bull tag here at home and I'll have enough to draw either a muzzy or rifle antelope.
Nice work! Yeah the bull tag is the killer. I’ve only pulled off 2 in a year a few times. Hopefully you draw one next year.
Go for the Nebraska Double Slam in a year. Get your slam done then add in a pheasant, turkey, mallard and a squirrel. Yes, I just made this up. No, I have never shot at an animal in Nebraska. And, had no idea elk were thriving there.
I really wanna do it the Nebraska way and shoot them all out of the window of my pickup with a cracked beer between my legs.

I’ve looked through that a few times. Neat information. I live as far east in Nebraska as you can almost go, there were actually antelope here in the mid 1800s too. We pick up a few elk every year on trail cams or see them around here now. Always bulls that got kicked out of herds. I really think they’ll be in this part of the state within 10 years. The unit I drew is the eastern most unit you can hunt, and there weren’t many elk there 5-6 years ago and there’s a lot now. It’s gonna be a balancing act with agriculture and elk, hopefully it doesn’t get too contentious.
Go for it! You have a chance to make some great memories after getting that lucky in the draw. Scout hard and you can keep the peace at home when you tag out early.
I’ve ruined my son. It was 100 out yesterday, high humidity, and not a breath of wind. I let the kids swim for a couple hours then told them to go inside and relax in the AC. I shoot my bow a little bit and then head in. I hear bugling and cow calls in the tv. They pulled up the Elk 101 video on how to stop an elk in the “zone”. He’s 9 and tells me “dad I need to be with you so I can call and stop a bull.”

He’s probably right. He practices all the time and sounds pretty good even though the diaphragms are way to big for him.

I’ve drug him along on countless deer hunts, 2 antelope hunts, 3 elk hunts so far. He’s destined for a life of struggles and hunting failures just like his dad. Here he is 2 years ago watching a really nice bull push a herd of cows right to my wife’s uncle who had a cow tag. He actually spotted the elk before I did. AC8EF915-DA00-4DD6-9D29-CC452AD7DDA7.jpegFD7DACB6-0DBB-4C2F-A7A4-6B6640A9F224.jpeg
I’ve ruined my son. It was 100 out yesterday, high humidity, and not a breath of wind. I let the kids swim for a couple hours then told them to go inside and relax in the AC. I shoot my bow a little bit and then head in. I hear bugling and cow calls in the tv. They pulled up the Elk 101 video on how to stop an elk in the “zone”. He’s 9 and tells me “dad I need to be with you so I can call and stop a bull.”

He’s probably right. He practices all the time and sounds pretty good even though the diaphragms are way to big for him.

I’ve drug him along on countless deer hunts, 2 antelope hunts, 3 elk hunts so far. He’s destined for a life of struggles and hunting failures just like his dad. Here he is 2 years ago watching a really nice bull push a herd of cows right to my wife’s uncle who had a cow tag. He actually spotted the elk before I did. View attachment 228856View attachment 228857

I'm looking forward to following along.
That's awesome. I was a 20 yards from a mule deer shy of doing that last year, although my Nebraska elk last year was just a small cow (calf). Congrats on the bull tag! Drawing that tag may be the hardest part of the whole feat! Maybe next year will be my year for the bull tag here at home and I'll have enough to draw either a muzzy or rifle antelope.
I’m following along, it looks like you got yourself a good hunting partner!!
I’m following along. Good luck on a great adventure! Many people take for granted all of the experiences they can have in their own state to travel afar. Myself included.

There are some really nice elk about 30 minutes west of Omaha just off of i80. You should be able to drive right to them with a small trespass fee, beer between your legs and probably within archery range.
I’m following along. Good luck on a great adventure! Many people take for granted all of the experiences they can have in their own state to travel afar. Myself included.

There are some really nice elk about 30 minutes west of Omaha just off of i80. You should be able to drive right to them with a small trespass fee, beer between your legs and probably within archery range.
Yeah, that’s only about 25 miles NW of me. I go there to get my elk fix and see if I can make them bugle. There’s some giants in there. I think the omahan’s might frown upon me breaking down a bull as they are going on their “safari”. 🤣
Been wearing my arm out shooting my bow 100+ times a day. I need to get better at staying on it year round. I really slack from November until June. I’m by no means a good bow shooter, all of my white tail stands I setup for 30 yard shots or under. Nothing upsets me more than losing an animal. Since my elk tag is good for archery September 1st- October 31st, and I can use a rifle from Sept 21st- October 31st I’ve limited my archery range to 40 yards. If there’s a broadside bull at 43 I’ll probably shoot him, but I’m not willing to take any chances on this once in a lifetime tag. For me practicing at long distances I’d never shoot an animal really helps. I’ve been stretching it out to 80-100 yards. When I just shoot at 20-40 I have a tendency to not take it serious and don’t take my time, and punch the trigger. Shooting longer makes me take my time, really make the shot count so I don’t lose my arrow over the bluff. Here’s my best 80 yard group this morning. Of course I took a pic of the best one because most of them were embarrassing at best and made me wanna buy a crossbow at worst. 0789EA1B-D445-4BE9-B530-615E137FA792.jpeg
Broke out the lead catapult today. Didn’t take too long to get it walked in after a couple years of being a safe queen. First 2 high and left were the first 2 shots. I always fire 2 of anything right away to see if it’s me which it sometimes is. Then walked it in. No clue what I did to pull the one on the right. I’m not good at much, but when it comes to throwing in a flyer to make you 2nd guess yourself I’m one of the best. 2 months until the season starts so hopefully I can figure it out by then. 0D308B38-13F5-4FE9-A5A2-F434256901E9.jpeg
Broke out the lead catapult today. Didn’t take too long to get it walked in after a couple years of being a safe queen. First 2 high and left were the first 2 shots. I always fire 2 of anything right away to see if it’s me which it sometimes is. Then walked it in. No clue what I did to pull the one on the right. I’m not good at much, but when it comes to throwing in a flyer to make you 2nd guess yourself I’m one of the best. 2 months until the season starts so hopefully I can figure it out by then. View attachment 229952
Your the ‘wildcard’.


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