Well-known member
Enthusiastic welcome to HT!Man, I am late to this conversation. I retired after close to 40 years with the EwwEssEffEess! Loved it and hated it at the same time. Administered OG Permits, Range , Fire Management Officer, Hydrology, Recreation, etc. Folks just don't understand how funding works. Totally micromanaged by congress! When the Cowboys don't want grazing allotments managed, funding is cut to the bone (usually during Republican administrations). Same with timber during Democrat rulers. OG permits, especially hunting, never have funding! You do it when you get a chance. Just issuing permits is usually all you can do. I administered a permit where the outfitter murdered his wife (who he was beating on) and her boyfriend and was never found. Good and bad in that bunch. I had to permit an outfitter that had been convicted of treeing lions, tying the hounds to the tree, and then flying the fat ass hunter from down south somewhere in to kill the lion 2 days later. Convicted by Colorado Division of Wildlife! Went to the good Congress man's office with his SOB story of how Thomas Jefferson was a houndsman and the mean FS was out to get him, and I was instructed to issue the permit. Don't get me going on Range magazine and their BS narratives of how they are abused by land management agencies. Especially Cliven Bundy! Tring to administer grazing allotments can really suck due to the politics involved. Do folks on Hunt Talk realize that the Colorado Cattleman's Association constantly complains about high GMU elk populations? And now they're afraid of wolves? And don't get me started on Fire Mgmt. and how that has sucked half the FS budget down that worthless black hole. I can talk a lot of shit about the FS, good and bad. An IPA and Punch Double Maduro and I can't shut up!