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ND HB 1151

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I'm not, lock it up, allow access, charge for trespass, outfit it...don't give a chit.

Hunting regulations, how wildlife is managed, and how those regulations are passed is the issue...try to keep up.
Ummm… you made a pretty big issue out of how we hunt and welcome people to hunt on our private lands 🤔

But hey if you want to sit down in Wyoming and lecture North Dakotans how things should work up here in ND ….. good luck

See our legislators are smart enough and have had enough experiences with the affiliate group of national orgs like BHA to know that is who these state orgs carry water for… they know their members do not get to vote on policy and that usually doesn’t sit well with people who vote on legislation representing their constituents every day

So I hope you and Brock wear your BHA jackets when you testify and make sure you let our legislators know you are from Wy
Ummm… you made a pretty big issue out of how we hunt and welcome people to hunt on our private lands 🤔

But hey if you want to sit down in Wyoming and lecture North Dakotans how things should work up here in ND ….. good luck

See our legislators are smart enough and have had enough experiences with the affiliate group of national orgs like BHA to know that is who these state orgs carry water for… they know their members do not get to vote on policy and that usually doesn’t sit well with people who vote on legislation representing their constituents every day

So I hope you and Brock wear your BHA jackets when you testify and make sure you let our legislators know you are from Wy
Not so much, it's more about the excuses you use, children, disabled hunters, etc as your cover for it.

But more importantly the blatant ignorance you have for how that practice impacts a public trust asset that is not yours (wildlife).

In further display of ignorance, the way you go about legislatively getting shitty policy passed is going to bite you.

I think you know that and it's why you're lashing out...

That's nothing new, it's exactly how you've behaved all along...predictable and pathetic really.

Your bluff has been called and there will be changes that you won't like. Double edged sword as it were.

I'll offer up advice when North Dakota resident hunters look for change. I'm pretty good at influencing change...
Well I cannot speak to that any dealings iv ever had with Blake he seams like a pretty good dude so I’m not gonna say Anything other than that
Well he made a pretty specific accusation …. I am actually curious because the meeting I and Wyatt are referencing is a different one than the advisory board meeting we were both at as well

If it is the CWD meeting at the international inn he is flat out mistaken because I sat in the third row of seats and and no one was in the rows in front of me and everyone was polite and followed the rules the GF set out other than the one fella we mentioned

If it was the advisory meeting at the electric coop building he forgot to mention when I was done speaking about half the people there applauded and it was Charlie Bronson the NDGF vet that was chastized a bit by a guy from Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports for being arrogant and abrasive

So thats why Im a bit curious for Blake to flesh out his accusation a bit

It is easy to make claims and accusations on the internet behind a screen name … it is why people attack others personally and say things they would never say to someones face

If someone is being an “asshole” at a public meeting meant to have informative discussion.. I have zero issue with standing up telling that person to think about what they are doing and maybe sit down and shut up… kind of like the fella did politely with the GF vet …. so if myself and others were in fact being “ assholes” as Brock accused… Blake should have stood up there and said so … no one did but half the people there applauded

And for the record if I was ever being an “asshole” my son sitting beside me would tell me I was …we both had a pretty damn good example in my Dad that didn’t stand for that kinda crap
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See our legislators are smart enough and have had enough experiences with the affiliate group of national orgs like BHA to know that is who these state orgs carry water for… they know their members do not get to vote on policy and that usually doesn’t sit well with people who vote on legislation representing their constituents every day
Remember those term limits that were voted in recently? The legislature isn't going to stay like this forever. Those young guys in BHA are gonna be around for a while.

Anyone from BHA, Wildlife Federation or similar org that wants to run for office should hit me up for a donation. I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is.
Not so much, it's more about the excuses you use, children, disabled hunters, etc as your cover for it.

But more importantly the blatant ignorance you have for how that practice impacts a public trust asset that is not yours (wildlife).

In further display of ignorance, the way you go about legislatively getting shitty policy passed is going to bite you.

I think you know that and it's why you're lashing out...

That's nothing new, it's exactly how you've behaved all along...predictable and pathetic really.

Your bluff has been called and there will be changes that you won't like. Double edged sword as it were.

