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Let them expire? Wyoming Sheep points.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Okay, coming down to the wire to decide to let my Wyoming sheep points expire or not. The math says that my 9 points are never going to get my 54 year old body on a mountain in Wyoming with a sheep tag in my pocket based on my preference points. My only shot is the random draw and those are pretty low odds but I think better than the odds I will ever have enough points to draw a tag.

There is a small chance I might move to Wyoming when I retire, but even then I'm not sure I have enough points to ever have a chance to draw based on preference points even as a resident.

It is hard for me to give up the $1,000+ worth of useless points and if I had been given a choice I would have never purchased them in the first place but now that they do give me a choice I have to decide if I'm going to buy a point this year or lose them all.

I've thought about buying one every other year but not sure that really gets me anywhere but spending more money on useless points.

Anyone have any thing that I'm missing here? If I retire at 62 I could have 17 points by then and not sure if that does anything for me as a Wyoming resident or not. I'd be another $1,000+ into it by that time.

Thanks for any input. Nathan
I have 20 moose and 20 sheep points that will probably go into the water closet. I purchased mine in the draw this year, so I do have the luxury of waiting another year to see what they come up with for a draw system. I'm unlikely to be persuaded to stick it out. I'd rather put that money into raffle tickets.
You and everyone else in the big 5 should cut your losses and stop buying. It's not even just the big 5 anymore either IMO. Might as well lose $1000 now then $2000 later....but if you want to try to keep the random draw alive you have to pay to play.
Your only chance currently is the random, and your points are useless. If they go to random bonus your points will matter.
You could keep them and see if they go to a bonus structure. Even then they're not likely to help much. I like Oaks idea of dropping them and using the money for raffles and just keep putting in for the random without buying the point. Good luck!
I also believe we are at the apex of western hunting interest. Not that it will drastically change a whole lot the draw odds and point creep due to demand exceeding supply right now but at demand isn't going to continue to soar making it look grimmer and grimmer. If you're not in a financial burden, it's not the best time to bail. 5 years ago was
So in 5-7 years when they change the system, again. You'll wish you still had them to convert to "bonus" points.
I am 20 yo with 1 moose and sheep point in Wyoming, would it be worth it at my age to still buy points? Or is it just an endless money pit.
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