Fort Belknap Water Settlement Sneak Attack


Aug 5, 2013
Jon Tester has refused to acknowledge me or the public as to the Fort Belknap Water Settlement. No meeting, no comment or letter writing period. What i believe is that President Obama will sign into law, S.1394 as he leaves office just like Clinton did with the Monument lands in Missouri River Breaks in Montana as he left office. Tester jumps up and down that lands must be protected for recreation, hunters and other outdoors people of Montana, but that is only when he speaks to the people in western Montana. I know his water(land) bill would note pass the vote in Washington, so this would be his easy out. Tester is as sneaky as they get. He is not a good old boy from Montana like some think. Jon refuses to come to Phillips County because we are not nice to him! No it's because we didn't vote for him!!! Please read his senate bill S.1394. He also is promising hundreds of millions of dollars to the Fort Belknap Tribe It will make you sick! It is sure easy for Tester to give other's money and land away! People need to call, write and e-mail Tester that this is not what we want! If you don't, this land will be gone FOREVER and you will not be allowed to use it FOREVER! P.S.: I'm not totally against the bill, just that it should be a water right and not a giveaway.
Be a neat trick for President Obama to sign a bill that has never been voted upon on the floor of the Senate and then passed in the House.

Kind of big difference between that and Monument designation.

You must not trust the Republicans is what you mean because Tester can't get this moving without buy in from the Republican leadership.

"... like Clinton did with the Monument lands in Missouri River Breaks in Montana as he left office."
'Not necessarily a good example, as a lot of folks (even those not fans of Clintons) were pleased and relieved that the Wild and Scenic Stretch of the Missouri was afforded further preservation protection.
As far as I know, no one's land or livelihood was taken from them, as warned by those opposing the further protection of that stretch of river.
I'm not totally against the bill, just that it should be a water right and not a giveaway.
If the bill does move forward, it would be helpful for you to point to what's acceptable and what's not acceptable, in your opinion. Thanks.
Please read the Bill (S. 1394) and then we can continue to inform and argue .......and tell me of a good example? You a lawyer?
S. 1394.....
(3) Federal Lands

(b) Federal Lands Transfer

(B) subject to the condition that any road that is necessary for customary access to fee parcels by fee owners or other private rights within the parcels shall be continued with guaranteed access through easements at the cost and expense of the fee owners.

(B) above says that who wrote this bill knew there are private property inside the boundaries of the giveaway, but they never contacted us about this bill, they sent it to Washington and bypassed the private owners involved. Also what is the cost to the private landowners to have access (read above). thousands of dollars?, millions? Fee every trip, every year? Build and maintain road and send you the total bill? How much? Who is going to guarantee access, the reservation cops? There is no one, cause that is how it is on the reservation, No access and no trespassing. This by itself is insane. Also, i do not wish to be part of a Reservation. I'm sure my land value will sky rocket! But if you think i'm off, bring your checkbook, i have some land that you have been wanting to buy that's for sale, just for you only!
Fort Belknap Water Settlement of 2019

Here we go again. The Fort Belknap Water Bill 1394 died in D.C. Now Fort Belknap Indian Council has written a new water bill for 2019 and have shown this bill to Phillips and Valley Counties, Montana County Commissioners in mid January. Senator Jon Tester sponsored 1394 and most likely will sponsor the 2019 water settlement bill. I would think most people who do not like the giveaway of tens of thousands of state and federal lands that are included in this "Water Bill" along with millions of dollars will ask our senators and congressmen to oppose this bill. One should contact Senator Testers office and ask that he have a hearing period and a letter writing period so we can voice our opinions on this bill before it going to Washington D.C.! Tester brags that he is for public lands in public hands, but not in this "Water Bill". Most of you people in Eastern Montana cherish the Little Rockies in Phillips County for all aspects of outdoor activity. There are state and other federal lands in total of 58,588 acres in this land giveaway, 20,296 are State land on reservation. I did see the new bill. I for one do not like a senators giving away our public lands along with taxpayers money. What about you! If you are a sportsman who uses Montana outdoors, you might want to write Tester, he has a website for his office, easy to post directly to him. Post under Indian affairs and then Subject: Fort Belknap Water Settlement of 2019. If we jump early on this we might change the possible bad outcome!
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