Looking for someone with a whitetail doe problem in southern Alabama


New member
Dec 3, 2016
Bozeman, MT
I know this is a bit of a long shot, but I'll try anyways. I'm currently stationed on Fort Rucker in southern Alabama and I'm trying to help a friend and fellow flight student get his first deer. Unfortunately, hunting on post is pretty high pressure and the rifle doe season closed very early (they have a quota). My friend has very young twins in addition to being in flight training so he can't spend endless amounts of time in the woods, and despite all my efforts I haven't been able to put him into a situation where he has had an opportunity on a buck (minimum 3pts one side here on post).

I'm just reaching out to see if any of you might have or know someone who has a piece of land in SE Alabama where they wouldn't mind reducing the doe population by one. I don't need an outfitter or a lodge, the whole point of this is to teach my friend how to field dress and do all the processing. I don't need anything myself since I already got a doe in archery season and a small buck on rifle opener. Since the rifle doe season is still open on private land, I feel like this might be our best shot before the season ends.

In return, I would happily take anyone out for antelope, mule deer, or Merriams turkeys in Montana once I'm back home in a few months, or give away all my mushroom foraging spots on post (I've picked buckets of chanterelles and oyster mushrooms), or give you all my deer, turkey, and hog spots on post in the hopes you can make a better go at it than me. Fort Rucker is actually a real "public land" gem for an outdoorsperson and I won't need any of my secret spots once I PCS out of here.

Thanks in advance!
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