I should apologize to Randy for this

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2019
I dont want to start BUT
I am at a loss to what happened over the last 40 yrs when I went to high school back in late 70s it was no big deal to have my shotgun in my truck and go dove or squirrel hunting with guys after school many of us did it, or walk right down the street with our guns to go to the areas we hunted about 8 or 9 blocks we were in our late teens .
I read a paper from 2 big name phycologist printed yrs ago that studied these mass shootings and said know one is talking about this right this has become a form of suicide in our country if that is the case I am at a loss on how to stop it
Sorry Randy this may open a can of worms and may need the post locked just wonder how we have gotten to a place where someone would want to go out this way by taking people with them
Pretty sad when it's just passing news nowadays. I'm only 36 and I can remember 8th grade I was putting on my jacket and a handful of .22's fell out of my pocket, I had no idea. Shop teacher walked up handed them to me and said you dropped these. Patted me on the back and kept going down the hall. Hits home last week a senior at my Step sons high school stabbed another kid in the hallway.
Never forget when the shop teacher was struggling trying to open a box and looked at a bunch of us and said "which one of you has a knife?" About 8 of us pulled our knives out of our pockets. lol He just grabbed the closest one and he was shaking his head smiling while he was opening the box up. Folded up the knife and handed it back to the one kid.
Rampant mental health issues.
The rise of social media.
News media coverage of events.
Ease of access to firearms/body armor.

If I were writing a college paper on the topic, those would be the main points.

Now what to do about them? That's the million dollar question.
Rampant mental health issues.
The rise of social media.
News media coverage of events.
Ease of access to firearms/body armor.

If I were writing a college paper on the topic, those would be the main points.

Now what to do about them? That's the million dollar question.
I hate social media as much as the next person... but quite a bit of the big school shootings took place before social media was a big thing. I definitely think it's made it worse, but the other three have consistently been there since day 1. I remember being pulled out of class and assembled in the main hall of our school when Columbine happened. and that's all that was on the news for a long time.

My greatest issue in this 'fight' to end school shootings is that Republicans continue to talk about mental health, but then vote against expanding care / access in that realm. I've said it on this forum before and I'll say it again... if a certain group wants the attention off the guns, you can't also ignore the other problems surrounding this issue. It gives everyone: moderates, dems and super far left dems all they need to keep going after guns since some R's don't want to touch mental health either.

I genuinely believe that if we made a concerted effort to fund better access to mental health and increased school budgets for certain staffing hires - talk to any teacher or social worker and their workload is unmanageable - and we might start to put a serious dent in all this.

It's just heartbreaking to get emails from my daughter's (she is 8) school that they run drills for this kind of thing. My heart goes out to the parents that are burying children right now.
Rampant mental health issues.
The rise of social media.
News media coverage of events.
Ease of access to firearms/body armor.

If I were writing a college paper on the topic, those would be the main points.

Now what to do about them? That's the million dollar question.
Easy bud, I’m about to have to do 2 180mi trips and wait 3 days to buys a shotgun...
We’re living in a fantasy land. Reality is taking a backseat. I’m making a blanket statement here, but instead of letting kids go through a little adversity and struggle we cover up things with prescription drugs, people tell kids they can be how they feel. (Kids are dumb. I’m 34 and I’m dumb, I was really dumb as a teen). We use games and electronics as babysitters where kids don’t have to use their imagination, their alternate universe is delivered to them on a screen.

It’s pretty easy to see how a troubled teen can get detached from reality. The problem is when we have detached teens that never get corrected that continues into adulthood.

Basically we have it too soft in this country and people don’t have to face adversity. Adversity builds bonds, the people you are with or who help you in a bar time you almost are always attached to. If you never face difficulties, never build bonds, live in a world of fantasy, it’s devastating.

I read the shorter was a “trans” person. Obviously someone who struggled within themselves, probably thought they were being some sort of a martyr for their cause, or decided to hurt people who they thought were hurting them.

I’ll make it perfectly clear that the “trans” thing is not normal or natural, those people have some mental things happening and they need help. In any group that struggles mentally if they are pushed back on or made fun of they will act out in a way to be a “hero” in the eyes of the movement they think is right.
Rampant mental health issues.
The rise of social media.
News media coverage of events.
Ease of access to firearms/body armor.

If I were writing a college paper on the topic, those would be the main points.

Now what to do about them? That's the million dollar question.
It has 0 to do with guns and body armor……..

Think of the amount of very trained people in this country with access to an armory of weapons. Almost every one of these shooters is a mentally unstable person, obviously.
It has 0 to do with guns and body armor……..

Think of the amount of very trained people in this country with access to an armory of weapons. Almost every one of these shooters is a mentally unstable person, obviously.
It's a combination of those factors, not any one thing on their own. Obviously owning guns and body armor doesn't make you a serial killer. I'm wearing body armor and carrying a gun as we speak.

However, a mentally unstable person with the potential to be a serial killer will certainly both emboldened and more dangerous with body armor and guns. I can't see how anyone could argue that point.

Again... now how to fix that without infringement of rights is the tricky part
Well when children are not taught RIGHT from WRONG and RESPECT. That is what you get.
I was just saying this. Al these kids claim depression or anxiety for every excuse.

I had anxiety at times growing up. It was right between getting caught doing exactly what I was told not to do and getting by butt whipped. It left a depression on my ass every time. God my dad was cool. I thank him he taught me to grow up, respect elders and women and be a man.
I don’t think you should apologize for starting this thread. I think we should talk about these things because they are an issue that isn’t just going away but we should keep it civil so it doesn’t become a problem for Randy. I’ve found Dr. Jordan Petersons research into this subject interesting.
One comment on the mental status of America.

In my opinion, bad parenting has gotten us to where we are at today. 95% of the blame should be placed at the parents' feet for their kids being crazy. If you analyze most of these serial killers and mass murderers, 99% were raised without consequences for their actions because their parents were complete idiots.

I'm not saying that parents need to start beating their children. But I am saying that some "improved structure" would help to improve things nationwide.
Part of the problem is, just like this thread, we all sit around in our ignorance and give our ignorant view of what the problem is. We need in depth studies by people who really want to solve the problem (not prove they are right) in order to come up with the facts of what is causing or contributing to the problem. Then we must all accept those facts, even when they disagree with our socio-political world view and take the steps necessary to eliminate the problem. That last sentence is the hard, maybe impossible, part.

Bullets are now the number one cause of death for people under the age of 18. As much as it hurts, we cannot continue to insist that guns are not a big part of the equation.
I dont want to start BUT
I am at a loss to what happened over the last 40 yrs when I went to high school back in late 70s it was no big deal to have my shotgun in my truck and go dove or squirrel hunting with guys after school many of us did it, or walk right down the street with our guns to go to the areas we hunted about 8 or 9 blocks we were in our late teens .
I read a paper from 2 big name phycologist printed yrs ago that studied these mass shootings and said know one is talking about this right this has become a form of suicide in our country if that is the case I am at a loss on how to stop it
Sorry Randy this may open a can of worms and may need the post locked just wonder how we have gotten to a place where someone would want to go out this way by taking people with them
Shouldn't have to apologize to anyone for posting this. Its a public forum and posted in the correct place. People wanna get offended they can go over to the thread where people post pictures of baby puppies.
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