I'll offer up advice when North Dakota resident hunters look for change. I'm pretty good at influencing change...
I can tell how effective you are at getting people to listen and work with you implementing change 😳😜I hope you are quadruple boostered and wear double masks to your BHA meeting or just Zoom them and stay locked down cause covid is real and a new variant might pop up and Fauci said thats what the science says you have to do

Meeanwhile us folks here in ND will carry on despite what you folks in Wyoming say 😉
Remember those term limits that were voted in recently? The legislature isn't going to stay like this forever. Those young guys in BHA are gonna be around for a while.

Anyone from BHA, Wildlife Federation or similar org that wants to run for office should hit me up for a donation. I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is.
Speaking of money, Wyoming residents use the same currency as North Dakota...and we aren't opposed to helping resident hunters in other states.
Well he made a pretty specific accusation …. I am actually curious because the meeting I and Wyatt are referencing is a different one than the advisory board meeting we were both at as well

If it is the CWD meeting at the international inn he is flat out lying because I sat in the third row of seats and everyone was polite and followed the rules the GF set out other than the one fella we mentioned

If it was the advisory meeting at the electric coop building he forgot to mention when I was done speaking about half the people there applauded and it was Charlie Bronson the NDGF vet that was chastized a bit by a guy from Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports for being arrogant and abrasive

So thats why Im a bit curious for Blake to flesh out his accusation a bit

It is easy to make claims and accusations on the internet behind a screen name … it is why people attack others personally and say things they would never say to someones face

If someone is being an “asshole” at a public meeting meant to have informative discussion.. I have zero issue with standing up telling that person to think about what they are doing and maybe sit down and shut up… kind of like the fella did politely with the GF vet …. so if myself and others were in fact being “ assholes” as Brock accused… Blake should have stood up there and said so … no one did but half the people there applauded

And for the record if I was ever being an “asshole” my son sitting beside me would tell me I was …we both had a pretty damn good example in my Dad that didn’t stand for that kinda crap
Yeh that’s fine that’s between you and him I’m just saying to me Blake has always been a really good dude
I can tell how effective you are at getting people to listen and work with you implementing change 😳😜I hope you are quadruple boostered and wear double masks to your BHA meeting or just Zoom them and stay locked down cause covid is real and a new variant might pop up and Fauci said thats what the science says you have to do

Meeanwhile us folks here in ND will carry on despite what you folks in Wyoming say 😉
My money and expertise can buy influence there....your republican pals even made it totally legal.

They've never met a dark money tree they didn't like.
Remember those term limits that were voted in recently? The legislature isn't going to stay like this forever. Those young guys in BHA are gonna be around for a while.

Anyone from BHA, Wildlife Federation or similar org that wants to run for office should hit me up for a donation. I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is.
I know quite a few young NDFB and NDSA members as well let us know when NDBHA breaks the 3000 member mark

What is their state membership tally ?
My money and expertise can buy influence there....your republican pals even made it totally legal.

They've never met a dark money tree they didn't like.
Well go ahead and have at it 🙂

I hope thats not what you were going to use to get deer not to yard up 🤔😳
I know quite a few young NDFB and NDSA members as well let us know when NDBHA breaks the 3000 member mark

What is their state membership tally ?
BHA is a national org with a North Dakota chapter.

It's good to have pals....
BHA is a national org with a North Dakota chapter.

It's good to have pals....
So what is the membership of the state chapter?

Yes it is good to have pals the American Farm Bureau Federation is a pretty influential one as is the National Cattlemens Beef Association

Say what did you think of your Representative Cheney on that jan 6th commission ?
I will...and with gusto. I've got money I haven't even spent yet.
Then you should buy a bunch of land spend some making it a hunting paradise and have kids there hunting how ever you think they should instead of bitching about how others do it 🤔😉
Remember those term limits that were voted in recently? The legislature isn't going to stay like this forever. Those young guys in BHA are gonna be around for a while.

Anyone from BHA, Wildlife Federation or similar org that wants to run for office should hit me up for a donation. I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is.
Kinda playing catch up here.. But weren't you just saying on the 1175 forum this morning access is already getting harder to get in nodak?
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