Keto bread baking


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
North Idaho
I'm about 4 weeks into Keto and down 15 pounds. I'm enjoying the lifestyle except for one thing.

I am now convinced that everyone who writes a Keto baking book is a sadistic SOB who cashes the royalty checks and then laughs that anyone would be stupid enough to try this crap.

Give me some edible Keto bread recipes HT!

I don't want "as good as..." I want kick ass recipes.
The only keto “bread” I liked was called fathead dough (google it). Used it for pizza crust, burger buns, and even pigs in a blanket.

I’ve also made these low carb buns a lot over the year. I think they’d qualify as keto:

This was my all time favorite on keto. I couldn't grow a zucchini to save my life, but I'm sure the ladies at the farmers market knew me by name. Definitely scratch that sweetness itch as well.

Also any of the mozzarella dinner rolls are pretty darn good. Really enjoyed them the next day with some lunch meat, cheese, and bacon. Under the broiler for 5 minutes ... whoooooeeeeyyyy you're ALMOST making me think about going keto again!
I never did try any kind of bread. I'm not convinced almond flour is a healthy thing to be consuming in high quantities. One thing you might look into is "chaffles." I'll make them occasionally if I want something to use as a hamburger bun. Or I'll just eat them by themselves. It's just cheddar cheese and eggs cooked in a waffle maker.
You might look up Maria Emmerich. She's got lots of recipes, for everything keto. She's got books you can buy, or find her on YouTube and I'm sure you'll get lots of ideas. I only did keto for a couple months, then switched to carnivore. It's so much simpler. Cheaper too.
My sisters tired the keto diet for a while and they did loose weight but it is not a diet that is sustainable long term. Just like all the other fad diets out there.
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