Mossback Now Involved In Tag Grab!

Topgun 30-06

Active member
Jun 8, 2009
Allegan, MI
I just received this in an email this AM. It look like the Mossback crew is now starting with the lies on the tag grab Bill. Here is the email in it's entirety:
Please support this bill for the future of Arizona wildlife. If you have any questions about the bill call me or go to Read Jim's letter below and he shows you how you can reach out to our House of Representatives and Governor Brewer's office. It only takes a few minutes...

Thank for your help,

Jay Lopeman



I am sorry to interrupt your busy life with a special request. This is not some virus that hacked into my email list. I am only sending this to people that I consider my friends. I am asking for your help with the support of House Bill 2072 which will help secure long term funding to make sure that our wildlife are protected for the future generations. This bill creates a much needed firewall to ensure the protection of Arizona's wildlife.

It will help if Governor Brewer's office, and our House of Representatives were to hear from as many people as possible in support of this bill. Please send an e-mail and feel free to ask friends and relatives to contact them as well. I have included some talking points to use in your e-mail, but your letter needs to be in your own words!!. It does not need to be long, it just needs to communicate your support. It can be as simple as "I care about wildlife and support HB 2072".

There is a very vocal minority that is trying to oppose this bill. We need to be more vocal and let those in charge know that we support HB2072 and how passionate we are about protecting Arizona's wildlife.

Attached are all the email addresses in a word document that you can copy and paste directly into your BCC field on your e-mail. PLEASE SEND IT AS A BLIND COPY. That way each recipient cannot see who else it is being sent to. It should be received as a personal e-mail and not read as just a form letter with a massive distribution list. When you send the email to these people, I will also get a copy because I have included my name in the list.

Thank you in advance for your help. This is an important issue to me. Please do not wait. Send your supporting e-mail today.

Thank you!

Jim Hamberlin

Dear Representative,

HB 2072 is good for Arizona, good for wildlife, good for youth and good for sportsmen.

· The proposed sportsmen’s expo will be a $25 million dollar annual economic / tourism driver to our state at a time when we need to help our economy.

· Our wildlife herds are steadily declining and more money is needed to offset issues related to the decline- revenue from the tags will help rebuild our herds

· There is not enough money to deal with the public lands access problem which is ever increasing - We need the additional revenues that will be generated by this legislation

· The department needs more money for youth recruitment- this is the future of our Game and Fish Department

· The auctioning of tags is not commercialization of wildlife. If so, then the department has already commercialized it with their existing special tags program.

· The number of tags is not have a statistically significant affect a sportsmen’s ability to get drawn – one tag out of one hunt unit has a negligible impact. There are only 54 auction tags; the remainder are draw tags. The additional venue for raffling the tags will give sportsmen additional opportunities to be successfully drawn.

· The department currently pays for tags to be sent out of state to help other out of state sportsmen’s banquets be successful; these tags need to stay in Arizona and be an economic draw for Arizona's economy

· Earlier criticisms of the bill are no longer valid as solutions to fix the concerns have been identified and will be added to the bill

· The criticisms about it benefitting only the rich man is ridiculous. The wildlife and the state of Arizona are the ones who benefit. All of Arizona's sportsmen will benefit. Most of the habitat projects in this state would not be done if not for the current limited special programs

To copy and paste the email addresses below by follow these directions:

. Highlight the list of email addresses

. Left click on the mouse and select “copy”

. close this page and open a new email : The subject line of your email should be, Please Support HB 2072

.click on BCC (which stands for Blind Copy) you may have to click on CC and the BCC will pop up. My system had a small arrow that gave me the options of CC or BCC

.left click the mouse and select "paste"

.write a short letter expressing your support

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Nice that they put all the contacts right there for everyone to copy and paste, keep sending letters guys. AZSFW is fighting for this tag grab tooth and nail.
Yep, and I think all the AZ hunters need to band together and head for the Capitol steps before this even gets back before the Legislature!
He has everything to gain from these tags. The areas are high caliber units and people who draw will want to take advantage of opportunity and hire a guy who will help them get it done. No surprise to me. He makes huge money off of these great units. He's licking his chops.
I thought the reference to the vocal "minority" that oppose this to be somewhat funny.

I wonder if they truly think they represent the majority of hunters.

No doubt they represent the wealthy outfitted hunter who wants these tags, just hard to believe that they really think they are representing the majority of hunters.
Nice that they put all the contacts right there for everyone to copy and paste, keep sending letters guys. AZSFW is fighting for this tag grab tooth and nail.

Yep, that was nice of him.

