Hey Dad.. let's go to the SNOW !!!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So we packed our Bags and Went up to our Property. Here is my little Eskimo :


We did a little bit o' sleding but the driveway that we sledded last week with Mojave and her kids Iced over and it was a FAAAAsst run, the kids tried it once but there was no pictures. Lots of tears though. The mend well and I pulled them and carried them up the hill again.



then it was a fort time...... DAD, Build us a Fort and put a roof on it.

OK !!!







Looks to me like someone forgot to plan for a door on their fort with a roof! While I am not surprised your kids may have gotten some bumps and bruises going down the bobsled run, I AM suprised that YOU don't have a broken limb and story about going down the bobsled run. (Like those other stories where you "fall" into rapids and get sucked down a waterfall after traversing a slope soooo stepe that a mountain goat would shudder to look at it;) )

Anyway, enough with the chiding, great pics mooscar. (Ok, one more comment, it is obvious where your kids get their charming good looks...hint, not you :D )

hump hump
No kidding, that girl is freaking stunning. Don't get me started. :rolleyes:

So she's intelligent, good-looking, completely sweet and she puts up with that boy's sorry butt. I just shake my head every time I see her and wonder what on earth she was thinking when she ended up with my goofy brother. :p (Then I grin and remember I'm not picking his socks up anymore :D )
DUDE, If I had someone there with a Camcorder I wanted to build a Ramp. MAybe next weekend I can Talk MO into going and We'll see what comes out of it :)

On the door, it took so long and was so wet whe nI got done we took pictures and left. I had to make it back in time for a mule deer foundation banquet. You know me, always running...... But I did have a master plan on a multi room snow cave. I might go crazy one weekend and see what happens. Although I have to fin dthe weekend I can take the time :D

I do have a Doll for a Wife. She looks good and puts up with my Chit. What else could a guy ask for.

Speaking of Socks, I have a Clean sock and Shoe fetish :) No worries about me ever having too dirty of socks and especially no holes in them MO, Hell, if anyone knows that it should be you....
Those are great pics Moosie....
To finish it off, you only need add a fire place.... ;)
LMAO Bill.... :D
Elkchsr: I actually remember making a "real" igloo in college once. My boyfriend and I spent the night in it. We didn't exactly make a fireplace but we did stick candles around the inside and lit them. Surprisingly warmed the place right up. The structure was so solid though we had no melting issues.

Moosie: Hey I didn't say anything about your socks being dirty or holey, just about you leaving them randomly around the house. :p

And what is it with you and the sock thing anyway dude? (I have a feeling there is some deep dark analytical secret about to be revealed :D ) Anyone do a good Freud impression?
Ooh I knew I still had some pics. Boy does this bring back memories. :)

I guess the form was less than art but the thing worked beautifully. We had to sort of climb up into it to protect from wind and leave a bit of a cold well.


Here's our fireplace. :D

A multi room snow castle would be awesome Moosie. May even get featured in one of the architexture magazines. You would be famous. Maybe start a new trend.

Cool pics Mo.
Great Pics Moosie Thanks for sharing.... I am Hoping we go and play in the snow real soon..... I have not been able to play in snow since I moved here...

Robert HINT........HINT........

Love the Fort, very cute!!!
I bet that was fun Majove.....
We did that in scouts and even made sleeping rooms off to the sides.
That trip went very well, it seems there were about 40 of us on that outing, there were igloos every where.
After we left, there were others still using them for the rest of that winter...
AHHHH The memories..... :D
Mo, I took the same class and we built a Nice shelter too. room for 3 of us. the only difference was we hiked out after being all sweaty from building it, drove back to town, and Showered before staying in it :)

I'm guessing we're heading up Sat for a Quick Check see to see if it's there still..... All we need is a Little more snow !!
The igloo's we built were shaped like Majove....
I didn't realize what the difference in building them to have a round top, until only a couple years ago. I was watching a program on Eskimo's and a guy was building one.
Awesome pics Moosie! VERY cool igloo.

My poor little 'desert rats' hardly know what snow is. We took them up to Flagstaff over the holidays for some snow play and they had a blast!!! They now want to move somewhere where it snows 12 months out of the year.... ;)


The igloo's we built were shaped like Majove....
Those were probably some good looking igloos Russ ;) :D

Something about kids and snow...ours like it...I like to avoid it hump but
we did the same thing last week:





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