CA lion relocation nonsense


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
western Colorado
Not my home state thankfully but in Cali, instead of just hunting them, or trap and kill, they relocate lions to reduce Bighorn depredation. Seems absurd, but is is California of course. Some of the lions mke a beeline right back after relocation.. Another thing I learned is lions are “charismatic”. LOL

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Not my home state thankfully but in Cali, instead of just hunting them, or trap and kill, they relocate lions to reduce Bighorn depredation. Seems absurd, but is is California of course. Some of the lions mke a beeline right back after relocation.. Another thing I learned is lions are “charismatic”. LOL

Not a good use of conservation dollars. What's the odds that one makes it back from 200 miles next winter and they have to move him again.
California is in decline of almost all big game. It’s going to get tougher in this state
Only a few years ago Fish and Game policy was to not relocate problem cats and bears, period. Now it appears to be a complete 180.
The progression of wildlife management in America is to ban recreational hunting and trapping and replace it with tax-funded sharpshooters and trappers.