Emails sent.
I'm sure they know they don't represent the majority of anything, but it's their job to try and get the majority of Legislators to believe it. That's why everyone needs to send these people at the Capitol the real message that that SFW is way in the minority. Even though I'm way up here in Michigan, I just sent them all a nice letter telling them the truth about this Bill and I hope everyone else does the same. This is probably a case where a few AZ guys really do need to get together and organize a large, peaceful march to the Capitol steps to let these legislators know the facts.
Doesnt surprise me considering how Mossback always seem to be connected to Auction/Governor Tag winners
He has everything to gain from these tags. The areas are high caliber units and people who draw will want to take advantage of opportunity and hire a guy who will help them get it done. No surprise to me. He makes huge money off of these great units. He's licking his chops.
That's 100% spot on, IMO! He likes the appeal of more of Denny Austad's cash for tags in AZ as well as UT...
So everyone reading this thread is aware of what is happening, that triclawps website was put in that guy's email and he doesn't represent the company stance, but only works there. The company manager has come on the MM site and is now trying to put out fires because that is not the company stance on the issue. He actually has stated that he wasn't even aware of what was going on because of personal things going on in his life at the present time until he started getting emails from people telling him the company would lose their business. It's too bad when people put company names in their emails because we automatically figure it's the company talking. It's partly my fault for doing that C/P onto the Forums here and on MM without checking that out, but when things are moving as fast as this stuff is, it leaves little time to do much research and you just assume that if a guy has a website under his name that he's speaking for the business. This is similar to the Chris Denham situation where he listed the Elk magazine under his name in the email that got us going with Ryan.
Topgun - I contacted Triclawps and Jay Park sent me an email in reply explaining things as you described. It is a sticky situation though when one private business (see Mossback) takes a political stance with your companies name attached to it.

On another note, I would be curious to know how most of the western states “guide associations” feel about this type of legislation. I don’t believe that there is such an association in the state of Arizona, however I have seen a few guides from the state speak in opposition to the HB2072.
I think that Lopeman may guide or be related to someone that works for Mossback, so him having that website in his email isn't surprising. It's too bad that a person like that would put a company name like triclawps up when it is supposed to be his personal email and opinion. If I owned a company, there would probably be a firing if that occurred on work time with a company computer, which is what it looks like took place in this particular instance! I know I would have stuff like that covered so the employees would know that's a nono and appropriate steps would be taken if the company name was violated!
· The criticisms about it benefitting only the rich man is ridiculous. The wildlife and the state of Arizona are the ones who benefit. All of Arizona's sportsmen will benefit. Most of the habitat projects in this state would not be done if not for the current limited special programs.

It all comes down to money. Read before that the low end for the tags would be in the $9,000 range, which according to them is what the average guy can afford. I'm not sure what average guy that would be.
I don't know Jay, just know of him, but I have talked with the owner of TriClawps a few times. The owner is a busy guy that spends a lot of time with his family (single dad), his job & in the outdoors.

I don't agree with the bill, but would encourage anyone to email or call TriClawps before you just check them off a list. They make a good product & are a small business, not some big corporate giant. They are working their butt's off to get the company off the ground & going in this economy, as a small business owner I can relate to the lack of time to research all the details & to stay informed.
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I don't know Jay, just know of him, but I have talked with the owner of TriClawps a few times. The owner is a busy guy that spends a lot of time with his family (single dad), his job & in the outdoors.

I don't agree with the bill, but would encourage anyone to email or call TriClawps before you just check them off a list. They make a good product & are a small business, not some big corporate giant.

I own a small business, too. I'm responsible for the decisions I make and for whatever issues I publicly support. Fin runs a business (2 of them, actually) and he's not shy about sharing his viewpoints in a very public way. Those views have certainly made him unpopular with some but that's just part of the deal. Some things issues go way beyond what's good for business. We all have choices to make all of the time. Running a small business doesn't lessen that responsibility at all--it heightens it. I'm sure you know that. Unfortunately, that means running herd on your employees from time to time. Looks like Jay Parks has a situation before him. May cost Lopeman his job.

Anybody still on board with that hot mess known as HB2072 ought to know, by now, what they've tangled themselves up in. 'Support it at your own peril' is the message. This issue, and those like it that will follow, can't be treated with kid gloves. Playing nice is no longer an option in my book. You... well, you get to write your own book on how you want to handle things.
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It all comes down to money. Read before that the low end for the tags would be in the $9,000 range, which according to them is what the average guy can afford. I'm not sure what average guy that would be.

That is just the start. As already noted, most of the people paying that much for the tag are going to hire an outfitter (and not a cheap one). This is a great deal for someone. Get the state to give you the tag to auction, then charge Vermejo Park prices for the guide service.
Member Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Colstrip, MT
Posts: 44


Originally Posted by Topgun 30-06
· The criticisms about it benefitting only the rich man is ridiculous. The wildlife and the state of Arizona are the ones who benefit. All of Arizona's sportsmen will benefit. Most of the habitat projects in this state would not be done if not for the current limited special programs.

It all comes down to money. Read before that the low end for the tags would be in the $9,000 range, which according to them is what the average guy can afford. I'm not sure what average guy that would be.
"If you are not working to protect hunting, then you are working to destroy it."-Fred Bear

Sir: That was not me saying that in my post! That was in a letter that Jim Hamberlin wanted people to send to their Legislators and part of a C/P I put up on the Forums to help the members. Please edit your post and take quote and my username off there so people don't think that was a quote of anything I said because the way you put it up it sounds like I'm on the side of SFW when I'm not!!! Thank you!
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